Primary Job of Police is to Protect Criminals


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Also they protect the politicians they serve.

They’re learning that in Chicago right now.

“Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city will not tolerate vigilantism after groups of mostly white men patrolled the streets of the Bridgeport neighborhood on Wednesday night in response to a nearby city protest.”

So what’s she going to do about it, call the cops?

groups of mostly white men
Does that mean some people who wouldnt vote for Joe Biden(you aint black enough) are patrolling the neighborhoods?
They’re learning that in Chicago right now.

“Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city will not tolerate vigilantism after groups of mostly white men patrolled the streets of the Bridgeport neighborhood on Wednesday night in response to a nearby city protest.”

So what’s she going to do about it, call the cops?

The right to self-defence is a human right, these groups on patrol have a right to patrol to protect their community. This Mayor woman has no problem allowing massive groups of Blacks to be on the rampage, rioting and looting. She is of course a Black racist, the problem she has is that the group mentioned in the article are all White men wanting to protect their community from the feral zoo animals who wish to go into their community to riot and loot and rape and probably also to murder and in the full knowledge of knowing that they are ALLOWED now to do this because ANYONE apprehending and/or stopping them will IMMEDIATELY be denounced as being a racist.
They’re learning that in Chicago right now.

“Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city will not tolerate vigilantism after groups of mostly white men patrolled the streets of the Bridgeport neighborhood on Wednesday night in response to a nearby city protest.”

So what’s she going to do about it, call the cops?

The right to self-defence is a human right, these groups on patrol have a right to patrol to protect their community. This Mayor woman has no problem allowing massive groups of Blacks to be on the rampage, rioting and looting. She is of course a Black racist, the problem she has is that the group mentioned in the article are all White men wanting to protect their community from the feral zoo animals who wish to go into their community to riot and loot and rape and probably also to murder and in the full knowledge of knowing that they are ALLOWED now to do this because ANYONE apprehending and/or stopping them will IMMEDIATELY be denounced as being a racist.

^^^^ Candycorn thinks peoples (White ones) having a RIGHT to defend themselves is funny, Candycorn obviously wants the feral zoo animals to be allowed to just be allowed to start killing peoples (White ones) Wonder if Candycorn has been out there rioting and looting with her friends the feral zoo animals OR is she just sitting in her basement on her fat buttocks being an Internet Warrior?
When liberal run cities continually limit what their police can do based on political correctness, our law enforcement is degraded and drug use, alcohol abuse, spousal abuse, immorality and defiance of police are all increased. The liberal way is self destructive. Democrats are evil.
When liberal run cities continually limit what their police can do based on political correctness, our law enforcement is degraded and drug use, alcohol abuse, spousal abuse, immorality and defiance of police are all increased. The liberal way is self destructive. Democrats are evil.

The Democrats and the MSM and Co. are ALL blaming The Donald for these Black communities being Shit Holes, they have to think that all NORMAL peoples are stupid NOT to know that these SAME Black communities have been run by DEMOCRATS for 50-55 years.

Democrats have had 50-55 years to fix these Black communities BUT the Leftist Agenda has been to KEEP these Black communities and the Blacks DOWN, to keep them in poverty and 100% relying on Democrats for EVERYTHING, this is how they keep them on the Black Plantation, the Democrats ONLY care about the Blacks at election time, all other time they do not give a shit about them. The Blacks are STILL the Democrats SLAVES and the Democrats are STILL the Blacks MASTERS.

The Democrats have done ZERO about the high crime and high murder rate in Black areas, they have done ZERO to fix the schools and to have Job Skill programmes to train young Blacks in specific job skills so they can get a job and earn their own money and lift THEMSELVES out of the shit and the violence. Democrats have never wanted Blacks to lift themselves out of this hole they are in because doing so would be counterproductive to the Democrat Party and they are out there 24/7 blaming Donald Trump for THEIR FAILURES for the 50-55 YEAR FAILURES of the DEMOCRAT PARTY. Disgusting and pure evil.

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