Brittney Griner delivers final plea for leniency before verdict: 'I hope that in your ruling that it doesn’t end my life here'

Russia would be stupid to trade this carpet muching drug addict for anything short of the complete cessation of any US involvment in Ukraine. Be it direct, or indirect.
America made her rich and famous, but she hates us.
She would be a nobody in any other country.
Her big problem with America is her perceived racism.
Here are the statistical realities in America.
The murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 2:1.
The rape ratio between Blacks and Whites is 6000:1
The armed robbery ratio between Blacks and Whites is 20,000:1
The police kill about twice as many White suspects than they do Black suspects annually.
Griner is a dumb racist.
America made her rich and famous, but she hates us.
She would be a nobody in any other country.
Her big problem with America is her perceived racism.
Here are the statistical realities in America.
The murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is 2:1.
The rape ratio between Blacks and Whites is 6000:1
The armed robbery ratio between Blacks and Whites is 20,000:1
The police kill about twice as many White suspects than they do Black suspects annually.
Griner is a dumb racist.
Let's get a link to those "stats" of yours. Shall we?
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Someone actually trying to convince me this doesn't have a dick?

Here he is walking off the court during the National Anthem cause of how unfair things are here for him and others like him.

Oh, and hi leftists. Since that jolly dark giant has an Adam's apple, a deep man's voice, we can all assume it's a man.

Ahhhh Gen X when things were basically normal.
While, I don't know all the facts (ie how much drugs were found)...9 years seem excessive, but with that said, when traveling it's important to follow the laws of your host country.
Brittney Griner delivers final plea for leniency before verdict: 'I hope that in your ruling that it doesn’t end my life here'

Jeff Eisenberg

Thu, August 4, 2022, 9:08 AM

Russian prosecutors asked a judge during closing arguments on Thursday to sentence Brittney Griner to 9 ½ years in prison, just shy of the maximum 10 years that she is eligible to receive.

Both a verdict and potential sentence in the WNBA star’s drug-smuggling trial are expected Thursday, her attorney told reporters.

Closing arguments ended with Griner herself having the final word. Standing in the defendant's cage at the back of the tiny courtroom, Griner took responsibility for her "mistake" and apologized to her family, her teammates and her Russian club for "the embarrassment I brought on them."

He is going to get 9 1/2 years. Bet he will be blaming Trump and America for violating Russian law.

Hmmmm....looking at 9 years in prison for vaping and you think this might change her mind about the United States?
When do you think Putin planned to invade Ukraine?

That said, do you think he didn't have some contingency plans?

Looking forward to your thoughtful response.
I'm pretty sure Putin didn't inform baggage checkers of his invasion plans. If he did our intelligence community really missed a big opportunity, $20 and a bottle of vodka would have been cheaper than that pathetic effort of saying 'any day now' for two months.
I'm pretty sure Putin didn't inform baggage checkers of his invasion plans. If he did our intelligence community really missed a big opportunity, $20 and a bottle of vodka would have been cheaper than that pathetic effort of saying 'any day now' for two months.
What does baggage checkers have to do with the price of tea in China?

Pulling more crap out your ass I see.
Not just yachts, bank accounts, real estate, and other properties. We hold no moral high ground here. Not to mention this degenerate was arrested before the invasion, meaning it wasn't political to begin with.
You’re so gullible. And a bit Neolithic, too.
What does baggage checkers have to do with the price of tea in China?

Pulling more crap out your ass I see.
She or it was arrested before the invasion. What about that is troubling you? This wasn't political until BLM and other quacks made it so.
  1. Define "socialism"
  2. How is she advocating it?
  3. Are you happy she's being so harshly sentenced?
The only thing I'll say, is you have to be some special kind of stupid to flagrantly break the laws of a country you're visiting
Hmmmm....looking at 9 years in prison for vaping and you think this might change her mind about the United States?
No, his mind won't change. Trust that
Coming from you that's actually hilarious. Seeing as you sucked down Ukrainian propaganda faster than Kool Aid in Jonestown. Talk about gullible.
No. You’re lying about that too. I am just objective, unlike you.

Russia did invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine. No amount of your prancing around will alter that fact, you Putin little red cock gobbler. .
She or it was arrested before the invasion. What about that is troubling you? This wasn't political until BLM and other quacks made it so.

Yeah...I think her arrest before the invasion was just an arrest, her current predicament is due to the invasion....
No. You’re lying about that too. I am just objective, unlike you.

Russia did invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine. No amount of your prancing around will alter that fact, you Putin little red cock gobbler. .
Don't be silly. Wipe that Zelensky jizz off your chin.

I have never denied Russia invaded. I didn't have a hissy fit over it like you. Not our problem, Europe has the manpower, equipment, and wealth to handle spats on their continent.

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