Border Patrol Council President: ‘The Cartels Control the Border Now’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The fuck up that is Joe Biden and his inept administration. Or, is this being allowed deliberately? Hmmm?

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said Friday that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do.

“I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government,” Judd told Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.”

Judd said that despite DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visiting the border on Thursday, there’s “no sign” of a change that could stem the surge. “No sign. He has been down to the border a couple of times. I’m gonna remind you that President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have come down to the border. I can tell you that when you see this issue firsthand, you’re more willing to make changes. Vice President Pence came to the border, went into the processing facility, saw how it was going, and there were immediate changes that happened right after that visit,” he said.

“So we do need to have the people that are making these decisions come down to the border, see exactly what is going on so that hopefully they will go back and say we messed up, we need to go back to what we were doing that solved this issue, that dropped us to 45-year lows in illegal immigration and then we can get a handle on this and go after the cartels and drug smugglers and go after those things that are dangerous to the American public,” Judd said.

Judd found it “upsetting” that some think the fact that there are so many arrests at the border and so many children in U.S. custody that it shows that border security is working and the Border Patrol have all they need. “We were never trained to do a humanitarian mission, although we do it well. When we have to, we'll step up to the plate, and we’ll do our jobs. However, we were trained to go after criminal aliens. We were trained to go after cartels. That's exactly what we want to do. We want to do a law enforcement mission,” he said.

“We want to protect the American public, but when we get flooded with unaccompanied children, and when we get flooded with family units, it pulls our resources out of the field, and it creates artificial gaps, which allows the cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit, and they’re generating that profit off of our policies, and that should upset every single American,” Judd said.


Biden has tried to walk back his words prior to election. Words matter and cannot be "taken back" months later.

CBP’s statistics showed that 18,890 unaccompanied children were apprehended in March, double the rate in February.


When US deschedules marijuana on the federal level, cartel profit margin will drop 50% reportedly. As a supporter of states' rights, I support this federal measure because it's rational and needed, but anything beyond reducing legal classification needs to be decided on a state to state basis. That is as far as the federal govt needs to be involved with it. The states should have the profit or decide to keep it illegal if that's what the voters decide.

I'm keeping in mind that most drugs get through US/Mexican border without detection (various videos depict this nightly event in real time). It's been noted that the inspectors spend most of the attention/time on produce coming in and out and the tax repercussions. Great. That's what they need to worry about. After watching a few clips showing this play out, it's unreal how they miss the drugs..but go figure, on the Mexican side they had 2 agents inspecting the vehicles and again..showing how they go through fruit and veggies (of course drugs are frequently smuggled in that way) but so much gets through using other methods.

To answer the question about who controls the border? No one, but I can see how stating the cartels run it isn't a far stretch...they might as well be running it.
The fuck up that is Joe Biden and his inept administration. Or, is this being allowed deliberately? Hmmm?

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said Friday that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do.
“I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government,” Judd told Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.”
Judd said that despite DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visiting the border on Thursday, there’s “no sign” of a change that could stem the surge. “No sign. He has been down to the border a couple of times. I’m gonna remind you that President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have come down to the border. I can tell you that when you see this issue firsthand, you’re more willing to make changes. Vice President Pence came to the border, went into the processing facility, saw how it was going, and there were immediate changes that happened right after that visit,” he said.
“So we do need to have the people that are making these decisions come down to the border, see exactly what is going on so that hopefully they will go back and say we messed up, we need to go back to what we were doing that solved this issue, that dropped us to 45-year lows in illegal immigration and then we can get a handle on this and go after the cartels and drug smugglers and go after those things that are dangerous to the American public,” Judd said.
Judd found it “upsetting” that some think the fact that there are so many arrests at the border and so many children in U.S. custody that it shows that border security is working and the Border Patrol have all they need. “We were never trained to do a humanitarian mission, although we do it well. When we have to, we'll step up to the plate, and we’ll do our jobs. However, we were trained to go after criminal aliens. We were trained to go after cartels. That's exactly what we want to do. We want to do a law enforcement mission,” he said.
“We want to protect the American public, but when we get flooded with unaccompanied children, and when we get flooded with family units, it pulls our resources out of the field, and it creates artificial gaps, which allows the cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit, and they’re generating that profit off of our policies, and that should upset every single American,” Judd said.

One senile grandpa and election thief loves it!

Biden has tried to walk back his words prior to election. Words matter and cannot be "taken back" months later.

CBP’s statistics showed that 18,890 unaccompanied children were apprehended in March, double the rate in February.

View attachment 478115

When US deschedules marijuana on the federal level, cartel profit margin will drop 50% reportedly. As a supporter of states' rights, I support this federal measure because it's rational and needed, but anything beyond reducing legal classification needs to be decided on a state to state basis. That is as far as the federal govt needs to be involved with it. The states should have the profit or decide to keep it illegal if that's what the voters decide.

I'm keeping in mind that most drugs get through US/Mexican border without detection (various videos depict this nightly event in real time). It's been noted that the inspectors spend most of the attention/time on produce coming in and out and the tax repercussions. Great. That's what they need to worry about. After watching a few clips showing this play out, it's unreal how they miss the drugs..but go figure, on the Mexican side they had 2 agents inspecting the vehicles and again..showing how they go through fruit and veggies (of course drugs are frequently smuggled in that way) but so much gets through using other methods.

To answer the question about who controls the border? No one, but I can see how stating the cartels run it isn't a far stretch...they might as well be running it.
I doubt they brought it that much weed what with many state growings it also plus their quality is lacking.
Biden has tried to walk back his words prior to election. Words matter and cannot be "taken back" months later.

CBP’s statistics showed that 18,890 unaccompanied children were apprehended in March, double the rate in February.

View attachment 478115

When US deschedules marijuana on the federal level, cartel profit margin will drop 50% reportedly. As a supporter of states' rights, I support this federal measure because it's rational and needed, but anything beyond reducing legal classification needs to be decided on a state to state basis. That is as far as the federal govt needs to be involved with it. The states should have the profit or decide to keep it illegal if that's what the voters decide.

I'm keeping in mind that most drugs get through US/Mexican border without detection (various videos depict this nightly event in real time). It's been noted that the inspectors spend most of the attention/time on produce coming in and out and the tax repercussions. Great. That's what they need to worry about. After watching a few clips showing this play out, it's unreal how they miss the drugs..but go figure, on the Mexican side they had 2 agents inspecting the vehicles and again..showing how they go through fruit and veggies (of course drugs are frequently smuggled in that way) but so much gets through using other methods.

To answer the question about who controls the border? No one, but I can see how stating the cartels run it isn't a far stretch...they might as well be running it.
I doubt they brought it that much weed what with many state growings it also plus their quality is lacking.
The articles I posted back your statement, but not the part about 50%. Cartels ( at least 9 active in US with other media source listing 16 active cartels as some splintered) continue to focus on heroin, methamphetamines, heroin mixed with fentanyl some users knowing some not, pot. One video showed how they’re making pure fentanyl pills being cheaper than heroin to sell to dealers . Now that’s a desperate drug dealer- to tell users it’s only heroin knowing it’s laced with Fentanyl to boost the high and the likelihood of death at a cheaper price for the dealer. As predicted by many, legalizing weed in the states would harm the cartels overall financially and they shifted farther, NC for example, to expand business.

Until effectively dealt with, these cartels will continue to permeate into new areas. BTW- I’m not some alarmist, I’m just following the areas they’ve impacted. Marijuana is still very much a profit maker for the cartels, in all states most likely, including those where they legalized it -it’s just not as profitable as they have to undercut the legal price. When I researched the amount of money these cartels made from specific drugs, I was surprised pot was 50% of it but that’s what I found.
The following study found that it was 60% of profit which that that sounds a bit high but what do I know. Study: US Marijuana Legalization Could Cut Cartel Profits By 30%
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The fuck up that is Joe Biden and his inept administration. Or, is this being allowed deliberately? Hmmm?

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said Friday that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do.

“I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government,” Judd told Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.”

Judd said that despite DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visiting the border on Thursday, there’s “no sign” of a change that could stem the surge. “No sign. He has been down to the border a couple of times. I’m gonna remind you that President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have come down to the border. I can tell you that when you see this issue firsthand, you’re more willing to make changes. Vice President Pence came to the border, went into the processing facility, saw how it was going, and there were immediate changes that happened right after that visit,” he said.

“So we do need to have the people that are making these decisions come down to the border, see exactly what is going on so that hopefully they will go back and say we messed up, we need to go back to what we were doing that solved this issue, that dropped us to 45-year lows in illegal immigration and then we can get a handle on this and go after the cartels and drug smugglers and go after those things that are dangerous to the American public,” Judd said.

Judd found it “upsetting” that some think the fact that there are so many arrests at the border and so many children in U.S. custody that it shows that border security is working and the Border Patrol have all they need. “We were never trained to do a humanitarian mission, although we do it well. When we have to, we'll step up to the plate, and we’ll do our jobs. However, we were trained to go after criminal aliens. We were trained to go after cartels. That's exactly what we want to do. We want to do a law enforcement mission,” he said.

“We want to protect the American public, but when we get flooded with unaccompanied children, and when we get flooded with family units, it pulls our resources out of the field, and it creates artificial gaps, which allows the cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit, and they’re generating that profit off of our policies, and that should upset every single American,” Judd said.


It’s deliberate to turn Texas blue
Did Floyd’s fentanyl come through the border? Was it Chinese communist fentanyl?
The fuck up that is Joe Biden and his inept administration. Or, is this being allowed deliberately? Hmmm?

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said Friday that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do.
“I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government,” Judd told Fox News’s “America’s Newsroom.”
Judd said that despite DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visiting the border on Thursday, there’s “no sign” of a change that could stem the surge. “No sign. He has been down to the border a couple of times. I’m gonna remind you that President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have come down to the border. I can tell you that when you see this issue firsthand, you’re more willing to make changes. Vice President Pence came to the border, went into the processing facility, saw how it was going, and there were immediate changes that happened right after that visit,” he said.
“So we do need to have the people that are making these decisions come down to the border, see exactly what is going on so that hopefully they will go back and say we messed up, we need to go back to what we were doing that solved this issue, that dropped us to 45-year lows in illegal immigration and then we can get a handle on this and go after the cartels and drug smugglers and go after those things that are dangerous to the American public,” Judd said.
Judd found it “upsetting” that some think the fact that there are so many arrests at the border and so many children in U.S. custody that it shows that border security is working and the Border Patrol have all they need. “We were never trained to do a humanitarian mission, although we do it well. When we have to, we'll step up to the plate, and we’ll do our jobs. However, we were trained to go after criminal aliens. We were trained to go after cartels. That's exactly what we want to do. We want to do a law enforcement mission,” he said.
“We want to protect the American public, but when we get flooded with unaccompanied children, and when we get flooded with family units, it pulls our resources out of the field, and it creates artificial gaps, which allows the cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit, and they’re generating that profit off of our policies, and that should upset every single American,” Judd said.

that's it. Everybody in the administration should be executed for this level of treason.

We need more executions.
Did Floyd’s fentanyl come through the border? Was it Chinese communist fentanyl?
Hard to know since a lot of the Chinese made stuff goes through US/Mexican border not just via mail and ports so if coming from Mexico but originated in could say both and possibly be right.

Your questions prompted me to find this: "Beijing's decision in May to criminalize all fentanyl-related substances following U.S. pressure. The move led to a decline in the number of Chinese vendors willing to export fentanyl products, according to David Prince with Homeland Security Investigations' transnational organized crime office."

If that assessment is accurate, I'd put money that it came from Mexico although a few years back my money would be on China.

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