Catholics: What do u think of the pope, so called?

Is your priest a Catholic - are you a Catholic?

And with negative emotions you are not able to learn from Francesco. So find a pope who you love. John Paul II for example or John XXIII.
My pope is the first one, the one who intimately knew Our Lord, St Peter

thanks for the reminder that I need to pray to him more... mostly about the sad state of affairs in his Church on Earth

Mormons can have more than one wife, Catholic women can't be priests. Maybe Catholics treat women better than Mormoms but not much.
when I came back to the Catholic Church many moons ago... I noticed that women are treated well... not by all men in the Church, that is true... but in any case.. hate to keep repeating this but we are all sinners...

so why do we expect people to act right (not discriminate against genders or whatever)?

hopeless... best to focus on Jesus who knows everything there is to know about love .. and TRUTH and all kinds of wonderful things..
when I came back to the Catholic Church many moons ago... I noticed that women are treated well... not by all men in the Church, that is true... but in any case.. hate to keep repeating this but we are all sinners...

so why do we expect people to act right (not discriminate against genders or whatever)?

hopeless... best to focus on Jesus who knows everything there is to know about love .. and TRUTH and all kinds of wonderful things..
Jesus? You've never even met the cat. All you are going by is the Catholic Church and the book some person wrote around 1800 years ago.

Jesus never wrote or said anything. But some church tells you about this character and what he said 2000 years ago and I'm supposed to worship this person?

If Jesus knows everything there is to know about love, don't you too? He taught you. It's all in the book he didn't write. So if he knows everything and he wrote a book to teach you, don't you also know everything? And doesn't every pope know everything?
how ironic (highlighted)

but in any case...

u are illogical. A Church founded by God Himself (Jesus is God..) would NEVER fail...


people fail
popes are people

But the CHURCH Christ founded does NOT fail

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" (Mt 1618)

The Catholic Church was founded by the Roman Empower Constantine.

As far as I can tell, Jesus of Nazareth has little to nothing to do with the Church of Rome.

The Apostle Peter was never in Rome, never gave any keys to anyone, was never a pagan "Pontiff." Catholicism was a fraud from day one, and continues to be now.
No one expects a serious or rational answer from you in any way.

The man who wears the funny hate is a Marxist cocksucker - that's a fact. It may be an insult to Rodrigo to compare this pile of shit to him..

It's by the way a typical form of Nazi and/or Commie propaganda to repeat continously the own hate messages and to try to brainwash everyone with this extremely stupid method.
Not really, but It's a a good song about the brave 189 Swiss Guards that gave up their lives in 1527 to save the Pope.

"For the grace, for the might of our lord For the home of the holy For the faith, for the way of the sword Gave their lives so boldly For the grace, for the might of our lord In the name of his glory For the faith, for the way of the sword Come and tell their story again!"

It is said Saint Francis had been deeply dissapointed from the crusaders when he was a crusader on his own in the Holy Land. He thought the crusaders will convince the people from the Christian religion with rationality and love. It is said a commander of the Muslims found this mad stupid Christian very funny and gave him the allowness to live under his people. After a short time he threw him out. He did not know how - but this stupid weird man found more and more friends and the will of his people to fight with weapons for god sank.

In general: Thinks really anyone in the world that our beloved god - who is allmighty - needs bloody weapons to defend him?
It's by the way a typical form of Nazi and/or Commie propaganda to repeat continously the own hate messages and to try to brainwash everyone with this extremely stupid method.

What message is that?

That water is wet? Sorry, it is.

That Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a life long Marxist, an advocate of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez is simply fact that anyone with and IQ above 3 can find in seconds. Calling him "Francis" doesn't change that this pile of shit is a life long Communist and remains so. The Borgia Pope is a scumbag, that is a fact.
What message is that?

That water is wet? Sorry, it is.

That Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a life long Marxist, an advocate of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez is simply fact that anyone with and IQ above 3 can find in seconds. Calling him "Francis" doesn't change that this pile of shit is a life long Communist and remains so. The Borgia Pope is a scumbag, that is a fact.

You do exactly what I said, ideologist. You use every chance for your unmotivated stream of hate speech - that's why it is boring "to speak" with brainwashers like you.
Source for this hypothese?


You really are quite stupid.

The term "Pontiff" is a pagan - Roman - title that predates Christianity by at least the 5 centuries. The Pontiff of the Temple of Jupiter was the highest religious figure in Rome.

The Roman Emperor Constantine established himself as the head of the church around 313 A.D., which made this new "Christianity" the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine named himself "Pontiff" as a pagan would, it was what he knew. In doing so, he destroyed the Christian Church and established the Catholic Church, using the Roman top down structure that remains to this day.
Do you realize how insane you sound? I thought there was only one god? Second, the Mormons don’t deny Christ happened 2022 years ago and the Catholic Church was the original one true church. But during the dark ages your popes were very dark.

What you call "dark age" is the birth of our current world. Do you say to a pregnant woman "You pregnacy is a dark age?". In the so middles ages for example 1/3 of a year had been holy days without work. Some people travelled thousands of miles on a pilgrimage for two or more years. And to take a bath together with the own lover in a common barrel was also a nice thing. ... and so on ...

And this church lost its moral authority and connection with god.

The Catholic church lost what?

Everyone knows the sick immoral evil history of your popes.

I guess you speak about a time when the nobles of the city of Rome elected the Pope - which is by the way in gerneral the oldest active election of the world. And why I am sure now that you now in the moment knownot any concrete pope in his time of history and what really had happened there. You live in an abstract world where everything is simple and easy - except your own life and the life of ... ?

Some paid to be popes. Some were evil. Cruel. Mean. Corrupt. We all know this history so you must too right?

Im not a Mormon but they have a great story on why your church is wrong and theirs right. Just sayin. You can’t dissuade them either.

You will perhaps not be able to see this - but it is really sometimes amusing and also astonishing for members of foreign cultures to have to see that US-Americans normally try to reduce everything to a story of rivalry. Mormons vs Catholics is not a theme for Catholics. We are the church of the children of god. If a Mormon needs help she/he is also able to ask Catholics to help her/him. And this is not a question of a price like to have to become a Catholic. On the other side we will normally not hurt our own values. So our answers will always be open (=not predefined) in a concrete context of the future which we will have to understand first.
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You are ignorant.
How is someone not able to see your evil character and your wish to destroy the life of others just for fun - except you on your own? But don't worry: You will win. One day you will "kill" the last Catholic while you'll lose the belief in god because god did not tell you to do so.

You really are quite stupid.

The term "Pontiff" is a pagan - Roman - title that predates Christianity by at least the 5 centuries. The Pontiff of the Temple of Jupiter was the highest religious figure in Rome.

The Roman Emperor Constantine established himself as the head of the church around 313 A.D., which made this new "Christianity" the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine named himself "Pontiff" as a pagan would, it was what he knew.

He was a pagan. I have here a list of many "pontifex maximus" (~ "main bridge builder") of the Roman republic. This title existed since about the year 500 BC.

In doing so, he destroyed the Christian Church and established the Catholic Church, using the Roman top down structure that remains to this day.

Constantine never had been the head of the Christian church. The head of the Christian church had been the πάππας, the pappas, the papa, the pope. Marcellinus (+304) was named "papa" in a tomb inscription. Constantine was emperor in 306-337.

And in general means "western world" a world living out of the power of the ancient Greek and Roman civilisation.
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How is someone not able to see your evil character and your wish to destroy the life of others just for fun - except you on your own? But don't worry: You will win. One day you will "kill" the last Catholic while you'll lose the belief in god because god did not tell you to do so.

Opposing Communism is stopping the destruction of life.

No one has ever murdered as many peace time civilians as you Communists. The Borgia Pope is a Communist. I see little indication that he has anything to do with Christianity.

Oh, and the Vicar of Marx does far more to "kill" Catholicism than an agnostic like I could ever do.

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