Can Anyone Stop Hillary?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
True dat, never won a competitive election...

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election

January 17, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Can anyone stop Hillary, Time asks? Why not.

Forgotten in the reality distortion field surrounding Ready for Hillary is the simply fact that Hillary has never actually won a competitive election. Hillary’s senate seat in New York was handed to her after Giuliani came down with cancer. If he hadn’t gotten sick, Hillary Clinton would have tried to be the senator from her native Illinois instead and might have prevented Obama from ever getting started.

Hillary Clinton was so incredibly popular that her otherwise unknown Democratic primary opponent in 2000 managed to take a fifth of the vote.


The only ticket she’s running on is “First female president.” If the Republicans were to put up a female candidate, Hillary would literally have no platform, no slogan, no anything.

Take away the “It’s time for little girls to have a role model” and “It’s time to show a wife and a mother can run the country” spiel and there is nothing in the Hillary box. Zero.

Can anyone stop Hillary? Anyone can stop Hillary.

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election | FrontPage Magazine
Any female republican candidate would be trashed by the MSM. It's not a done deal, but Hillary has a better chance than probably anyone else of being the next POTUS.
Christie certainly can beat her.

None of the far right less than luminary reactionaries from 2008 and 2012 would have a chance against her. The far right can never elect candidates.
Interesting how the OP decided to exclude this part from his quote;

Then Hillary Clinton faced off against Rick Lazio, a youthful candidate whom hardly anyone knew and who at one point was beating her in polls. When she finally did beat him, after accusations of sexism, it was 55 to 43.

If Lazio was beating Hilary and she had to overcome that in order to beat him then how is that not a competive race?

Then there were the 2008 primaries. She won more than enough of those to remain competitive and make it into a very close call.

So the premise of the OP is false.
True dat, never won a competitive election...

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election

January 17, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Can anyone stop Hillary, Time asks? Why not.

Forgotten in the reality distortion field surrounding Ready for Hillary is the simply fact that Hillary has never actually won a competitive election. Hillary’s senate seat in New York was handed to her after Giuliani came down with cancer. If he hadn’t gotten sick, Hillary Clinton would have tried to be the senator from her native Illinois instead and might have prevented Obama from ever getting started.

Hillary Clinton was so incredibly popular that her otherwise unknown Democratic primary opponent in 2000 managed to take a fifth of the vote.


The only ticket she’s running on is “First female president.” If the Republicans were to put up a female candidate, Hillary would literally have no platform, no slogan, no anything.

Take away the “It’s time for little girls to have a role model” and “It’s time to show a wife and a mother can run the country” spiel and there is nothing in the Hillary box. Zero.

Can anyone stop Hillary? Anyone can stop Hillary.

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election | FrontPage Magazine

The question should be, can anyone stop the federal government?

The federal government will appoint the next president, as they do all others. Remember, Hillary won the popular vote in her own party.

From my vantage point, she is uniquely qualified to run the Progressive empire.
This far out anything can happen. Sometimes it's not good to be the front runner because of the big bull's eye on your back. Hillary has lots of baggage to go with that name recognition.
This far out anything can happen. Sometimes it's not good to be the front runner because of the big bull's eye on your back. Hillary has lots of baggage to go with that name recognition.

No one has as much baggage as Christie!!

All he needs is a trunk and he can be both candidate and mascot for the GOP.

Let the 2016 freak show for President begin. I can hardly wait..........NOT!!
True dat, never won a competitive election...

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election

January 17, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


Can anyone stop Hillary, Time asks? Why not.

Forgotten in the reality distortion field surrounding Ready for Hillary is the simply fact that Hillary has never actually won a competitive election. Hillary’s senate seat in New York was handed to her after Giuliani came down with cancer. If he hadn’t gotten sick, Hillary Clinton would have tried to be the senator from her native Illinois instead and might have prevented Obama from ever getting started.

Hillary Clinton was so incredibly popular that her otherwise unknown Democratic primary opponent in 2000 managed to take a fifth of the vote.


The only ticket she’s running on is “First female president.” If the Republicans were to put up a female candidate, Hillary would literally have no platform, no slogan, no anything.

Take away the “It’s time for little girls to have a role model” and “It’s time to show a wife and a mother can run the country” spiel and there is nothing in the Hillary box. Zero.

Can anyone stop Hillary? Anyone can stop Hillary.

Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Why Not? Hillary has Never Won a Competitive Election | FrontPage Magazine

No one can stop Hillary. She has the largest campaign contribution of all, the media. Time is an excellent example. They've built her up and now telling us "resistance is futile." It's media malpractice and its why they're damn near broke.

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Can Anyone Stop Hillary?
There's still almost 3 years before the election, and anything can happen between now and then. She also has the issue with her famous "What difference does it make?" statement in regards to Benghazi, where many voters will not easily forgive her, especially those voters that are on the fence.
Can Anyone Stop Hillary?
There's still almost 3 years before the election, and anything can happen between now and then. She also has the issue with her famous "What difference does it make?" statement in regards to Benghazi, where many voters will not easily forgive her, especially those voters that are on the fence.

The only people who are upset about that are the MORONS who think Benghazi is an issue.

Leave the Faux News bunker once in a while, no one else cares.
I wonder if the dozen innocent women who were harassed (or raped) by Hillary's husband wondered the same thing when the witch established what liberal media wonks giggled about. The legendary "bimbo eruption squad" was an illegal government assault on innocent women blackmailing them into keeping their mouths shut or be ruined by the might of the federal government if they considered talking about their relationship with the Arkansas hillbilly. .
Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

Hope not.

(Unless the Ds come up with someone better and I don't think that's going to happen. Hillery is very well qualified. Better than anyone else in the field.)
Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

In her own party? Sure. She had no trouble defeating Republicans at all. But even if she gets to the national campaign, a Christie or Christie-compatible candidate will beat her.

The only runaway for HRC would be if she opposed a far right candidate.
Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than grave robber Ed Gein. Gein's peculiar hobby went unnoticed until he killed and butchered a prominent member of the community. Hillary's peculiar vocation of enabling her husband's sexual adventures went unnoticed until she became a national celebrity.

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