Burgess Owens: Biden a 'Shell' of Who He Was 40 Years Ago

What was Trump's excuse for being a poor liar?(The correct way to express it.)

So far Biden is mostly just a hard line asshole Trump was a hardline narcissist..
Trump killed the bad guys and made us energy independent, resulting in economic prosperity not seen in over 50 years.
I’m sorry that democrats don’t like that.
They are mad the Obama’s hard work destroying jobs and our economy was thwarted. They want Americans to suffer. It’s why they LOVE the commie lockdowns.
What was Trump's excuse for being a poor liar?(The correct way to express it.)

So far Biden is mostly just a hard line asshole Trump was a hardline narcissist..
Trump killed the bad guys and made us energy independent, resulting in economic prosperity not seen in over 50 years.
I’m sorry that democrats don’t like that.
They are mad the Obama’s hard work destroying jobs and our economy was thwarted. They want Americans to suffer. It’s why they LOVE the commie lockdowns.
I never stopped working during Oblama, in fact I have never stopped working since 1974 presidents do not determine my work history and we have had zero lockdowns where I live. If you lost your job just get another one they are never in short supply.
What was Trump's excuse for being a poor liar?(The correct way to express it.)

So far Biden is mostly just a hard line asshole Trump was a hardline narcissist..
Trump killed the bad guys and made us energy independent, resulting in economic prosperity not seen in over 50 years.
I’m sorry that democrats don’t like that.
Trump hasn't killed anyone he is a pacifist and a coward that was a draft dodger along with Biden another coward who never served their nation but used their nation to obtain wealth.
What was Trump's excuse for being a poor liar?(The correct way to express it.)

So far Biden is mostly just a hard line asshole Trump was a hardline narcissist..
Trump killed the bad guys and made us energy independent, resulting in economic prosperity not seen in over 50 years.
I’m sorry that democrats don’t like that.
They are mad the Obama’s hard work destroying jobs and our economy was thwarted. They want Americans to suffer. It’s why they LOVE the commie lockdowns.
I never stopped working during Oblama, in fact I have never stopped working since 1974 presidents do not determine my work history and we have had zero lockdowns where I live. If you lost your job just get another one they are never in short supply.
Tell that to the record number of food stamp recipients under Obama. Where you live is important. If you live near DC, work is generally easier to find because the federal government never goes out of business. That’s why DC locals barely felt the depression.
What was Trump's excuse for being a poor liar?(The correct way to express it.)

So far Biden is mostly just a hard line asshole Trump was a hardline narcissist..
Trump killed the bad guys and made us energy independent, resulting in economic prosperity not seen in over 50 years.
I’m sorry that democrats don’t like that.
Trump hasn't killed anyone he is a pacifist and a coward that was a draft dodger along with Biden another coward who never served their nation but used their nation to obtain wealth.
Trump killed many Muslim terrorist bad guys. That’s why we weren’t hit during his term unlike the several hits under obama’s anti-American, pro-Muslim-terrorist policy.
Those of us familiar with his actual history(apparently not that many on here or elsewhere)know he did not amount to much even 40 yrs. ago aka.... low i.q. and a liar prone to gaffes.

In order to be a good liar one must have a good memory which biden does not.

The truth of the matter is simply that the only thing biden has going for him is that he can
flash a smile like flipping a switch...in the world of politics a good smile will carry you a long ways....I have learned over the years you can never trust someone who smiles all the time.

According to my research, Biden had a stellar Senate career.
Trump hasn't changed a bit in 40 years. He is still the same charlatan and grifter that he always has been.

Of course his career has been stellar:

  • Voted for a measure aimed at outlawing gay marriage in the 1990s;
  • Was an ally of the banking and credit card industries;
  • He chaired the 1991 Clarence Thomas hearings that gave short shrift to the sexual harassment allegations raised by Anita Hill;
  • He backed crime legislation the 1994 Crime Bill that is as responsible for mass incarceration as any other piece of legislation passed in the last forty years,
  • He eulogized Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), who rose to prominence as a segregationist.
  • One big reason why Biden and Thurmond were so close was their joint efforts to oppose integrating schools in the 1970s
  • Had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race for plagirism;
  • He voted for the Iraq War;
  • He gave Obama a classic back handed racist compliment, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”;
  • Biden eulogized his good and close friend KKK recruiter Robert Byrd the racist white supremacist and segregationist;

Basically China Joey Xi Biden been on the wrong side of issues most of his political life.
It’s not been right about one thing, in his long corrupt career.

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