Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

And the left did not do that to the TEA Party Protests?

How many people were arrested - on average - at any TEA Party protest?

You're funny. I'll give you that. :lol:

funny how there weren't any arrests until jpmorganchase gave a 4.6 million dollar donation to the NYPD...

i think that's funny. don't you?

Can you explain to me why the TEA Party made Nancy Pelosi cry and yet the OWS crowd make her proud?

This is laughable. To anyone with an IQ over room temperature.
funny how there weren't any arrests until jpmorganchase gave a 4.6 million dollar donation to the NYPD...

i think that's funny. don't you?
It could also be a sign that the "police" state is okay with rightwing protestors but not leftwing protestors.

They do tend to arrest college students protesting more than any other protest group.

But... but... but.... I thought these 'spontaneous' protestors were not 'left wing'? Was that a lie? :eek:

Hell? They had to pay some of them in The District Of Criminals...

Organizer admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters [VIDEO]

A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on Thursday afternoon that he paid some Hispanics to attend “Occupy DC” protests happening in the nation’s capital.

TheDC attended the protest event, an expansion of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that began in New York City. Some aspects of the protest, it turned out, are more Astroturf than grassroots.

One group of about ten Hispanic protesters marched behind a Caucasian individual from the DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting rent control in Washington, D.C.

Asked why they were there, some Hispanic protesters holding up English protest signs could not articulate what their signs said.

Interviewed in Spanish, the protesters told conflicting stories about how their group was organized. Some said it was organized at their church, and that they were there as volunteers. Others, however, referred to the man from the DC Tenants Advocacy Coalition — the only Caucasian in the group — as their “boss.”
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

Didn't Cantor just refuse to hold a town meeting?

I bet he is concerned.
Hey if I were an Insider prick, mobs would make me nervious too.

And it wouldn't matter one bit if they were right winger or left wingers.
Government regulates too much to the point of choking the system off.

Obama and the Democrats can't take a hint. Right now the golden goose ceased laying golden eggs and has produced shit. Get the hands off it's neck already.

Taking the hands off the neck of our banking system didn't work out too well, did it? And both the Dems and the GOP were responsible for that.
True. And I am a backer of erraticating the Federal Reserve.

And replace it with what?


The Federal Reserve System - About the US Federal Reserve System and the Banking Industry
First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

Uh---:cuckoo:: Tea Partiers don't sleep in parks--or get arrested.

They are lazy and lack the necessary dedication?

No, they just scare little old ladies out of parks, with bullying and intimidation.

Tea Party of 35 intimidates peaceful picnic of 18 elderly liberal thinkers in Oregon Sunday « Motley News
They are lazy and lack the necessary dedication?

No, they just scare little old ladies out of parks, with bullying and intimidation.

Tea Party of 35 intimidates peaceful picnic of 18 elderly liberal thinkers in Oregon Sunday « Motley News

So you are saying members of the tea party started to act like democrats.

Whats unfair about it?

When I read the part about the 'elderly ladies' being organized by I worked out the agenda behind this 'outrage'.

Man, they really are fucking stupid. It SOP of the left.

a. find out where the TEA is meeting.

b. send a bunch of "elderly" people along to push their buttons.

c. run and tell the media when those "elderly" people get "intimidated".

Alinsky rules. :lol:
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

LOL.........clearly an Ed Shultz show devotee:lol::lol:.........and we all know how many people watch that show!!:funnyface::funnyface: Wry Catcher would be highly comfortable hanging with the fringe elements of society. I like to refer to them as sophisticated homeless people.:lol:

None of the dopes down in Manhattan can even explain why they are there. Like many of the protest movements of the 60's, most attendee's there are people with no place to go and nothing to they show up just to support a "cause"". The populist protests by the clueless have been going on forever. You can always find the hordes who are looking for a free ride. The rest of us are busting our asses working.:D:D
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Cantnor is just protecting his pay- masters ;) He would have been termed a "Loyalist" during the Revolution, todays conservatives :)
Taking the hands off the neck of our banking system didn't work out too well, did it? And both the Dems and the GOP were responsible for that.
True. And I am a backer of erraticating the Federal Reserve.

And replace it with what?


The Federal Reserve System - About the US Federal Reserve System and the Banking Industry
Why is a good thing to have unelected bankers run the economy? The Banking system? Is manipulation from these unelecteds a good thing?

Replace it with what, T?

Very good question Jake!

I recall the discussion in school about Banana republics. What are the attributes that make a country a banana republic?

The number one answer then was printing your own money.

What do you suggest?
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?


Total Tea Party members arrested at rallies:


Total OWS members arrested at rally:

The answer explains the concern.
House GOP Leader Eric Cantor decried the protests that started several weeks ago in New York, and have spread to major cities across the country. Cantor said in a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington that he is "increasingly concerned" about the "growing mobs" represented at the protests.

First Read - Cantor says he's concerned by 'mobs' at 'Occupy Wall Street'

While I STILL have no idea what the "Occupy Wallstreet" folks want, I cannot see how they are any different than any of the Tea Party events that Cantor and his fellow Republicans loved. Do they even care how hypocritical they sound anymore?

LOL.........clearly an Ed Shultz show devotee:lol::lol:.........and we all know how many people watch that show!!:funnyface::funnyface: Wry Catcher would be highly comfortable hanging with the fringe elements of society. I like to refer to them as sophisticated homeless people.:lol:

None of the dopes down in Manhattan can even explain why they are there. Like many of the protest movements of the 60's, most attendee's there are people with no place to go and nothing to they show up just to support a "cause"". The populist protests by the clueless have been going on forever. You can always find the hordes who are looking for a free ride. The rest of us are busting our asses working.:D:D

Do you say this because you haven't read or because you haven't looked?

Here's The Brilliant Occupy Wall Street Interview Fox News Didn't Show Us! |

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