Catholics: What do u think of the pope, so called?

Well, as my priest said

lol at his candidness

The Church has had many bad popes. Francis is just one of them..

so true... I don't know about ALL the popes, have studied just a few... but boy, has there been so bad ones!

St Peter of course, was the best one... sigh

the good old days... (and I wasn't even there... !

but I just know...)
Pope Francis is a great pope.
What's a totally stupid nonsense propaganda.

Jews and Germans are by the way the same for me and I guess Jews and Americans would be also the same for me in your country.

To be social and to be communistic is a very big difference. And we live in a time where everyone needs some money. So everyone needs a job - otherwise someone has to die or to become criminal. So what do you do with the people who don't get a job?

Here you say "the Democrats" (political party) are not democrats. From my point of view I do not see this argument.







A summary of empty phrases, isn't it?

You wade into American politics which you have no grasp of .

The use of scapegoats was not invented by Hitler, but his Reich was the master of the scapegoat - until the new democrat Reich. The hatred of white people is the foundation of the democrat power base.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National SOCIALIST workers party were very clear that they were and are Socialists - as the democrat Reich is.

American democrats are a fascist party, they have been coopted by George Soros, the new Adolf Hitler, and his minions.
You wade into American politics which you have no grasp of .

Like all US-Americans?

The use of scapegoats was not invented by Hitler, but his Reich was the master of the scapegoat - until the new democrat Reich.

The totalitarian superidiot Adolf Hitler had been an enemy of the democracy of Germany and destroyed it. One myth in this context is by the way that Hitler had been elected from the people to become Reichskanzler. That's not really true. The last unmanipulated elections in Germany had been in November 1932. Hitler's party got 33% - what means he lost 5% (=he lost about 15% of his voters). The most people who voted for Hitler had not been convinced Nazis on their own but protesters against the situation in Germany. Hitler governed with exceptional statuts. The "Democrats" of Germany, the political party SPD - the oldest of all political parties here -, had been the only party who voted against Hitlers enabling statute.

The hatred of white people is the foundation of the democrat power base.

The votes of the most US-Americans brought the political party "the Democvrats" in power in the USA. President of the USA is Joe Biden. Donald Trump lost. Fortunatelly he lost if I take a look at the current incalculable political situation of the world. We need professionals now.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the National SOCIALIST workers party were very clear that they were and are Socialists - as the democrat Reich is.

Hitler tried to get votes from the right (=national) and the left (=workers) voters. Pragmatism is the only reason for this absurde name. The party program of Adolf Hitler had been Adolf Hitler - what's also a common element with Donald Trump. The party program of Donald Trump is Donad Trump - and only Donald Trump - and not also such unimportant things like the USA. His friend and supporter Vladimir Putin is perhaps more important for Donald Trump than the people in the USA.

American democrats are a fascist party,

Says a useful idiot of Nazis or a real Nazi?

they have been coopted by George Soros, the new Adolf Hitler, and his minions.

George who?

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He was never a pope.

Francesco is pope of the Holy Catholic Church. His chance to become pope had not been very high - but on the second day of the conclave of 115 cardinals (=electoral college) he got more than 2/3rd of all votes and so he is the first not-European pope in the history of the Holy Catholic Church.
Like all US-Americans?
No, like mal-educated Euro-trash.
The totalitarian superidiot Adolf Hitler had been an enemy of the democracy of Germany and destroyed it.


American democrats, the 4th Reich, are long time enemies of the United States Constitution and are on the cusp of destroying it.

One myth in this context is by the way that Hitler had been elected from the people to become Reichskanzler. That's not really true. The last unmanipulated elections in Germany had been in November 1932. Hitler's party got 33% - what means he lost 5% (=he lost about 15% of his voters). The most people who voted for Hitler had not been convinced Nazis on their own but protesters against the situation in Germany. Hitler governed with exceptional statuts. The "Democrats" of Germany, the political party SPD - the oldest of all political parties here -, had been the only party who voted against Hitlers enabling statute.


You seriously are an idiot.

{But that was not enough for Hitler either. In February 1933, Hitler blamed a devastating Reichstag fire on the communists (its true cause remains a mystery) and convinced President Hindenburg to sign a decree suspending individual and civil liberties, a decree Hitler used to silence his political enemies with false arrests. Hitler then proceeded to purge the Brown Shirts (his storm troopers), the head of which, Ernst Röhm, had began voicing opposition to the Nazi Party’s terror tactics. Hitler had Röhm executed without trial, which encouraged the army and other reactionary forces within the country to urge Hitler to further consolidate his power by merging the presidency and the chancellorship. Hindenburg died of lung cancer on August 2, 1934. A plebiscite vote was held on August 19. Intimidation, and fear of the communists, brought Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator.}

The same thing happened here in America.

Our Reichstag fire was January 6th 2021. The Gestapo infiltrated a peaceful protest and instigated violence which was then used to launch a campaign of terror against enemies of the Nazi democrat party. 734 political prisoners remain in the gulag as designated enemies of the Reich. The Nazi party uses the Reichstag Fire as propaganda to haze enemies as we speak.

The votes of the most US-Americans brought the political party "the Democvrats" in power in the USA. President of the USA is Joe Biden. Donald Trump lost. Fortunatelly he lost if I take a look at the current incalculable political situation of the world. We need professionals now.

Hitler tried to get votes from the right (=national) and the left (=workers) voters. Pragmatism is the only reason for this absurde name. The party program of Adolf Hitler had been Adolf Hitler - what's also a common element with Donald Trump. The party program of Donald Trump is Donad Trump - and only Donald Trump - and not also such unimportant things like the USA. His friend and supporter Vladimir Putin is perhaps more important for Donald Trump than the people in the USA.

Says a useful idiot of Nazis or a real Nazi?

George who?

{“We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of today’s capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of human beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy this system whatever happens!”} - Gregor Strasser - Economic Minister of the Nazi Party.
sorry, but I know from experience that non Catholics don't listen to Catholics so I am a little...

tired of banging my head against a walll more/less

want to know what the CHURCH really teaches? you can attend afree RCIA class...

the person leading it will answer your Qs...

people should do this bc it is tiresome seeing how universally ignorant protestants are of CAtholicism
I asked my brother what he thinks about born agains saying we have to be baptized again as adults, in order to be saved. Not enough we did it as babies. Have to do it again.

He had a great reply. Born agains think they’ve been saved. No more needs to be done. They can be dicks, still beautiful heaven awaits. Us Greek othodox, and probably Catholics, believe you spend your entire life trying to be saved when that day comes. To be “born again” after you die.
Us Greek othodox, and probably Catholics, believe you spend your entire life trying to be saved when that day comes. To be “born again” after you die.
Gale Sayers lived by this philosophy: "God is first, others second, I am third." I read his book, I am Third in 1970, and in all the years since I have not read a better summary of being Born Again.

Being third is not trying to be saved. It is what being Born Again in water and Spirit is.
I asked my brother what he thinks about born agains saying we have to be baptized again as adults, in order to be saved. Not enough we did it as babies. Have to do it again.

He had a great reply. Born agains think they’ve been saved. No more needs to be done. They can be dicks, still beautiful heaven awaits. Us Greek othodox, and probably Catholics, believe you spend your entire life trying to be saved when that day comes. To be “born again” after you die.

A day ago you were claiming to be Mormon.

You're too dumb to keep your lies straight...
Gale Sayers lived by this philosophy: "God is first, others second, I am third." I read his book, I am Third in 1970, and in all the years since I have not read a better summary of being Born Again.

Being third is not trying to be saved. It is what being Born Again in water and Spirit is.

That was a good (sad) book. The basis of "Brian's Song."
No, like mal-educated Euro-trash.


American democrats, the 4th Reich,

The so called 2nd and third empires of Germany (Prussian empire and Nazi empire) had absolutelly nothing to do with the Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) nation. And what your totally stupid nonsense should have to do with it is also more than only a mystery.

are long time enemies of the United States Constitution and are on the cusp of destroying it.



You seriously are an idiot.

You seriosly don't have a big idea about religion - the theme here - nor a big idea about what's the common sense of politics.

{But that was not enough for Hitler either. In February 1933, Hitler blamed a devastating Reichstag fire on the communists (its true cause remains a mystery) and convinced President Hindenburg to sign a decree suspending individual and civil liberties, a decree Hitler used to silence his political enemies with false arrests. Hitler then proceeded to purge the Brown Shirts (his storm troopers), the head of which, Ernst Röhm, had began voicing opposition to the Nazi Party’s terror tactics. Hitler had Röhm executed without trial, which encouraged the army and other reactionary forces within the country to urge Hitler to further consolidate his power by merging the presidency and the chancellorship. Hindenburg died of lung cancer on August 2, 1934. A plebiscite vote was held on August 19. Intimidation, and fear of the communists, brought Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator.}

The same thing happened here in America.

Our Reichstag fire was January 6th 2021. The Gestapo infiltrated a peaceful protest and instigated violence which was then used to launch a campaign of terror against enemies of the Nazi democrat party. 734 political prisoners remain in the gulag as designated enemies of the Reich. The Nazi party uses the Reichstag Fire as propaganda to haze enemies as we speak.

I hope you understand on your own that you called Donald Trump here a follower of Hitler who tries to make the USA to a totalitarian nation from Donald Trumps grace !

{“We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of today’s capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of human beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy this system whatever happens!”} - Gregor Strasser - Economic Minister of the Nazi Party.

"Nice" that you believe in Nazis. I never did do so and I will not start now - more than 75 years after the Nazis - to do so. Strasser made by the way always clear that he liked to get votes as well from the left and the right political spectrum. And so it makes absolutelly not any sense to take a look at anything what Nazis said without the concrete context. Nazis had been pragmatists. Words were only words for them - similar to this what you do. You "create" an unreal world with your words which is only existing in your evilwilling fantasy.
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Gale Sayers lived by this philosophy: "God is first, others second, I am third." I read his book, I am Third in 1970, and in all the years since I have not read a better summary of being Born Again.

Being third is not trying to be saved. It is what being Born Again in water and Spirit is.

What about a title like: "God is my friend, he loves his children and so he loves me too".

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The so called 2nd and third empires of Germany (Prussian empire and Nazi empire) had absolutelly nothing to do with the Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) nation. And what your totally stupid nonsense should have to do with it is also more than only a mystery.


You seriosly don't have a big idea about religion - the theme here - nor a big idea about what's the common sense of politics.

I hope you understand on your own that you called Donald Trump here a follower of Hitler who tries to make the USA to a totalitarian nation from Donald Trumps grace !

"Nice" that you believe in Nazis. I never did do so and I will not start now - more than 75 years after the Nazis - to do so. Strasser made by the way always clear that he liked to get votes as well from the left and the right political spectrum. And so it makes absolutelly not any sense to take a look at anything what Nazis said without the concrete context. Nazis had been pragmatists. Words were only words for them - similar to this what you do. You "create" an unreal world with your words which is only existing in your evilwilling fantasy.

You are an idiot, unswayed by fact or reality.

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