Capitol rioter breaks down crying in court — gets hit with 68-month prison sentence


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Damn..all that tough guy shit....gone like the wind~

A Marine Corps veteran who participated in the January 6 insurrection just received 68 months in prison — the longest sentence of anyone involved in the attack to date — shortly after giving a tearful speech to the judge trying to beg for leniency, according to POLITICO on Wednesday.
"Daniel Caldwell, a 51-year-old Marine Corps veteran, delivered a tearful apology in court to the officers he sprayed, expressing remorse for his actions that day and pleading with U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly for mercy," reported Kyle Cheney. "But Kollar-Kotelly repeatedly described Caldwell as an 'insurrectionist' and noted that his deployment of chemical spray at officers created such an intense cloud that it nearly broke the depleted police line by itself. Though no officers directly attributed their injuries that day to Caldwell’s actions, Kollar-Kotelly said his actions undoubtedly contributed to their physical and psychological trauma."

“You’re entitled to your political views but not to an insurrection,” said Kollar Kotelly as she handed down the sentence. “You were an insurrectionist.”
yeah! Another thread on this. Awesome.
Did a search...found nothing..perhaps you might link a thread specifically about this case and its results?

Edit..found one...but the title did not make the search..oh well...Mods can move if they feel so inclined~

Tears being shed by this Marine on account of Trump throwing his loyalty to the wolves by Trump's cowardice on refusing to lead his lieutenants into the teeth of the battle.

Had Trump stood up and led, their sacrifices would have stood for something more than time in jail.

Do most of Trump's faithful now hope that Trump will pay a price too?
Tears being shed by this Marine on account of Trump throwing his loyalty to the wolves by Trump's cowardice on refusing to lead his lieutenants into the teeth of the battle.

Had Trump stood up and led, their sacrifices would have stood for something more than time in jail.

Do most of Trump's faithful now hope that Trump will pay a price too?
Another bullshit post by you. You really are a joke.
Damn..all that tough guy shit....gone like the wind~

A Marine Corps veteran who participated in the January 6 insurrection just received 68 months in prison — the longest sentence of anyone involved in the attack to date — shortly after giving a tearful speech to the judge trying to beg for leniency, according to POLITICO on Wednesday.
"Daniel Caldwell, a 51-year-old Marine Corps veteran, delivered a tearful apology in court to the officers he sprayed, expressing remorse for his actions that day and pleading with U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly for mercy," reported Kyle Cheney. "But Kollar-Kotelly repeatedly described Caldwell as an 'insurrectionist' and noted that his deployment of chemical spray at officers created such an intense cloud that it nearly broke the depleted police line by itself. Though no officers directly attributed their injuries that day to Caldwell’s actions, Kollar-Kotelly said his actions undoubtedly contributed to their physical and psychological trauma."

“You’re entitled to your political views but not to an insurrection,” said Kollar Kotelly as she handed down the sentence. “You were an insurrectionist.”
It aint over till its over... People remember things. Scorned people never forget...
This is the partisan tainted DOJ abusing its power to punish political opponents. Leftists hate America. Since when did they ever care about insurrection (except when THEY were the insurrectionists)?

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