Luigi Mangione Is A Tragic Figure Not a Hero!

He was baptized and raised Roman Catholic and received the anointing of the sick, a Catholic sacrament, just minutes before his execution. Which he did NOT refuse.
There is also no church record of him having applied for a secession from Church.

He wasn't an assassin - but a Christian, right-wing, gun-nut and terrorist.

All the extremist-related murders in 2022 were committed by right-wing extremists of various kinds, who typically commit most such killings each year

White supremacists commit the greatest number of domestic extremist-related murders in most years, but in 2022 the percentage was unusually high: 21 of the 25 murders were linked to
white supremacists.

Left-wing extremists engage in violence ranging from assaults to fire-bombings and arsons, but since the late 1980s have not often targeted people with deadly violence.

No, Tim McVeigh was justifiably angry that the BATF and FBI illegally murdered over 70 people, including women and children, in Waco Texas.
The Branch Davidians were totally innocent and murdered by the FBI.
The only thing McVeigh got wrong was that it did not target the guilty individuals.
The government doesn't give you medical care unless you are a veteran and go to the VA.

That is the point.
The main reason to have government is to pool resource and provide things like free health care.
It is not like people are going to be greedy and want 2 operations when they only need one.
You’re a sick fuck.

And, you’re wrong.

The insurance racket is totally illegal, is a monopoly, extorts people, is unfair, practices medicine without a license, double the cost of health care, and murders millions of people.
It is allowing insurance to do this for 70 years is what is "sick".
The insurance racket is totally illegal, is a monopoly, extorts people, is unfair, practices medicine without a license, double the cost of health care, and murders millions of people.
It is allowing insurance to do this for 70 years is what is "sick".
Gfy ya sick fuck.
He was baptized and raised Roman Catholic and received the anointing of the sick, a Catholic sacrament, just minutes before his execution. Which he did NOT refuse.
There is also no church record of him having applied for a secession from Church.
Hiter, who killed thousands of Catholic clergy and closed churches, was born Catholic. Stalin, who killed thousands of Catholic clergy was born Catholic. Did you have a point?
When insurance companies illegally extort people to the point they cause millions of deaths, then any and all actions not only are justified and warranted, but compelled for a decent society.
WRONG; you are lying as usual. He shot a bloke in the back after very careful planning. He's not a robin Hood; he's a coward and a cold blooded murderer!!!

No, Tim McVeigh was justifiably angry that the BATF and FBI illegally murdered over 70 people, including women and children, in Waco Texas.
The Branch Davidians were totally innocent and murdered by the FBI.
The only thing McVeigh got wrong was that it did not target the guilty individuals.
Two wrongs don't make a right; simple but true!!!

WRONG; you are lying as usual. He shot a bloke in the back after very careful planning. He's not a robin Hood; he's a coward and a cold blooded murderer!!!


Consider killing a brutally Sadistic multi murderer for the greater good---- someone who was never going to be caught and dealt with legally .

A good or bad deed,Groper1?

Life is much more complex and shaded for you to grapple with , Grasshopper .
The causes of crime are poverty and injustice, not guns.
The US has way too much poverty and injustice, not guns.

Countries with less violence, like Switzerland, have less poverty and injustice, but MORE guns.
They have mandatory military service and you keep your weapons.
Essentially all homes are armed.
I would be good with adopting Switzerland`s gun laws, but with Nation`s Real Assholes (NRA) in charge of gun laws it`s not going to happen. I don`t think the Swiss are allowed to walk around pretending they`re cowboys or build an arsenal like the Branch Davidians and certain people in my small Twp. More guns = more shootings. A 12 year old Black kid who knocked on the wrong door was shot. A young woman who pulled into the wrong driveway was murdered by the homeowner. Only in America.
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Hiter, who killed thousands of Catholic clergy and closed churches, was born Catholic. Stalin, who killed thousands of Catholic clergy was born Catholic. Did you have a point?
Yep - all these above by you stated criminals and murders were Catholics respectively Christians (Orthodox)
You are the one who denies - that McVeigh was a Christian - not me
And you had previously stated that NO Christian .........

BTW - you are a champion when it comes to self-contradictory statements.
Consider killing a brutally Sadistic multi murderer for the greater good---- someone who was never going to be caught and dealt with legally .

A good or bad deed,Groper1?

Life is much more complex and shaded for you to grapple with , Grasshopper .
Pommy slum dog says what??


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