California would ban boys and girls sections at big retailers under proposed law


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
I present to you case # 2,445,445,444.5 why the left is evil incarnate.

California’s large retailers would have to do away with boy and girl signage for toys and child care aisles, under a bill being considered by state lawmakers.

Assembly Bill 1084 would require retailers with 500 or more employees “to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.

The bill would also prohibit the use of signage to indicate whether a particular child care item or toy is for boys or girls. Online retailers with a physical presence in California would be required to label their toy and child care sections in a unisex or gender neutral way.
I present to you case # 2,445,445,444.5 why the left is evil incarnate.

California’s large retailers would have to do away with boy and girl signage for toys and child care aisles, under a bill being considered by state lawmakers.

Assembly Bill 1084 would require retailers with 500 or more employees “to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.

The bill would also prohibit the use of signage to indicate whether a particular child care item or toy is for boys or girls. Online retailers with a physical presence in California would be required to label their toy and child care sections in a unisex or gender neutral way.
Why would you want govt dictating to companies how to market their products to consumers? And regulating FREE SPEECH rights to describe and print labels and packaging for most effective marketing???

Now if CA wants to promote a certain culture: Why not give TAX BREAKS to companies that choose to meet their labeling or social engineering standards? Nothing wrong with giving tax incentives. But not fair to punish or force companies to comply with social legislation that doesn't have anything to do with public health and safety regulations preventing risks of danger, harm or damage to consumers. Social legislation is subjective and up to individual choice, so this could be rewarded with grants or tax breaks but not punished or coerced by govt mandates.
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I present to you case # 2,445,445,444.5 why the left is evil incarnate.

California’s large retailers would have to do away with boy and girl signage for toys and child care aisles, under a bill being considered by state lawmakers.

Assembly Bill 1084 would require retailers with 500 or more employees “to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.

The bill would also prohibit the use of signage to indicate whether a particular child care item or toy is for boys or girls. Online retailers with a physical presence in California would be required to label their toy and child care sections in a unisex or gender neutral way.
My son's best friend in his elementary school years always brought his Barbie doll with him for sleepovers. Not a new, jazzy dressed one; she was definitely a well worn item, her hair a mess, all grimy like a Barbie 7 or 8 years old would be.

I never asked.
Goddammit California, get it together. You libtards have ruined a killer state. Fuck you guys.
..these people need to be taken to the psycho ward--they are out of their minds!!!!
''''''The bill would make it illegal for retailers to put up signs saying 'boys' and 'girls' over displays of toys, clothes or childcare items under the threat of a $1,000 fine.'''''
--it's almost unbelievable .
--and this waste state $$$$$!!!!!
..these people need to be taken to the psycho ward--they are out of their minds!!!!
''''''The bill would make it illegal for retailers to put up signs saying 'boys' and 'girls' over displays of toys, clothes or childcare items under the threat of a $1,000 fine.'''''
--it's almost unbelievable .
--and this waste state $$$$$!!!!!

This is an area governments has no business making laws over, it is irrational and a waste of time.

Boys and Girls are real people, thus having signs for toys are a helpful guide for shoppers to know where they are.
..these people need to be taken to the psycho ward--they are out of their minds!!!!
''''''The bill would make it illegal for retailers to put up signs saying 'boys' and 'girls' over displays of toys, clothes or childcare items under the threat of a $1,000 fine.'''''
--it's almost unbelievable .
--and this waste state $$$$$!!!!!
It is not the legislature's job to dictate the layout of major retailer's stores. This is more ridiculous governmental overreach and a waste of taxpayers money.
I present to you case # 2,445,445,444.5 why the left is evil incarnate.

California’s large retailers would have to do away with boy and girl signage for toys and child care aisles, under a bill being considered by state lawmakers.

Assembly Bill 1084 would require retailers with 500 or more employees “to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.

The bill would also prohibit the use of signage to indicate whether a particular child care item or toy is for boys or girls. Online retailers with a physical presence in California would be required to label their toy and child care sections in a unisex or gender neutral way.
Why would you want govt dictating to companies how to market their products to consumers? And regulating FREE SPEECH rights to describe and print labels and packaging for most effective marketing???

Now if CA wants to promote a certain culture: Why not give TAX BREAKS to companies that choose to meet their labeling or social engineering standards? Nothing wrong with giving tax incentives. But not fair to punish or force companies to comply with social legislation that doesn't have anything to do with public health and safety regulations preventing risks of danger, harm or damage to consumers. Social legislation is subjective and up to individual choice, so this could be rewarded with grants or tax breaks but not punished or coerced by govt mandates.
Let's just mandate that ALL products be packaged in generic brown paper wrappers with no descriptions and a set price. You just grab-a-bag and go. Do you put girls cap sleeve T-shirts with regular sleeve T-shirts? This just makes product selection more difficult for consumers. What happened to retailers who try to make things more convenient for the customer? SMH. Again we disenfranchise the majority because a vocal minority wants to make a point.
Speaking as a Democrat, I've grown tired of the way we entertain backwards thinking ALL THE TME now.

If A is normal behavior, tested and true, then my Democrats say nah, shouldn't be, let's do B instead because we're deviants & "it's progressive". If you watch my Democrats they constantly & always entertain the lowest common denominators. Ask yourselves why.

Other than that my blood runs Democrats, and I'm sorry, but I think Maxine Waters is hot.
I'm not aware of any online retailers that separate toys by gender. Toys are usually just listed in a "toys" section of the site, or they're separated by age, manufacturer or theme/type/genre (board games, video games, etc). For that matter, I'm not aware of any big box stores that label toys by gender either. Take Target or Walmart, for instance. They have toy aisles that are stocked by age group. Most kids toys are already unisex, and while certain toys that are traditionally girls toys are grouped somewhat together (dolls, barbies, princess), the aisle or section is not labeled girl or boy. This is just one more example of busybody lawmakers creating legislation to "fix" a problem that doesn't exist.
I present to you case # 2,445,445,444.5 why the left is evil incarnate.

California’s large retailers would have to do away with boy and girl signage for toys and child care aisles, under a bill being considered by state lawmakers.

Assembly Bill 1084 would require retailers with 500 or more employees “to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.

The bill would also prohibit the use of signage to indicate whether a particular child care item or toy is for boys or girls. Online retailers with a physical presence in California would be required to label their toy and child care sections in a unisex or gender neutral way.
What is evil about this?
My son's best friend in his elementary school years always brought his Barbie doll with him for sleepovers. Not a new, jazzy dressed one; she was definitely a well worn item, her hair a mess, all grimy like a Barbie 7 or 8 years old would be.

Not thst I think anyone my brothers or I befriended would have brought a Barbie to a sleepover, but my parents would not have allowed a second invitation to ever be issued.
My son's best friend in his elementary school years always brought his Barbie doll with him for sleepovers. Not a new, jazzy dressed one; she was definitely a well worn item, her hair a mess, all grimy like a Barbie 7 or 8 years old would be.

Not thst I think anyone my brothers or I befriended would have brought a Barbie to a sleepover, but my parents would not have allowed a second invitation to ever be issued.
Why not?

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