Chart Of The Day: Recession Dead Ahead?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The house of cards will fall all around Obama and I will gloat


The chart below showing the annual increase, or rather, decrease in US factory orders which have now declined for 6 months in a row (so one can't blame either the west coast port strike or the weather) pretty much speaks for itself, and also which way the US "recovery" (whose GDP is about to crash to the 1.2% where the Atlanta Fed is modeling it, or even lower) is headed.

As the St Louis Fed so kindly reminds us, the two previous times US manufacturing orders declined at this rate on an unadjusted (or adjusted) basis, the US economy was already in a recession.

Chart Of The Day Recession Dead Ahead Zero Hedge
Isn't that great stuff! It isn't often that a nutter will admit his desire for the. US economy to falter. This sort of thing is usually couched in some kind of fake patriotism.

The OP will gloat if we go into another recession. Awesome.
Isn't that great stuff! It isn't often that a nutter will admit his desire for the. US economy to falter. This sort of thing is usually couched in some kind of fake patriotism.

The OP will gloat if we go into another recession. Awesome.

Yes I will. It will prove I/we were right, and you and your kind were wrong..... in electing Obama....

He is indeed transforming this nation. And if you losers get your way in 16, the final nail in the American coffin will be seated.

Isn't that great stuff! It isn't often that a nutter will admit his desire for the. US economy to falter. This sort of thing is usually couched in some kind of fake patriotism.

The OP will gloat if we go into another recession. Awesome.

Yes I will. It will prove I/we were right, and you and your kind were wrong..... in electing Obama....

He is indeed transforming this nation. And if you losers get your way in 16, the final nail in the American coffin will be seated.

You are an awesome American!

Non-stop mixed economic signals for over three years now. Every time we get some good news we get our hopes up, and then along comes some contrary data. I don't remember a similar stretch like that.

And all this with QE/Infinity. Worse, it pushed the market up artificially, masking the negative data. That was an unexpected side effect, but we're in chartered waters here. The economy has never been nearly as strong as some have thought the market reflected.

Fuck. I don't know. Not cool to celebrate what could happen though.

Ah yes, these lovely 'Conservatives'. When they are not wishing for a chance to shoot their fellow Americans, they are wishing bankruptcy, starvation, and homelessness on them. And then they wonder why we won't let them near the seats of power.

Non-stop mixed economic signals for over three years now. Every time we get some good news we get our hopes up, and then along comes some contrary data. I don't remember a similar stretch like that.

And all this with QE/Infinity. Worse, it pushed the market up artificially, masking the negative data. That was an unexpected side effect, but we're in chartered waters here. The economy has never been nearly as strong as some have thought the market reflected.

Fuck. I don't know. Not cool to celebrate what could happen though.


Perhaps- We will survive though, not so sure about the liberal leftist

If the DOW loses 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when the secret muslim communist took office. Good luck to the OP especially since none of those doom and gloom scenarios regarding Obamacare panned out for you. 6 years later and he`s still pouting about losing an election...two of them in fact.

Non-stop mixed economic signals for over three years now. Every time we get some good news we get our hopes up, and then along comes some contrary data. I don't remember a similar stretch like that.

And all this with QE/Infinity. Worse, it pushed the market up artificially, masking the negative data. That was an unexpected side effect, but we're in chartered waters here. The economy has never been nearly as strong as some have thought the market reflected.

Fuck. I don't know. Not cool to celebrate what could happen though.


Perhaps- We will survive though, not so sure about the liberal leftist

Nothing is going to substantially change politically any time soon, so businesses are going to remain in a defensive posture.

Just remember that if we go south a lot of people will be hurt.

If the DOW loses 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when the secret muslim communist took office. Good luck to the OP especially since none of those doom and gloom scenarios regarding Obamacare panned out for you. 6 years later and he`s still pouting about losing an election...two of them in fact.
Actually the rich have gotten richer, if that's your premise, you're correct. For those that haven't been able to benefit from the stock market, the depression hasn't ended.

Non-stop mixed economic signals for over three years now. Every time we get some good news we get our hopes up, and then along comes some contrary data. I don't remember a similar stretch like that.

And all this with QE/Infinity. Worse, it pushed the market up artificially, masking the negative data. That was an unexpected side effect, but we're in chartered waters here. The economy has never been nearly as strong as some have thought the market reflected.

Fuck. I don't know. Not cool to celebrate what could happen though.


Perhaps- We will survive though, not so sure about the liberal leftist

Nothing is going to substantially change politically any time soon, so businesses are going to remain in a defensive posture.

Just remember that if we go south a lot of people will be hurt.


That's out of my control. And frankly, I won't have much sympathy for the ones who brought this on us... Obama supporters

One leftist.
Many leftists.
Supposed to.

Now this just in. More good news for Obama's economy


The Second Round of the Crisis Will DWARF 2008 In Size and Scope

If you are an investor, your big concern should not be about what to stocks… but what happens when the bond bubble goes bust.

All of the biggest problems in the financial world revolve around the bond markets today:

1) Greece’s sovereign debt crisis

2) The Bank of Japan is purchasing ALL new debt issuance in Japan.

3) The Fed is terrified of higher interest rates because ever 1% change means over $100 billion more in interest payments on the US debt.

For 30+ years, sovereign nations have been papering over the decline in living standards by issuing debt. In its simplest rendering, sovereign nations spent more than they could collect in taxes, so they issued debt (borrowed money) to fund their various welfare schemes.

This was usually sold as a “temporary” issue. But as politicians have shown us time and again, overspending is never a temporary issue. Today, a whopping 47% of American households receive some kind of Government benefit. This is not temporary… this is endemic.

All of this is spending is being financed by borrowed money… hence, the bond bubble, the biggest bubble in financial history: an incredible $100 trillion monster that is now growing by trillions of dollars every few months.

We do not write that point for effect. Look at the vertical ramp in US debt. Over the last five years.


Indeed, the US issued a total of $1 trillion in new debt over an 8 week period in late 2014 alone.

The reasons it did this? Because it doesn’t have the money to pay off the debt that is coming due from the past… so it simply issues NEW debt to raise the money to pay back the OLD debt.

The Second Round of the Crisis Will DWARF 2008 In Size and Scope Zero Hedge
The house of cards will fall all around Obama and I will gloat


The chart below showing the annual increase, or rather, decrease in US factory orders which have now declined for 6 months in a row (so one can't blame either the west coast port strike or the weather) pretty much speaks for itself, and also which way the US "recovery" (whose GDP is about to crash to the 1.2% where the Atlanta Fed is modeling it, or even lower) is headed.

As the St Louis Fed so kindly reminds us, the two previous times US manufacturing orders declined at this rate on an unadjusted (or adjusted) basis, the US economy was already in a recession.

Chart Of The Day Recession Dead Ahead Zero Hedge
In my opinion, and in the opinion of others, the recession/depression never ended. Yes, we're headed straight for another backward slide economically. There never was a positive workable doable catalyst to lift the economy and the people out of a recession. Without government debt, which has acted as the only supporting factor that's kept our heads above water thus far, we would be in a lot worse shape than we are now. Astronomical debt can only support the economy for so long before the crushing weight becomes unbearable to shoulder. Yes, the recession/depression partially ended for the rich, super rich, Wall Street, the financial institutions, and to an extent corporate America. But, John Q. Public never caught up, nor bounced back from the harsh effects of the initial collapse.

We can see the obvious if we look at the big picture. The big picture includes lost home equity, troubled pension funds, cities going bankrupt, the gap between real wages and the cost of living, the real unemployment picture, deteriorating infrastructure, trade deficits, the rapidly rising national debt, malls becoming ghost buildings, large retail chains going belly-up, homes in some areas selling for less than half of what they were selling for 8 years ago, employers offering less company paid benefits, the cost of food, rent, and utilities, rising health care cost, the need for the government to consider higher taxes, the troubled construction industry, our growing dependency on cheap foreign imports, the rising cost of higher education, colleges in financial trouble, employers producing more with less employees, the unemployment rate of the 50 and older generation, part-time jobs, temporary jobs, and low wage jobs dominating the employment arena, college grads flipping burgers and living with parents, the influx of foreign workers, off-shore job out-sourcing, the almost nil interest earned on savings accounts, and the list goes on and on and on and on.

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