Calling all pagans...

I hope their faggy robes get caught in a wood chipper.
How very "christian" of would appear.

I'm not a Christian. I'm an asshole. :D

You seem to be a lost one too. The FZ is in the basement. This forum is probably too highly moderated for your liking.

Aw, he's OK. Aaron is our rep for Eshu-Eleggua.

>> Eshu is a trickster-god, and plays frequently tempting choices for the purpose of causing maturation. He is a difficult teacher, but a good one. As an example, Eshu was walking down the road one day, wearing a hat that was red on one side and black on the other. Sometime after he departed, the villagers who had seen him began arguing about whether the stranger's hat was black or red. The villagers on one side of the road had only been capable of seeing the black side, and the villagers on the other side had only been capable of seeing the red half. They nearly fought over the argument, until Eshu came back and cleared the mystery, teaching the villagers about how one's perspective can alter a person's perception of reality, and that one can be easily fooled. In other versions of this tale, the two tribes were not stopped short of violence; they actually annihilated each other, and Eshu laughed at the result, saying "Bringing strife is my greatest joy". <<
Sounds a little bit like Coyote.

Indeed. Coyote (the animal totem) is a kindred version thereof. :thup:
Meanwhile..I love this thread. I can learn so much more than stumbling along my path although I like where I am at. Still, being aware of and getting more info is like little beams of light further up ahead on this path I travel on.

Love it. Thanks, Pillars. :)
and i am the opposite ....i dont care to witness a pagan i resent anyone who witnesses ....just another yoke of religions....i would bitch slap most wiccans with no remorse....sisterhood my ass....when the do so much to dirty the name of witch bitches really try to ban crones on halloween what the fuck? you do know the mostnoted goddess was a crone and a witch....hecrate but they just go on and on like they got a fucking clue....

i will discuss issues in pms when i feel comfie with the other person but like all things spiritual its a private thing for me....

and this good witch shit...who the fuck wants to be a good witch?
and i am the opposite ....i dont care to witness a pagan i resent anyone who witnesses ....just another yoke of religions....i would bitch slap most wiccans with no remorse....sisterhood my ass....when the do so much to dirty the name of witch bitches really try to ban crones on halloween what the fuck? you do know the mostnoted goddess was a crone and a witch....hecrate but they just go on and on like they got a fucking clue....

i will discuss issues in pms when i feel comfie with the other person but like all things spiritual its a private thing for me....

and this good witch shit...who the fuck wants to be a good witch?

I have no idea what "banning crones on Hallowe'en" refers to but as far as witchery I will confess to this....

As a TV-watching kid I had a huuuge crush on Elizabeth Montgomery.

Incidentally, while the Pathagoreans were meritocratic, they were very egalitarian. Any class or gender could be a student or teacher if they had the acumen. They were the exception to many societal rules which is probly why they got ran out of town.

The unusual concept of the transmigration of soul is inherently egalitarian since it's like one single divine current flowing thru all things. It manifests itself in each of us differently, Aaron for example.
What is this shit about banning crones on Halloween?

that just sounds crazy.
Witnessing....that's what Jeri does with her Bible, right? That's another reason I am thankful for this thread. Those who don't mind speaking of their beliefs, those who can learn from it or be aware of differing views, and NO BIBLE thumping as answers, or threats of hellfire if the christian line is not towed.

THink about it. Has a witch or pagan or wiccan or (insert name here) ever come knocking on your door with pamphlets? They keep to themselves except when approached by others of like mind. I like that.
What is this shit about banning crones on Halloween?

that just sounds crazy.
I think its referring to christians trying to ban witch costumes and/or "evil" stuff from halloween. When my kid was in school, they said he had to dress as something cute..not a "monster" or "evil entity".
Derideo's contribution is valuable because I think it's possible that a person might think they're a pagan when they're actually a spiritual atheist.

A person can indeed enter into altered or elevated states of consciousness by a number of different ways. I think the 300 pagans who stood their ground at the Battle of Thermopylae had perhaps something more than that, something even more than a love of home.
where are the druids, wiccans, neopagans, asatruars, gaiaists, and other pagans on board? Surely there must be a few.

Treeshepherd Pogo strollingbones anyone else?

Let's create an ongoing spiritual conversation.

If they offer free brewskis, I'm there

Hmmm... we'll have to compete with:


"The chosen beer -- It's the one you've been waiting for!"
I'm sure there's a wee dram of mead to be had though....
I have not done a lot of studying on any particular belief, etc. I just found myself wandering. Still am.

I think each persons path is unique only for them, but hearing about others "travels" in getting where they currently are, or wanting to be, helps those trudging along their own.
I am pretty deeply in the closet about my beliefs, and have really only started talking about them to my son, because he asked a lot of questions and I thought he was old enough for me to talk to him like an adult. But, I have no intention of talking about my beliefs at work or really anywhere else in real life, people are too scared of what they don't understand.

But since I have been more open with him, it has kind of made me want to talk about it with other people who have been on a similar journey...not to witness, but just because it is sometimes strange to be so different from the norm. My daughter doesn't know. I could never talk about this stuff with my parents, either.

I grew up in a fundy family, when I was in college, I was very drawn to catholicism, and actually had an altar to Mary in my dorm room my senior year. I have no idea why, it just seemed right. I think even in that time in my life, I was deeply drawn to the idea of a female god. About 20 years ago, I ended up researching Wicca for my job, and actually met with people from the pagan community. I was very drawn to their beliefs, and had a little shrine in a hidden corner of our yard where I often meditated and prayed. I could never have talked about this stuff with my ex-husband, though, he'd have lost his goddamn mind. Once we were divorced, I was actually almost an atheist for a long time, but in the last 4-5 years have started being more open to spirituality, but my strongest attraction is to earth religions, and I guess it really has been for a long damn time.

I'm curious about how other people felt called to this path, and what books/philosophies/writing/experiences have influenced your views.
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where are the druids, wiccans, neopagans, asatruars, gaiaists, and other pagans on board? Surely there must be a few.

Treeshepherd Pogo strollingbones anyone else?

Let's create an ongoing spiritual conversation.

If they offer free brewskis, I'm there

Hmmm... we'll have to compete with:


"The chosen beer -- It's the one you've been waiting for!"
I'm sure there's a wee dram of mead to be had though....

Dude, when it comes to the brewskis, I can be persuaded to swing both ways!
I am pretty deeply in the closet about my beliefs, and have really only started talking about them to my son, because he asked a lot of questions and I thought he was old enough for me to talk to him like an adult. But, I have no intention of talking about my beliefs at work or really anywhere else in real life, people are too scared of what they don't understand.

But since I have been more open with him, it has kind of made me want to talk about it with other people who have been on a similar journey...not to witness, but just because it is sometimes strange to be so different from the norm. My daughter doesn't know. I could never talk about this stuff with my parents, either.

I grew up in a fundy family, when I was in college, I was very drawn to catholicism, and actually had an altar to Mary in my dorm room my senior year. I have no idea why, it just seemed right. I think even in that time in my life, I was deeply drawn to the idea of a female god. About 20 years ago, I ended up researching Wicca for my job, and actually met with people from the pagan community. I was very drawn to their beliefs, and had a little shrine in a hidden corner of our yard where I often meditated and prayed. I could never have talked about this stuff with my ex-husband, though, he'd have lost his goddamn mind. Once we were divorced, I was actually almost an atheist for a long time, but in the last 4-5 years have started being more open to spirituality, but my strongest attraction is to earth religions, and I guess it really has been for a long damn time.

I'm curious about how other people felt called to this path, and what books/philosophies/writing/experiences have influenced your views.

-- as reference materials I've always loved Barbara Walker's books. Real eye-opening. And a plethora of more books from her resource list whence she compiled them... her writing is achingly incisive.

- hearing a talk by Mary Daly (former nun) describing Christianity as "the worship of everything that is dead"...

- Another essay that takes many paths and tangents, all of them interesting: Hear That Long Snake Moan by Michael Ventura... part of a book called "Shadow Dancing in the USA", which contains other worthy essays but that's the best one... and his references...

Those are a few off the top of my head without looking through the library for proper titles and authors...

--- and of course a very wise and artistic older woman who gently introduced some of these to me including the Daly talk, but only when I inquired about them after I was already seeking ...
where are the druids, wiccans, neopagans, asatruars, gaiaists, and other pagans on board? Surely there must be a few.

Treeshepherd Pogo strollingbones anyone else?

Let's create an ongoing spiritual conversation.

If they offer free brewskis, I'm there

Hmmm... we'll have to compete with:


"The chosen beer -- It's the one you've been waiting for!"
I'm sure there's a wee dram of mead to be had though....

Dude, when it comes to the brewskis, I can be persuaded to swing both ways!

Amen, brother! Testify!
my strongest attraction is to earth religions
Me too! Along with animals. I am drawn to them..and them to me. Someone once told me long ago, on another board way back when, that God speaks to me through animals and nature because He knows how much I mistrust humans. When she said that (she was a wiccan) rang a bell and I ran with it ever since. God could mean entity, goddess, spiritual being, pure energy, etc. I lean towards the christian God/Christ without the followers. Probably due to the horror stories, browbeatings, threats of pain, suffering, hell, and how he is a vengeful god instead of the one I know in my heart that is none of those things. "God fearing" folks pushed me so far away, I never took a step forward on their path. I found my own because I am not God fearing.

I looked at other boards over the years too. I never really stayed at any pagan ones I found because I felt stupid. They were always kind to me though.

I won't delve too deep here, either, because of obvious reasons. Things said up here, wind up down there to be made fun of. So..I will participate, maybe ask questions, but other than that..I will keep most of my travels to myself.

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