BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...

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That law doesn't discriminate against the state's non-Jewish Arab citizens.
Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait

The donations will go to nations like the Czech Republic and Honduras that pledged to move diplomats to Jerusalem. Critics say Israel has an obligation to inoculate Palestinians under its occupation.

But the move has angered Palestinians because it suggests that Israel’s allies are of greater priority than the Palestinians living under Israeli control in the occupied territories, almost all of whom have yet to receive a vaccine.

Israel has pledged at least twice as many doses to faraway countries as it has so far promised to the nearly five million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

But on Tuesday evening, an Israeli security official said that the military department that coordinates between Israel and the Palestinian leadership had not yet received government authorization to deliver more vaccines to the Palestinian Authority.

Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait - The New York Times (

The Israelis speak with a forked tongue, out of one side they claim to be helping its Palestinian neighbors and then out of the other comes one lie after another.

That law doesn't discriminate against the state's non-Jewish Arab citizens.
Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait

The donations will go to nations like the Czech Republic and Honduras that pledged to move diplomats to Jerusalem. Critics say Israel has an obligation to inoculate Palestinians under its occupation.

But the move has angered Palestinians because it suggests that Israel’s allies are of greater priority than the Palestinians living under Israeli control in the occupied territories, almost all of whom have yet to receive a vaccine.

Israel has pledged at least twice as many doses to faraway countries as it has so far promised to the nearly five million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

But on Tuesday evening, an Israeli security official said that the military department that coordinates between Israel and the Palestinian leadership had not yet received government authorization to deliver more vaccines to the Palestinian Authority.

Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait - The New York Times (

The Israelis speak with a forked tongue, out of one side they claim to be helping its Palestinian neighbors and then out of the other comes one lie after another.


They're not in a hurry to hand vaccines to their corrupt, terror-supporting neighbors?
Who cares what the UN says about Israel? I think the UN is a worthless, bias, power hungry organization that should have been abandoned decades ago. See how that works?
Like before 1948? The world sure would be a helluva lot better off had they not given Palestine to extremist Jews.

Did anyone really believe that the UN giving Palestine to extremist Jews would bode well for peace?

In 1945 the Arabs advised them to give the best land in Germany to the Holocaust survivors.
They're not in a hurry to hand vaccines to their corrupt, terror-supporting neighbors?
Just because IDF snipers murder Palestinian children on an almost daily bases does not mean they should not give the Palestinians the vaccines they need. This is a public relations issue, and the Zionists are losing it.
They're not in a hurry to hand vaccines to their corrupt, terror-supporting neighbors?
Just because IDF snipers murder Palestinian children on an almost daily bases does not mean they should not give the Palestinians the vaccines they need. This is a public relations issue, and the Zionists are losing it.

Sure thing Sparky.
RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Implementation of Obligations.
⁜→Book of Jeremiah, louie888, LA RAM FAN, et al,

PREFACE: Many factors influenced the 1920 Decisions of the San Remo Conference and the Principle Allied Powers that were victorious coming out of The Great War (II). Where you speak in short-term steps and about one faction in a sea of Arabs, they were looking at the pattern extending over 2000 years. A pattern of inequities in governance over the Jewish People, rampant religious discrimination that was openly condoned and unnecessarily pervasive all across Europe and the Middle East. These patterns of continuous expulsions, incarcerations, kangaroo court proceedings, inquisition treatment, and alike, that the Principled Allied Powers thought they might be able to rectify. They were forward-thinking. But like some many time governmental alliances may be genuinely acting in good faith, their execution lacked decisive implementation.

BLUF: It is quite easy for us today to be armchair critics and nitpick the understanding of a situation and events → only after a century later → well after it has happened. Having the benefit of seeing how decisions about post-War events concerning Ottoman Territory, it is easy for us today to say IF this - and - IF that about the regional evolution and development. (Monday Morning Quarterbacks are notorious for their insight...)

Who cares what the UN says about Israel? I think the UN is a worthless, bias, power hungry organization that should have been abandoned decades ago. See how that works?
Like before 1948? The world sure would be a helluva lot better off had they not given Palestine to extremist Jews.
Did anyone really believe that the UN giving Palestine to extremist Jews would bode well for peace?

No organization is without its faults. That is just how it is, most likely because of the many different perspectives. You can talk about the shortcomings of any institution when you are not pressed for a solution.

Most pro-Arab Palestinians are quick to blame the Israelis --- as if it today's crisis is all their fault. I've even heard the claim made that the Israelis are responsible for the development of the various Jihadists, Fedayeen Activists, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters. But at the end of the day the Hostile Arab Palestinians 20% of the EU Terrorist Organizations list are Arab Palestinians. like:
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade
  • The Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
  • The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)
Are there extremists in Israel? Probably! But they are not popping up as a terrorist threat. I see Dutch, Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Algerian, and Lebanese. But none of the EU member nations have a BOLO, Wants and Warrants on Israel for terrorism. And while Congress has the Constitutional Authority to issue grant Letters of Marque and Reprisals against any threat, extra-judicial or not, they have not done so in my lifetime.

To be sure, the Israelis are not perfect. But the difference between the honesty, integrity, and moral values of the two cultures (Israeli vs Arab Palestinian) is as deep as the Grand Canyon.


Most Respectfully,
20% of the EU Terrorist Organizations list are Arab Palestinians. like:
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade
  • The Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
  • The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)
And not a one of them would exist without Israel. Not to mention shit organizations like AIPAC and JNF.

Then there are the millions killed in Latin America, Africa, and other places because death is a money making export for Israel.

Israel, the gift that keeps on giving.
BLUF: It is quite easy for us today to be armchair critics and nitpick the understanding of a situation and events → only after a century later →blah, blah, blah...
Creating a century (and counting) of death and destruction takes a special kind of stupid.
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Responses that comment on the behaviors of social order, but no information of substance. No one wakes up in the morning and tells the Arab Palestinians to go forth and break the law. Israel has nothing to do with that.

20% of the EU Terrorist Organizations list are Arab Palestinians. like:
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade
  • The Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
  • The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)
And not a one of them would exist without Israel. Not to mention shit organizations like AIPAC and JNF.
Then there are the millions killed in Latin America, Africa, and other places because death is a money making export for Israel.
Israel, the gift that keeps on giving.

This is real a statement of confusion. What does Israel have to do (causal factor) with strife in "Latin America, Africa, and other places?"

IF trade with Israel of an export set or commodity THEN Latin America, Africa, and other places need not export to them. But the fact is, exports from "Latin America, Africa, and other places" is NOT a causal factor in the social order of these exporting countries.

FACT CHECKING: Israeli trade with Latin America and African countries is insignificant. (See:
The Observatory for Economic Complexity (OEC) data on Israel). Your assertion is 100% wrong and entirely erroneous.


Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
⁜→ watchingfromafar, et al,

BLUF: I think you have not seen the full story.

Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait - The New York Times (
The Israelis speak with a forked tongue, out of one side they claim to be helping its Palestinian neighbors and then out of the other comes one lie after another.

Your example story (23 FEB '21)(Israel Gives Vaccine to Far-Off Allies, as Palestinians Wait) is from a year ago. In that very same time period, a counter-news story (Abbas Reportedly Refused to Let Israel Vaccinate Thousands of Palestinians, Yet the Media Is Silent) appears.

It would appear that the Palestinian Authority refused a vaccine station for political reasons.

Arutz Sheva 7 News Article.png


Most Respectfully,
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