Can You Show the Universe and Earth Was Created by the Big Bang by Showing the Energy?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I can prove that the big bang hypothesis is true by showing you that the cosmic microwave background is totally homogenous




Well,....maybe not so homogenous, but instead of admitting that my stupid hypothesis was wrong, I can find an infinite number of excuses for why it isn't.
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.

If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created?

Yes. Look around. It's everywhere!!!
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.

If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created?

Yes. Look around. It's everywhere!!!

Sure, it can be created by a supernatural God, but not by natural means because energy can't be created.
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.

If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created?

Yes. Look around. It's everywhere!!!

Sure, it can be created by a supernatural God, but not by natural means because energy can't be created.

Who said the energy was created? What if it was already there?
I created this universe with my Commodore 64 computer by writing a universe simulation program in BASIC.
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.

If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created?

Yes. Look around. It's everywhere!!!

Sure, it can be created by a supernatural God, but not by natural means because energy can't be created.

Who said the energy was created? What if it was already there?

The atheist scientists did like Stephen Hawking, but energy had to start somewhere and with God he started with light. Anything that gets created needs energy and will leave evidence of it.

The atheist scientists couldn't explain rationally how time and space started using quantum mechanics, so they just assumed it was always there.

However, a tremendous amount of energy had to exist for the big bang to happen. It's too hard to believe that kind of power could just be assumed to exist. Also, to use it and harness it would require some kind of intelligence behind it. Thus, you're stuck with no explanation nor evidence.
The theory was create years ago and there are new theories as better observation of the universe has improved and will continue to improve and be revised. Technology creates new ways of tacking the origins of the universe. Still I find it silly as it is unknown. The unknown can only be speculated. We can only put forth the best argument on what we can observe without really knowing about what we cannot see or even know. A theory about the origins of the universe or god is probably beyond man. But that won't stop him from coming up with theories that evolve over time. Theories abound and are the latest fad until someone comes up with a better on. The question is was there a beginning or has it always been this way?
The question is was there a beginning or has it always been this way?
In the beginning it was this way.

Definitely a difficult concept for humans who are born by a specific process and eventually die and disappear on the planet Earth. Acceptance vs the curiosity to know. Knowing comes in handy for the advancement of the species. Yet to know to much can be dangerous for the species. Cause and effect. Some causes will never be known but some are pretty obvious.
Sure, it can be created by a supernatural God, but not by natural means because energy can't be created.
You admitted energy cannot be created. You can't prove that energy was created by a "supernatural" God, or even that a God or the "supernatural even exist.
You must prove their existence FIRST before you can claim they created something that has been proven NOT to be creatable!!!!.
The atheist scientists did like Stephen Hawking, but energy had to start somewhere and with God he started with light. Anything that gets created needs energy and will leave evidence of it.

The atheist scientists couldn't explain rationally how time and space started using quantum mechanics, so they just assumed it was always there.

However, a tremendous amount of energy had to exist for the big bang to happen. It's too hard to believe that kind of power could just be assumed to exist. Also, to use it and harness it would require some kind of intelligence behind it. Thus, you're stuck with no explanation nor evidence.
None of that is true!!!!
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.

If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created?

Yes. Look around. It's everywhere!!!

Sure, it can be created by a supernatural God, but not by natural means because energy can't be created.

What exception, other than “... because I say so”, do the gods get for supernatural creation?
Energy can condense ... and considering our corporal bodies, it must certainly did ... here in Einstein-land, we use the Law of Conservation of Mass/Energy ... E=mc^2 ... energy alone isn't conserved at cosmological scales ...

The OP fails to take into consideration that the Big Bang Theory is currently under review ... many changes have been made these past twenty years ... not the least of which is attempts to explain on-going inflation ... that's why scientists call it a "theory", and not a "fact" ... the theory is specifically written to allow experimentation and changes when the results come in ... we should certainly expect our great-grandchildren to understand the universe a bit differently than we do today ...

I'd like James Bond to address the Doppler Effect ... do you not hear a jet with a higher pitch as it approaches, and then drop down a half dozen intervals as the jet recedes? ... the same is true for external galaxies, and all but a few have this lower "pitch", or red-shifted ... would you please explain why we observe this, if not for some big bang in the distance past ...

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created

Yeah, well that was before the neutron was discovered ... we've learn a lot in the 80 years since you left high school ...
If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created? Where is the evidence for this energy being created?

I learned in high school that energy can’t be created. It can only be converted from one form to another.

If the universe and Earth was created by the Big Bang, then wouldn't there be much energy created?

Yes. Look around. It's everywhere!!!

Sure, it can be created by a supernatural God, but not by natural means because energy can't be created.

Who said the energy was created? What if it was already there?

The atheist scientists did like Stephen Hawking, but energy had to start somewhere and with God he started with light. Anything that gets created needs energy and will leave evidence of it.

The atheist scientists couldn't explain rationally how time and space started using quantum mechanics, so they just assumed it was always there.

However, a tremendous amount of energy had to exist for the big bang to happen. It's too hard to believe that kind of power could just be assumed to exist. Also, to use it and harness it would require some kind of intelligence behind it. Thus, you're stuck with no explanation nor evidence.

The atheist scientists did like Stephen Hawking, but energy had to start somewhere and with God he started with light. Anything that gets created needs energy and will leave evidence of it.

Is your proof from the probes we've sent all across the galaxy?
Is your proof from the probes we've sent all across the galaxy?

That's my question to you. Where is the evidence for your created energy?

You can send probes out or figure it out. You've created things in your life and it required energy. You can measure it to some extent, but you may not be able to measure it all.

For example, the sun requires great energy as it puts out great energy. Where did all that energy come from in a natural universe?

Look at all the stars and the energy they radiate. One needs a lot of energy. E=mc2 gives us GR. It means any matter requires energy to produce it.

Friedmann was explain how the expanding universe came to be from a beginning with his equations using GR, but he didn't explain where the energy came from.

The best explanation is a supernatural God. He is the dark energy.
Is your proof from the probes we've sent all across the galaxy?

That's my question to you. Where is the evidence for your created energy?

You can send probes out or figure it out. You've created things in your life and it required energy. You can measure it to some extent, but you may not be able to measure it all.

For example, the sun requires great energy as it puts out great energy. Where did all that energy come from in a natural universe?

Look at all the stars and the energy they radiate. One needs a lot of energy. E=mc2 gives us GR. It means any matter requires energy to produce it.

Friedmann was explain how the expanding universe came to be from a beginning with his equations using GR, but he didn't explain where the energy came from.

The best explanation is a supernatural God. He is the dark energy.

Where is the evidence for your created energy?

Where did I say it was created?

You can send probes out or figure it out.

What about the probes you thought we already sent to the far reaches of the universe?
Did you forget already?
Is your proof from the probes we've sent all across the galaxy?

That's my question to you. Where is the evidence for your created energy?

You can send probes out or figure it out. You've created things in your life and it required energy. You can measure it to some extent, but you may not be able to measure it all.

For example, the sun requires great energy as it puts out great energy. Where did all that energy come from in a natural universe?

Look at all the stars and the energy they radiate. One needs a lot of energy. E=mc2 gives us GR. It means any matter requires energy to produce it.

Friedmann was explain how the expanding universe came to be from a beginning with his equations using GR, but he didn't explain where the energy came from.

The best explanation is a supernatural God. He is the dark energy.
Supernatural gods are not an explanation for anything.

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