BOMBSHELL: Obama/Hillary ordered DHS to delete files on Orlando killers mosque AND San Bernadino mos

what reputable sources! absolutely no way those are complete fabrications made to feed your biases.
DHS Whistleblower: Deleted Records on Muslims Might Have Stopped Attacks

Orlando mosque tied to case Hillary’s State Dept scrubbed

A DHS whistle blower has come forward. They were directed by Obama and Hillarys State Department to scrub and delete many many files on mosques they were investigating and told to cease it due to sensitivity concerns. ORLANDO AND SAN BERNADINO mosques that the killers attended were 2 of them....and this DHS officer says the 2 were related....

He said after both people said the Feds failed to "connect the dots" at the same time he says they were being ordered to "erase the dots".

He says the Orlando shooter would have still been on a no fly list and not able to travel to the Middle East. His wife....who is being charged tomorrow....wouldn't have been able to IMMIGRATE here from Jordan on a visa.

Just holy what the fuck?????

As she hasn’t been in the State Department building in 4 years..the story is surely made up.
The left wingers are laughing.

Do you hate them as much as I do yet?

I do. They think it's all a big joke.

No, we think you’re a big joke.

You could correct this by at least attempting to post something truthful once in a while.

Obama is more concerned with protecting Islam / Islamic Extremists / Terrorists than he is with protecting Americans!

'The future must not belong with those who slander the prophet of Islam.'

I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Homeland Security

Gathering, analyzing, and effectively sharing intelligence is vital to the security of the United States. In order to prevent threats, including those from terrorism, we will strengthen intelligence collection to identify and interdict those who intend to do us harm. The information we collect must be analyzed as well as shared, and we must invest in our analytic capabilities and our capacity to share intelligence across all levels of government. As we grow our intelligence capabilities, the President is also committed to strengthening efforts to protect the privacy and civil rights of all Americans.

Obama is more concerned with protecting Islam / Islamic Extremists / Terrorists than he is with protecting Americans!

'The future must not belong with those who slander the prophet of Islam.'

I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"

You guys must think President Obama has multiple personality disorder. On the on hand he is killing too many radical terrorist with the drone program and on the other hand he is protecting the extremists.

Either that or ya'll are just crazy with hate and will say just about anything about him as long at it is derogatory.
You guys must think President Obama has multiple personality disorder. On the on hand he is killing too many radical terrorist with the drone program and on the other hand he is protecting the extremists.

The drone strike program is nothing more than a 'pin prick' approach.

And yesterday Obama said "We are NOW going to go after ISIS' money sources.'



We already know that before the Paris attack he was PROTECTING ISIS' black market oil business, that funded 50% of all their terror operations, to include the Paris attack! After the Paris attack France and Russia said 'F* THAT' and bombed the hell out of their oil facilities and trucks....what did Obama do? He dropped leaflets warning the terrorists the French and Russian bombers were coming! (TRAITOR!)

Before THAT we know Obama supplied, armed, and even TRAINED ISIS members. He called them a 'JV Team' that was no threat and allowed them to waltz right into Iraq un-opposed to take over much of what our military had already liberated at great cost!

But NOW - yesterday - Barry FINALLY says, 'We're going to start targeting their money sources'?! Isn't that only took the worst terrorist mass shooting in US history and the deaths of 50 Americans to get him to do it!
the articles are speculative and provide no clear information or facts. The ex-DHS Fox news Contributor has been out of a job for over 5 years now, since 2011...I doubt he knows anything about either san bernadino or orlando.

once again, this is creating, fabricating, and manufacturing news instead of REPORTING news with journalistic standards...there is no there, there.

p.s. hillary has not been secretary of state since 2012, your header/title is misleading.

Dale, your mistake is believing every single thing that is said like this...u just automatically believe it....that makes things that are truly happening, unbelievable when they exit your do a disservice to your cause imo....but what the heck, i know, i know, you KNOW so much more... ;)
Fox and World Nut Daily are solely about creating, fabricating, and manufacturing ‘news,’ they are completely devoid of journalistic standards; indeed, they have contempt for such standards – Fox and World Nut Daily are not ‘news,’ they’re entertainment for conservatives.
Regardless of you misguided personal opinions, Clinton still purged terrorist lists and blocked investigations into radical Mosques that want to slaughter people. She does as her bosses in the ME tell her to do. They didn't give her millions because she is pretty.
You guys must think President Obama has multiple personality disorder. On the on hand he is killing too many radical terrorist with the drone program and on the other hand he is protecting the extremists.

The drone strike program is nothing more than a 'pin prick' approach.

And yesterday Obama said "We are NOW going to go after ISIS' money sources.'



We already know that before the Paris attack he was PROTECTING ISIS' black market oil business, that funded 50% of all their terror operations, to include the Paris attack! After the Paris attack France and Russia said 'F* THAT' and bombed the hell out of their oil facilities and trucks....what did Obama do? He dropped leaflets warning the terrorists the French and Russian bombers were coming! (TRAITOR!)

Before THAT we know Obama supplied, armed, and even TRAINED ISIS members. He called them a 'JV Team' that was no threat and allowed them to waltz right into Iraq un-opposed to take over much of what our military had already liberated at great cost!

But NOW - yesterday - Barry FINALLY says, 'We're going to start targeting their money sources'?! Isn't that only took the worst terrorist mass shooting in US history and the deaths of 50 Americans to get him to do it!
So is he going to cut off arms shipments to them? He and Clinton already sent them $500 million worth of weapons
While Sect of State Hillary presided over a case where a foreign billionaire's company was caught engaging in black market dealings with Iran, violating US sanctions. The State Dept was in charge of ensuring the company faced massive fines and other punishments. Amazingly enough the company was completely spared from ANY punishment.

No one should be surprised to know that the foreign owner was a HUGE (millions) donor to Hillary's 'charity'.

They don't call it 'Influence Peddling' for nothing.

Clinton Foundation Donor Violated Iran Sanctions, Tried to Sell 747s to Tehran

Newsweek: Largest individual donor to Clinton Foundation has trade ties to Iran - Hot Air
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You guys must think President Obama has multiple personality disorder. On the on hand he is killing too many radical terrorist with the drone program and on the other hand he is protecting the extremists.

The drone strike program is nothing more than a 'pin prick' approach.

And yesterday Obama said "We are NOW going to go after ISIS' money sources.'



We already know that before the Paris attack he was PROTECTING ISIS' black market oil business, that funded 50% of all their terror operations, to include the Paris attack! After the Paris attack France and Russia said 'F* THAT' and bombed the hell out of their oil facilities and trucks....what did Obama do? He dropped leaflets warning the terrorists the French and Russian bombers were coming! (TRAITOR!)

Before THAT we know Obama supplied, armed, and even TRAINED ISIS members. He called them a 'JV Team' that was no threat and allowed them to waltz right into Iraq un-opposed to take over much of what our military had already liberated at great cost!

But NOW - yesterday - Barry FINALLY says, 'We're going to start targeting their money sources'?! Isn't that only took the worst terrorist mass shooting in US history and the deaths of 50 Americans to get him to do it!
So is he going to cut off arms shipments to them? He and Clinton already sent them $500 million worth of weapons
Of course not.
The $500 million to ISIS and the $1.3 billion of tax payer money sent to Iran could have been better spent here at home.
The $500 million to ISIS and the $1.3 billion of tax payer money sent to Iran could have been better spent here at home.
And let's not forget the $6 BILLION Hillary 'LOST" as Secretary of State and the $500 MILLION Obama took from the Ebola fund 'to use for Zika Virus' that wound up in the hands of the UN a week later for their new Global Warming initiative!
And let's not forget the $6 BILLION Hillary 'LOST" as Secretary of State and the $500 MILLION Obama took from the Ebola fund 'to use for Zika Virus' that wound up in the hands of the UN a week later for their new Global Warming initiative!

Should we add that $6 BILLION 500 MILLION to OBAMA'S $7+ Trillion addition of new debt ... or just brush it under the rug, never to mention it again?
the articles are speculative and provide no clear information or facts. The ex-DHS Fox news Contributor has been out of a job for over 5 years now, since 2011...I doubt he knows anything about either san bernadino or orlando.

once again, this is creating, fabricating, and manufacturing news instead of REPORTING news with journalistic standards...there is no there, there.

p.s. hillary has not been secretary of state since 2012, your header/title is misleading.

Dale, your mistake is believing every single thing that is said like this...u just automatically believe it....that makes things that are truly happening, unbelievable when they exit your do a disservice to your cause imo....but what the heck, i know, i know, you KNOW so much more... ;)
Fox and World Nut Daily are solely about creating, fabricating, and manufacturing ‘news,’ they are completely devoid of journalistic standards; indeed, they have contempt for such standards – Fox and World Nut Daily are not ‘news,’ they’re entertainment for conservatives.
Regardless of you misguided personal opinions, Clinton still purged terrorist lists and blocked investigations into radical Mosques that want to slaughter people. She does as her bosses in the ME tell her to do. They didn't give her millions because she is pretty.

Exactly right.

She headed the State Department.
Her Foundation took money from Middle Eastern tyrants.
She ordered DHS to scrub files on mosques being funded by ME terrorists....the same mosques the Orlando and San Bern killers got radicalized at.

In a sane and just world....she'd be charged as a traitor.

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