"Blue State Blues: Barack Obama, the 'god' That Failed" - EXCELLENT READ!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Blue State Blues: Barack Obama, the God That Failed - Breitbart

'Obama convinced Democrats they would govern for 40 years — and that if they were displaced, it would be by a new party, not today’s GOP.' :p

The decision by over 60 House Democrats — and counting — to boycott Donald Trump’s inauguration is more than a sign of the divisions that are Barack Obama’s legacy. It is also a sign Democrats are not just a defeated political party, but also a failed religion.

For many Democrats, the shock of Trump’s win on November 8 has not faded. If anything, it has become more intense. They were surprised that Trump beat the odds — but more than that, they are surprised that it was even possible for them to lose.

"For them, Obama’s win in 2008 was no ordinary election victory, but a kind of millenarian, messianic moment, beyond which future elections would never again be in doubt, or even necessary.

They believed Obama had a mandate to “fundamentally transform” America, and they believed once that transformation had happened, it would be institutionally irreversible, as well as wildly popular, and guaranteed by demographic changes that immigration reformers were doing their best to hurry along."

Yeah, about that... :lmao:

"It is common, among partisans on both sides, to believe that a big election win in a particular year guarantees their party will stay in power for a very long time. Where Democrats differ from Republicans, however, is they believe they are entitled to rule."

"Obama convinced Democrats they would govern for 40 years — and that if they were displaced, it would be by a new party, not today’s GOP. As his policies collapsed, and he lost Congress, he hovered above it all — sort of God,” a Newsweek editor said."


"But time, and term limits, happened to Obama. He is mortal. He is the 'god' that failed.

And they cannot handle it."

Rule for 40 years? In 8 years Democrats lost approximately 1,000 political seats / positions across the United States.

And the whole time the 'plane' was 'plunging towards the Earth', dumbasses like the Newsweek Editor remained brainwashed / hypnotized - seeing him like some messiah, as everything he promised crumbled around him (like the ACA and losing 1,000 positions).
PA, MI, WI proved the people are sick of their jobs being sacrificed on the alter of the liberal agenda. Jobs vs global warming, jobs vs regulations, jobs vs open borders they are fed up with this crap.
The 2016 election is almost an exact repeat of the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. The biggest difference is that the GOP also controls the Senate this time around. On one hand, all the hand wringing about Reagan was entirely unwarranted. On the other hand, the "Reagan Revolution" only lasted eight years before the Democrats were able to propagandize a new crop of gullible voters.
When O'bama took office the DJIA was under 8000. Today it's kissing twenty.

Bartender! 'nother 'failure' over here! :beer:
The difference between Trump and Reagan is that Trump is implementing the changes and institutional reforms Reagan never had a chance to even attempt.

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