Charlie Kirk Calls For Californians To Be Barred From Republican States, calls them "locusts"

They certainly are having an impact on neighboring states. Here in Oregon, it is now solidly blue thanks in large part to Californians that have been moving here for the last few decades.

Charlie Kirk Calls For Californians To Be Barred From Republican States: They Are ‘Locusts’ That Destroy Everything​

There is a reason people are leaving from California. They long for low taxes and the truth. I will pray for every one of them tonight, and hope they share more good than bad, for at least they will be grateful for not having to be in the same world where riots and disrespect for first responders will be far behind them. Most of them will appreciate the kindness that will be shown to them, but not all of them will be able to stand the chill weather that Montana and Utah for the long winters. Charlie Kirk is kind of a cheerful guy, but he didn't grow up when parents were teaching their children to love everybody, and being a good neighbor to people from other states and countries, apparently. Calling a human being a locust is nowhere in the Bible to my knowledge, and I grew up in a family that crossed state lines many times, and my parents had the attitude that was a good thing to be able to go to places that seemed like foreign countries, except that freedom to come and go across state lines was a right of being a citizen of the United States. My Dad served in 3 or 4 major confrontations in the service to his country years, but we always considered Texas our home state since six of us were born there, and Dad said he didn't know which side of the Red River he was born in, as his Dad was a travelling preacher, and there were a lot of kids in the family that his mother couldn't remember exactly where he was born--Texas or Oklahoma, since they often travelled and pitched a tent if housing wasn't available at the Church where the revival was held. After Dad passed away, I found his birth certificate was registered at Ft. Sill Oklahoma, but things were way different than they are now since we all have cars, not horses and horse-drawn wagons. Nobody banned you from their states back then.

Marginalization of human beings as "insects" or "animals" is a dullard communications tool. I hope Mr. Kirk refrains from marginalizing Californians who are his fellow Americans, in the future. The real suffering we may see in the future is if terrorists who crossed the borders congregate to our demise as a country. The best thing we can do for each other is to accept others, treat them right, welcome them to our churches and communities, and pray to God they will like where we are better than where they were on account of the hospitality we give them for leaving an untenable political system with taxes misspent on things too repugnant to mention.

The good book says: Deuteronomy 10:19 | Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
In the Book of Luke, there is a parable about who is one's neighbor, and this good read explains the why of caring for strangers: Who Your Neighbor Really Is according to the Bible
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