British special forces ready to deploy 600 troops to Ukraine amid Moscow invasion fears


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017

British special forces ready to deploy 600 troops to Ukraine amid Moscow invasion fears​

British task force of SAS and Paras set to mobilise to Ukraine as MI6 warns the prime minister that President Putin could be a threat to Ukraine and the west
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reassured Ukraine of Washington’s “ironclad” commitment to its security.

The Ministry of Defence said: “The UK and our allies are unwavering in support for Ukraine’s sovereignty.”

On Friday, the RAF said its Typhoons escorted two Russian Tu160 Blackjack bombers away from a ‘UK area of interest’ over the North Sea.

Hanstan and Muscovite horde are 2 paper - tigers , "With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde (Muscovy ) budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher"
the leading Geo- Strategist R Koplan:

Why in the Hell is the West getting involved? Stay out of it!
are posting from Olgino ? Long Live the Liberal order down to Moscow oriental horde !



Joe will send them some blankies if they get cold.

Why in the Hell is the West getting involved? Stay out of it!
Juchi ulus is in the pits economically. See its economic spin downwards here:

And it is difficult to see the juchi economy doing anything marvelously-miraculous to get back up to its GDP-level of the decade's beginning. Those were the "good ole days" and they are long gone.

It will take a bunch-of-miracles to get back to those GDP-levels - and its present dictator is no glowing economic-genius.

That is for sure ...

I'll believe it when I see it.

Then Biden will piss off his extreme leftist anti-war and pacifist voters.
Juchi ulus is in the pits economically. See its economic spin downwards here:
View attachment 569011

And it is difficult to see the juchi economy doing anything marvelously-miraculous to get back up to its GDP-level of the decade's beginning. Those were the "good ole days" and they are long gone.

It will take a bunch-of-miracles to get back to those GDP-levels - and its present dictator is no glowing economic-genius.

That is for sure ...

Dude, a T-14 Armada "Ob'yekt 148" will eat your economy graphs for lunch. Russian economy sucked during WWII, But they annihilated the Germans and Eastern Europe.
Dude, a T-14 Armada "Ob'yekt 148" will eat your economy graphs for lunch. Russian economy sucked during WWII, But they annihilated the Germans and Eastern Europe.
"Russian economy sucked during WWII, But they annihilated the Germans and Eastern Europe."
edit Marxist USSR

back to out time
"Russian economy sucked (like always ) during WWI, and they were annihilated by Germans and Eastern Europens "

"Russian economy sucked during WWII, But they annihilated the Germans and Eastern Europe."
edit Marxist USSR

back to out time
"Russian economy sucked (like always ) during WWI, and they were annihilated by Germans and Eastern Europens "

View attachment 569023

Wrong again, Pole. Russia was worried about casualties during WWI, so they pulled out. They weren't beaten. They had other things to worry about, like Lenin. Russia just has so much land, so many people, and such a strong military, that no matter what, they will always have a strong arm in the East, communist or not.
Why in the Hell is the West getting involved? Stay out of it!
Because that little leak in your roof can wind up drowning you when the rest of the roof collapses
around it.

The Brit move is surprising but welcomed if true. Anything that causes Putin the vampire to rethink
his corrupt ways. We'll see what the gutless dotard, Biden, does now.
Because that little leak in your roof can wind up drowning you when the rest of the roof collapses
around it.

The Brit move is surprising but welcomed if true. Anything that causes Putin the vampire to rethink
his corrupt ways. We'll see what the gutless dotard, Biden, does now.

Ah yes. England. They'll drag Australia into it, and then Canada and then whatever is left of their empire. And when they are dying on the battlefields they'll call us like they always do, and we'll end up going and dying.

Or we'll be caught in a Nuclear war.

But whatever the case may be, do you want BIDEN in charge when all of this is going down? I don't think so.
Why in the Hell is the West getting involved? Stay out of it!
I'm more interested in your quote by Longstreet. Regardless of one's race, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian (I just learned they actually prefer American Indian over Native American, as they figure anyone born in the USA is a Native American), all humans stemmed from an original source and thus except for the immediate family, we are all "cousins."
Anyway, we have to fight if it is to end tyranny and the tyranny of buying and selling humans as if they were livestock had to be ended and it became obvious that the only way to end it was by shedding blood over it and rightfully so. Tragically, as Lincoln's VP was a Democrat, the good-ole boys in charge in the South were able to be reinstated in their jobs and thus the discrimination and persecution of blacks replaced slavery.
Ah yes. England. They'll drag Australia into it, and then Canada and then whatever is left of their empire. And when they are dying on the battlefields they'll call us like they always do, and we'll end up going and dying.
So simply sending over Brit special forces (assuming even that that happens) will lead to a slippery slope
scenario where all of the former British empire gets sucked into a war time quagmire?

Really? :rolleyes:
Why not bring in India, Scotland and Ireland while you are at it?

Or we'll be caught in a Nuclear war.
Highly doubtful.
But whatever the case may be, do you want BIDEN in charge when all of this is going down? I don't think so.
No but what choice does America have? The goofy, bumbling racist money grubber is in office.
You are stuck in a dire worse case scenario mind set.
Last edited:
So simply sending over Brit special forces (assuming even that that happens) will lead to a slippery slope
scenario where all of the former British empire gets sucked into a war time quagmire?

Really? :rolleyes:
Why not bring in India, Scotland and Ireland while you are at it?

Highly doubtful.

No but what choice does America have? The goofy, bumbling racist money grubber is in office.
You are stuck in a dire worse case scenario mind set.

WWI started with two countries. They each called up their allies, until we had a WORLD WAR.
Biden is a centrist, and he has no space left , we have to stand and fight Muscovite oriental barbarians this time !
US considering sending military advisers, weaponry to Ukraine: report

Regarding President Reagan's speech:
None of that speech would have been thought necessary if stupid Americans had not gone to 2 wars against Germany;
The First to destroy the Tsar of Syro,Christian Israel Russia and unleash Trotsky, Stalin and the rest of the torturing & murdering Comminists;
And, the second in which America spent over 11 billion $'s to save Lenin and his gangs from a Germany trying to save Russians from the Communist butchers.
Stupid Americans are still paying the price of their wickedness.

As for Ukraine, it was USA that formented the terrorist takeover of Ukraine and subsequent frenzy of murder against East Ukraine.
And, it is still the murderous lust of USA to wreck and plunder Russia.

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