Chicago’s South Side Left With Few Food Options After Weekend Violence


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Leftards created their own food desert. Now the people who can’t even travel to get an ID to vote will certainly starve to death.

Darwin Award!

The Leftards created their own food desert. Now the people who can’t even travel to get an ID to vote will certainly starve to death.

Darwin Award!

Business will not locate in the high crime areas.
The Democrats create high unemployment problems.
I do not know anything about Chicago's South Side. Like many other Americans, I would like to put it out of my mind. Life is already depressing enough.

The very little that I know is this:

1. Starting in 1910, many African Americans from the South moved to Chicago.

2. Although there was de facto segregation, the racial separation was nothing like that in the South.

3. Many African Americans tasted comparative equality for the first time in their lives.

4. I do believe that before World War II (and before the drug scourge) many African American children in Chicago lived with both parents.

5. I believe that the level of violence was nowhere near as high as today's.

6. I believe that Chicago once had a great newspaper called the Defender that advocated for equal rights.

7. I believe that the level of violence in Chicago is outrageous and tragic. I believe that even
African American leaders have given up on the matter. So they have moved on to an easier target -- police misconduct.
This is true of predominately poor black areas all over the country. Few grocery stores exist in these areas.

It’s an example of the two Americas we live in. We are the wealthiest third world nation in the world, after all.
This is true of predominately poor black areas all over the country. Few grocery stores exist in these areas.

It’s an example of the two Americas we live in. We are the wealthiest third world nation in the world, after all.
..that's the case in my city black municipalities in my city have a low tax base and higher crime, it's difficult to get stores in there...or any business...or improvements--so--hard to attract businesses and wealthier/etc people to move there are 2 stories:
..I grew up in a mostly black hood.....I went into the USMC for 8 years ..I came back and lived with my parents for 2 years..I went to the local market....this is the first time I had been there in years---and the cops have a black in handcuffs--I guess for shoplifting

...the other thing are the bus routes.....I moved to a mostly white area and was at the shoe store--on the bus route....I'm go in to try on shoes and the cops have a black in handcuffs
---later on, they opened a new store on that bus route...some cops are in there for the opening.....since it is a quiet neighborhood, I stated they are probably not busy that much...they said any of their ''action ''was because of the bus route''''
This is true of predominately poor black areas all over the country. Few grocery stores exist in these areas.

It’s an example of the two Americas we live in. We are the wealthiest third world nation in the world, after all.

Most neighborhoods, regardless of how poor or affluent they are, or their ethnic composition, don't have grocery stores in 2020. My brother lives in an affluent neighborhood in South Carolina and the nearest grocery store is like 7 miles away and he lives in the major metropolitan area of Charleston.

The reason is clear, there are fewer groceries stores as the ones we do have get larger and larger. People expect the variety and efficiency that Walmart can provide but mom and pop can't.
I do not know anything about Chicago's South Side. Like many other Americans, I would like to put it out of my mind. Life is already depressing enough.

The very little that I know is this:

1. Starting in 1910, many African Americans from the South moved to Chicago.

2. Although there was de facto segregation, the racial separation was nothing like that in the South.

3. Many African Americans tasted comparative equality for the first time in their lives.

4. I do believe that before World War II (and before the drug scourge) many African American children in Chicago lived with both parents.

5. I believe that the level of violence was nowhere near as high as today's.

6. I believe that Chicago once had a great newspaper called the Defender that advocated for equal rights.

7. I believe that the level of violence in Chicago is outrageous and tragic. I believe that even
African American leaders have given up on the matter. So they have moved on to an easier target -- police misconduct.
Decades of Democratic Mayors in Chicago as well as 8 years of Obama have done nothing to better the lives of the people who live there.
This is true of predominately poor black areas all over the country. Few grocery stores exist in these areas.

It’s an example of the two Americas we live in. We are the wealthiest third world nation in the world, after all.

Most neighborhoods, regardless of how poor or affluent they are, or their ethnic composition, don't have grocery stores in 2020. My brother lives in an affluent neighborhood in South Carolina and the nearest grocery store is like 7 miles away and he lives in the major metropolitan area of Charleston.

The reason is clear, there are fewer groceries stores as the ones we do have get larger and larger. People expect the variety and efficiency that Walmart can provide but mom and pop can't.
..I have 2 is within a mile and the other within 2.5 miles my city, the major grocery store has multiple locations...the 2 in the blacks neighborhoods were broken into
Who would want to put or rebuild a Small Business or Large Retail Business in these cities?

The tremendous Family Dollar chain has been establishing 1000's of hood locations across the fruited plain.

If you go into their store, the PA system has a message on a loop, advising shoppers in the hood that shoplifting is against Ohio State Law
I do not know anything about Chicago's South Side. Like many other Americans, I would like to put it out of my mind. Life is already depressing enough.

The very little that I know is this:

1. Starting in 1910, many African Americans from the South moved to Chicago.

2. Although there was de facto segregation, the racial separation was nothing like that in the South.

3. Many African Americans tasted comparative equality for the first time in their lives.

4. I do believe that before World War II (and before the drug scourge) many African American children in Chicago lived with both parents.

5. I believe that the level of violence was nowhere near as high as today's.

6. I believe that Chicago once had a great newspaper called the Defender that advocated for equal rights.

7. I believe that the level of violence in Chicago is outrageous and tragic. I believe that even
African American leaders have given up on the matter. So they have moved on to an easier target -- police misconduct.
Decades of Democratic Mayors in Chicago as well as 8 years of Obama have done nothing to better the lives of the people who live there.

I used to buy alot of cocaine in one hood in the 1980s it is an oasis of white $300,000 condos..

Just saying
Dare we say it? The WORST thing that ever happened to Black families in this country was a "Liberal" initiative, intended to HELP single, mainly Black, mothers. "Aid to Families with Dependent Children." This program gave ADDITIONAL MONEY to single mothers, as long as the father was not in the home.


Virtually every anti-social factor in society is dramatically increased when the family is headed by a single female. Disastrous school dropout rate, early interactions with the criminal justice system, substance abuse, unemployment, etc. Interestingly, when a family is headed by a single MALE, these stats are essentially the same as for a two-parent family.

Everything else flows directly out of this tragic program to "help" Black single mothers. Is there any better example of the Law of Unintended Consequences in all of American history?
I do not know anything about Chicago's South Side. Like many other Americans, I would like to put it out of my mind. Life is already depressing enough.

The very little that I know is this:

1. Starting in 1910, many African Americans from the South moved to Chicago.

2. Although there was de facto segregation, the racial separation was nothing like that in the South.

3. Many African Americans tasted comparative equality for the first time in their lives.

4. I do believe that before World War II (and before the drug scourge) many African American children in Chicago lived with both parents.

5. I believe that the level of violence was nowhere near as high as today's.

6. I believe that Chicago once had a great newspaper called the Defender that advocated for equal rights.

7. I believe that the level of violence in Chicago is outrageous and tragic. I believe that even
African American leaders have given up on the matter. So they have moved on to an easier target -- police misconduct.
Decades of Democratic Mayors in Chicago as well as 8 years of Obama have done nothing to better the lives of the people who live there.

I used to buy alot of cocaine in one hood in the 1980s it is an oasis of white $300,000 condos..

Just saying
You have gentrifying of small areas that moves the ghettos further in other directions.
This is true of predominately poor black areas all over the country. Few grocery stores exist in these areas.

It’s an example of the two Americas we live in. We are the wealthiest third world nation in the world, after all.

Most neighborhoods, regardless of how poor or affluent they are, or their ethnic composition, don't have grocery stores in 2020. My brother lives in an affluent neighborhood in South Carolina and the nearest grocery store is like 7 miles away and he lives in the major metropolitan area of Charleston.

The reason is clear, there are fewer groceries stores as the ones we do have get larger and larger. People expect the variety and efficiency that Walmart can provide but mom and pop can't.

I can think of six grocery stores off the top of my head within three miles or less from my home.
And it's a wealthy area.
Is your bros house in a new development and things just havent caught up yet?
I do not know anything about Chicago's South Side. Like many other Americans, I would like to put it out of my mind. Life is already depressing enough.

The very little that I know is this:

1. Starting in 1910, many African Americans from the South moved to Chicago.

2. Although there was de facto segregation, the racial separation was nothing like that in the South.

3. Many African Americans tasted comparative equality for the first time in their lives.

4. I do believe

5. I believe

6. I believe

7. I believe

If you know so little then why bother posting? Why waste our time and expect us, left or right, to do the research to reply to what you were too lazy to look up and learn for yourself before you posted?

Have you been to South Chicago? Have you been to Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina? Believe me; the segregation is far worse in Chicago than in the south today.
Who would want to put or rebuild a Small Business or Large Retail Business in these cities?

The tremendous Family Dollar chain has been establishing 1000's of hood locations across the fruited plain.

If you go into their store, the PA system has a message on a loop, advising shoppers in the hood that shoplifting is against Ohio State Law
against the law unless you are black
Who would want to put or rebuild a Small Business or Large Retail Business in these cities?

The tremendous Family Dollar chain has been establishing 1000's of hood locations across the fruited plain.

If you go into their store, the PA system has a message on a loop, advising shoppers in the hood that shoplifting is against Ohio State Law
against the law unless you are black

They don't mention that in the Family Dollar Store in the hood. I've shopped there many times, always felt like a marshmallow in a cup of hot chocolate

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