Cat Lovers Thread

I shouldn't have drunk that last Margarita........argh......

I miss fostering. I fostered kittens for most of my adult life, hundreds and hundred of the little blighters. Loved them all then sent them on their way.

After losing several foster litters a few years ago, I decided to take a break and haven't been back to it. Then, moved cross country and have not gotten back to fostering. I am back to working with birds of prey - conditioning for release. Problem is, they look at kittens as noms.

Still - visiting LOL Cats just isn't enough.

its an emotional toll when they die. (((hugs)))

I really did have a bad run for a while. Odd things that we were never able to identify. And, one litter would look great at night and, one after another, be dead in the morning. Got down to the last one, beautiful baby, all of sudden went bad. Drove 30 miles, one way on a Sunday, to the vet and after a long exam and a slew of tests, she discovered he had no rectum.

Another had patent ductus ... can't remember the term and don't feel like hunting ... but the vet said he could live several years but wouldn't get to be an old cat. I decided I'd keep him, took him home. Next morning, he had breakfast and was romping with his sibs and, mid-attack, literally dropped dead.

I had something like 20 kittens go like that and finally just had to quit for awhile. Then life got in the way.

Working with wild animals, a much larger percentage die. I've had to put down a lot of birds of prey.

Ahhh, such a sad story, how very kind of you. I ran a group of baby squirrels who were dying to the wildlife center, and found out my town wasn't supporting the squirrels, saying they aren't part of the community.
I took it to the town counsel and the little squirrels are now part of our community.


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