Breaking: Wall St Journal: Bill O'Reilly Out

They are like two decades too late.should have done it back then when he started sprouting out the bullshit disproven lies of the warren commission and has ever since, that Oswald was the lone assassin of JFK.:rolleyes:

The American and world consensus reaction to this news is...


Ding dong, the wicked witch, the wicked witch, the wicked witch is dead!!!! (2x)
Without the bleached-blonde Fox Foxes flashing their steaming beavers at the cameras under those glass desks, Fox is toast.
If so, FOX should give Tucker a TWO HOUR program! O'Reilly was a douchebag! Constantly consulting his neocon friend Krauthammer and other neocons for their idiocy that O'Reilly considered "wisdom."
Source: Fox News and Bill O'Reilly are talking exit

Oh nice if they give Patrick Buchanan or Judge Napolitano a spot! Still wish they would get rid of that fudge packer Shepard Smith.
False accusations, huh? You should have been his lawyer when he lost custody of his kids for beating their mother.

They're most likely false accusations because lawyers are just rounding up women willing to accuse in order to get a payoff. None of these dumb c*nts filed complaints at the time of the alleged incidents, and there were no witnesses to back up these claims. It's a common tactic of feminist c*nts in order to extort money from men and companies since they are incapable of making good money on their own, or they have a personal or political vendetta.

Where did all those bimbos who were accusing Trump of "harassment" go since the election? They all disappeared because they never had a case, they were just there for the headlines to help Hillary win. Progressives have been trying to get O'Reilly off the air for years since they hate free speech. There are many reasons to assume the accusations are false, at least until they are proven with real evidence.

Fox and O'Reilly paid out $13 million to 5 women so O'Reilly wounldn't have to go to court and have all his dirty laundry exposed.
Fox just plain tired of protecting the old pervert.
If you can digest that, you should be banned from USMB just for being that ignorant.

The fact that companies pay off the accusing bimbos doesn't mean there is an admission of guilt, it's often a business decision in order to preserve the company image. The company only cares about profit, if the bad publicity causes loss of profit, they will cut ties with the employee, even if he is completely innocent. It's the way of the feminist world.
To lose Meghyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly in one year has got to hurt. I still like The Five. It's my daily dose of conservative spin (except the crazy ass shit I hear in this place)
Funny, a sitting U.S. president was serially accused of sexual assault and rape and you twats were all "meh, fucking whores".

Such hypocrites.
Kathy Griffin's mother will be all upset.

Funny to see after O'muttley is canned the conservative bubble become the spin zone. "We never liked him, why didn't they get rid of him years ago, he's a flaming librul always has been, he's been waging a war on yada yada turd-ducken".
To lose Meghyn Kelly and Bill O'Reilly in one year has got to hurt. I still like The Five. It's my daily dose of conservative spin (except the crazy ass shit I hear in this place)
I hate both of them
They're most likely false accusations because lawyers are just rounding up women willing to accuse in order to get a payoff. None of these dumb c*nts filed complaints at the time of the alleged incidents, and there were no witnesses to back up these claims. It's a common tactic of feminist c*nts in order to extort money from men and companies since they are incapable of making good money on their own, or they have a personal or political vendetta.

Where did all those bimbos who were accusing Trump of "harassment" go since the election? They all disappeared because they never had a case, they were just there for the headlines to help Hillary win. Progressives have been trying to get O'Reilly off the air for years since they hate free speech. There are many reasons to assume the accusations are false, at least until they are proven with real evidence.
Hey cuckservative,

  1. There's tons of evidence BACKING up these women's claims, including multiple women having TAPED recordings of Billo's pervatism.
  2. Moreover, there's MULTIPLE witnesses corroborating their claims.
  3. To top it off, Billo physically abused his ex-wife, including throwing her down a flight of front of their own children.

How does it feel defending a notorious sexual-harasser and wife-beater? And when last did you beat your own wife? Or are you so pathetic that you are just relegated to beating your own meat.

You cotton pickin' snowflake you.

I'm not defending O'Reilly, I have no way of knowing what he did or didn't do. If there is tons of evidence then why wasn't he criminally charged with assault? Because these cases are always "he said, she said" cases. I'm just pointing out in this day and age there are many women in the workplace looking to score big and fuck over men in the workplace in order to further their own careers or make a big payoff. Because so many women are like that, I'm saying I'd rather wait to see some damning evidence before I believe any such accusations against any man. There are just too many gold digging c*nts out there.
Funny, a sitting U.S. president was serially accused of sexual assault and rape and you twats were all "meh, fucking whores".

Such hypocrites.

We didn't fire O'Reilly. Fox did.

btw, O'Reilly's audience has actually been INCREASING since this thing broke but they fired him anyway.

Why? Because of the advertisers bailing. You see, the viewer don't pay the bills, the advertisers do.

What really got O'Reilly then? The free market. That thing conservatives worship.

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