Breaking: Charles Manson Dead At 83

Unless someone else was with me on the strip by all means tell me your tale and I will tell you mine.
Any of you thinking this was a joke you have no idea what this was like at the time. They cut the baby out of Sharons body. It was a nighmare
What makes you mouth breathers think Charlie Manson was political, much less Liberal?

What is it with you dolts? You ascribe all things evil to political motives? I guess that's what you get when you fail history class.

Anyway, on topic, so long, Charlie! We won't miss you at all.

My guess would be the things he said, and wrote. You should acquaint yourself with his beliefs.

Thanks to liberals the taxpayers kept this piece of shit for almost 50 years
Yea, I wonder what the total cost to taxpayers it was to keep him there that long?

2 million

Charles Manson has cost taxpayers millions

They all got the death penalty.
Then the lefties did away with the death penalty so we got saddled with feeding and clothing these murderous scum for decades.
They all got the death penalty.
Then the lefties did away with the death penalty so we got saddled with feeding and clothing these murderous scum for decades.
Yeah, go figure...

A VERY pregnant woman has her stomach carved up
and both her and her child lose their lives,

but, to sentence those responsible,
to a fast, painless death....

It violates the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
Furthermore, the death penalty undermines human dignity
which is inherent to every human being.

All one has to do is to look at the crime scene photos to know,
she was subjected to a horrific, cruel, degrading death

Every fucking day, thousands of unborn babies
are sucked out or pulled apart and removed,

But, poor Charlie

Seriously... stop the planet, I want to get off!

Trump and Manson birds of a feather...
Goofy lying 'Rumper cult calls Manson a liberal hippie. He had a Nazi swastika carved into his forehead and supported 'Rump for President. A hardcore right-winger, he was a white supremacist.
What makes you mouth breathers think Charlie Manson was political, much less Liberal?

What is it with you dolts? You ascribe all things evil to political motives? I guess that's what you get when you fail history class.

Anyway, on topic, so long, Charlie! We won't miss you at all.
Their knee jerk reaction to anything they don`t understand is to holler "librul"! Sometimes they expand on that and holler "librul media"
Any of you thinking this was a joke you have no idea what this was like at the time. They cut the baby out of Sharons body. It was a nighmare
Yes, a nightmare and one of the grisliest murders ever, but it did not include removal of the baby from the mother. Horrible crime does not need embellishment.
Any of you thinking this was a joke you have no idea what this was like at the time. They cut the baby out of Sharons body. It was a nighmare

and you were right THERE for that??

WOW, somebody call the authorities on this psycho!
BLM is trying to start a race war. Obama 's failure to improve the lives of blacks is the reason why. You can't fix stupid.

oh so THAT'S why white supremacist confederate nazi skin heads are getting "FUCK ANTIFA" tattoos all over their bodies these days...

cuz they love fascism?? it's all so confusing...

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