Has the Left taken over the Libertarian party?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Their recent nomination of Chase Oliver has me wondering, has the Left taken over the Libertarian party?

Here is a man who has no problems with drag queens marching into schools reading to children, saying that there is nothing sexual about it. Excuse me, but dressing like the other sex is sexual and confuses children. You don't see drag queens pushing their lifestyle anywhere else but to reach children like this. There is a reason and Chase is all for it. He is for the state allowing these people in public schools all across the country, and for allowing children to endure genital mutilation to change thier sex.

Chase is anti-Israel, calling Israel a genocidal state and demanding a cease fire. Excuse me? Where is the demand for Hamas to stop fighting? Where is the demand for Iran to stop supporting their attacks against Israel? Where is the condemnation of the genocide of 10/7? Again, what business is it of Chase to tell Israel to do anything? What happened to Mr. small government man?

Chase also supports open borders. He insists that there is no risk to national security as we watch Americans be raped and killed by many with a criminal record a mile long who are illegals. And there is giving them taxpayer money to survive, whether it be health care or money for food as American debt rises higher and higher. And he must also sell the notion that none of these people, whom none of us know are crossing, will ever engage in terrorism of any kind. He supports an indefinite number crossing the border to receive welfare from the government while not attacking the free money they get from the government, and here I thought Libertarians were anti big government.

This leads me to Chase supporting Obamacare, a government mandate to buy corporate health insurance. Again, no small government thinking going on here. WTH?

But the funny part here is, the Left took over their party but who really cares as they took over 0.3% of the vote?



Their recent nomination of Chase Oliver has me wondering, has the Left taken over the Libertarian party?

Here is a man who has no problems with drag queens marching into schools reading to children, saying that there is nothing sexual about it. Excuse me, but dressing like the other sex is sexual and confuses children. You don't see drag queens pushing their lifestyle anywhere else but to reach children like this. There is a reason and Chase is all for it. He is for the state allowing these people in public schools all across the country, and for allowing children to endure genital mutilation to change thier sex.

Chase is anti-Israel, calling Israel a genocidal state and demanding a cease fire. Excuse me? Where is the demand for Hamas to stop fighting? Where is the demand for Iran to stop supporting their attacks against Israel? Where is the condemnation of the genocide of 10/7?

Chase also supports open borders. He insists that there is no risk to national security as we watch Americans be raped and killed by many with a criminal record a mile long who are illegals. And there is giving them taxpayer money to survive, whether it be health care or money for food as American debt rises higher and higher. And he must also sell the notion that none of these people, whom none of us know are crossing, will ever engage in terrorism of any kind. He supports an indefinite number crossing the border to receive welfare from the government while not attacking the free money they get from the government, and here I thought Libertarians were anti big government.

This leads me to Chase supporting Obamacare, a government mandate to buy corporate health insurance. Again, no small government thinking going on here. WTH?

But the funny part here is, the Left took over their party but who really cares?



"Who really cares?"

"Heavens to Murgatroyd!" What planet have you been living on?

Donald Trump cared. He cared enough to go their hat in hand. Well sans the hat as we know a hat would mess up his hairdo.

And they booed him, laughed at him,, and he got the Snagglepuss treatment --

"Who really cares?"

"Heavens to Murgatroyd!" What planet have you been living on?

Donald Trump cared. He cared enough to go their hat in hand. Well sans the hat as we know a hat would mess up his hairdo.

And they booed him, laughed at him,, and he got the Snagglepuss treatment --

And that is what this thread is about. Votto has a bad case of butt hurt over that so he's on the attack.
and for allowing children to endure genital mutilation to change thier sex.
Where has he said that? All I have seen is some wannabe twitter post that cant be verified at all.
Chase also supports open borders.
No he doesnt. His immigration platform is on his website.
This leads me to Chase supporting Obamacare
Can you show me where he supports that? All I have seen is he picks the market over regulated healthcare.
Where has he said that? All I have seen is some wannabe twitter post that cant be verified at all.

No he doesnt. His immigration platform is on his website.

Can you show me where he supports that? All I have seen is he picks the market over regulated healthcare.
Ok, Ok. here is their platform on immigration. Listening to Chase talk about it, you would never think this was their platform.


Our immigration system is a tragic mess. We simply must break the partisan logjam and bring people from all parties together to reform and modernize it. There are few better examples of “bad government” than the overly complex current laws and regulations involving immigration. The President needs to take the lead and work with Congress to radically simplify our immigration system so people can come here, work, and become members of our communities without being relegated to the shadows. Immigrants built this country, and they can help keep it growing and prospering for future generations of Americans. As President, I would

  • Collaborate with Congress to return to an Ellis Island style of processing immigrants. It should be simple for those who wish to come here to work and build a better life to appear before immigration officials at an accredited port of entry, be given medical and criminal checks to assess their safety and receive a visa allowing them to immediately find employment. This is a process that should take, at most, days; not months or years.
  • Create a simpler path to citizenship for immigrants who are already here. Some eight million undocumented immigrants are currently present in our labor force, doing essential jobs, paying payroll taxes, and contributing to our economic growth. Formalizing this arrangement will not only allow them to further contribute to the economy by meeting critical labor demand and reducing inflationary pressures, it also saves taxpayers billions of dollars in enforcement costs.
  • Create a path to citizenship for both DACA-eligible residents and the children of foreign workers admitted to the US on temporary work visas. These immigrants often lose their legal status upon turning 21, robbing us of individuals educated here in America with something to offer our society.
  • Expand both the HB1 visa and startup visa, which allows skilled immigrants to bring their talent and innovation to our shores. These individuals add to our economy by starting new businesses and putting more Americans to work. Fifty-five percent of American startups that are valued at over one billion dollars were founded or co-founded by immigrants.

I think part of Chases problem is he is trying to appeal to the woke generation as he refuses to communicate effectively his own party platform on immigration. It also leads me to question whether he would forsake the platform altogether, especially in a government that would never allow this platform.

Chase has also said he would support Obamacare

Again, if this is not so he is misleading people. He should say Obamacare needs to be repealed as it puts a choke hold on insurance companies.

As for the kiddo thing, I can't find any stance on the genital mutilation of children, but my guess is Chase would support parents pushing their children down the road of genital mutilation because he is all for drag queens reading to children in school.

In fact, I think his silence and avoidance of the topic speaks volumes.
Where has he said that? All I have seen is some wannabe twitter post that cant be verified at all.

No he doesnt. His immigration platform is on his website.

Can you show me where he supports that? All I have seen is he picks the market over regulated healthcare.
Take it for what it is worth TN, your guy Chase is a terrible pick because he is trying to go woke when the rest of the country is currently recoiling from wokism.

But I understand the inclination to try something different in order to try and obtain political relevancy that they have never had in the past, but in my estimation, they are headed down the wrong path.

Take it for what is it worth, the man is a disaster.
Large L libertarians are always shilling for either the dems or gop....Must be the dem's turn this go-round given the moonbat they nominated....."Former" dem who supported The Halfrican.
Large L libertarians are always shilling for either the dems or gop....Must be the dem's turn this go-round given the moonbat they nominated....."Former" dem who supported The Halfrican.
What I don't get about the Libertarian party is that they are opting to compete in the same power games that the other two parties play, which is all about corruption and big government. The same dirty tricks and power grabs that win them elections, including the corruption of the media and academia, is beyond a party that says they want to play fair and adhere to small government goals.

Power is all about the power of sociopaths with zero scruples about morality of any kind.

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