Look at what the Left Fears:

Okay, let's look at that.

restoring the family as the centrepiece of American life; -Not sure how that's the government's business.

dismantling the administrative state; Which administrative state is that? The EPA making sure we have clean water? OSHA making our workplaces safe?

defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders; - Besides the contradiction of the previous point (you'd need a pretty strong state apparatus to do that.)that sounds like a lot of xenophobic garbage.

and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely. - So you are going to stop harassing women getting abortions, gay people who want to get married, or trans people wanting to live as their identified gender? Whenever I hear a wingnut talk about freedom, it's usually for those with privilege to abuse those of us without it.
Whenever a wingnut talks about "freedom" it is usually their freedom to take away liberty from someone else.
Whenever a wingnut talks about "freedom" it is usually their freedom to take away liberty from someone else.
Liberty like AWB2 or liberty like a state can end Post Birth Abortion Or a Governor can close their States Southern Border
It takes a wrecking ball to all that they hold dear.

Obviously, they hold the wrong things dear.
the Liberty like AWB2 or liberty like a state can end Post Birth Abortion Or a Governor can close their States Southern Border
the swamp has been very active for five years now. I thank Trump everyday for exposing the pricks in DC and states
I don't know what "Bake that fucking Cake" means, but if you desire an example of what I meant, I would appreciate a more, lucid, measured and civilized tone.

Be that as it may, one example of "wingnuts" ranting about freedom on one hand and taking it away from others, is on religious matters, especially, by evangelical conservatives who are outspoken in placing Christianity above all other religions. More than a few of these conservatives want to take rights away from folks who don't comport to these religious values. Freedom for some, but not for all should be their mantra, or rather, freedom means following the dictates of the majority.
Be that as it may, one example of "wingnuts" ranting about freedom on one hand and taking it away from others, is on religious matters, especially, by evangelical conservatives who are outspoken in placing Christianity above all other religions. More than a few of these conservatives want to take rights away from folks who don't comport to these religious values. Freedom for some, but not for all should be their mantra, or rather, freedom means following the dictates of the majority.

You just accurately described the Republican Party of 1980.

Today, the new religion that vows all others prostrate themselves before it is WOKE.

You're outdated, jack.
You just accurately described the Republican Party of 1980.

Today, the new religion that vows all others prostrate themselves before it is WOKE.

You're outdated, jack.
The new religion today is stupid maga.

The republic party of Reagan gave lip serve to fundamentalists, but stupid maga today buys the christofascist dream.
You addressed me first, genius.

You also outed yourself as not exactly a knowledgeable film buff.

At least you're consistent.
Rhody, you are being silly. No evidence at all has been presented to judges that they were able to take forward.

Trump is corrupt. He would love a civil service that never bucked his wishes and donated in full to GOP campaigns.

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