Black theology?

Christian ???

Christian doesn't have anything to do with the issue in question.

Just as Christian would not have anything to do with the number of grasshoppers on Bangladesh.

The funny part is many of the "black theology" movements are allegedly "Christian."

Those asshats also believe Jesus was black and that the black race has systematically been oppressed - they'll also tell you that they were the first people on earth hence Jesus was obviously black hence the founders of humanity.

The ignorance is outstanding - then they wonder why they beg for bread??

They believe being born alone entitles an individual....

They confuse sympathy with welfare.

They don't comprehend the word humble..... Greedy motherfuckers is what they are.

Jesus was blacker than he was white. Unless you think Jesus was European.

Certain Unalienable rights... those are entitlements too.

No... we just know that Charity ain't going to do it.. because there are people like you out there.

We don't comprehend the word humble? OK... take a look at all the posts on this site.. where's the hatred coming from? Yeah.. thought so.

Don't know how Jesus being black or white is important.

You are correct about inalienable rights. By definition they are things you are entitled to. The difference between those entitlements and the entitlements that some people advocate is that the inalienable rights you speak of do not have to be taken from someone else in order to provide them to another person.

I'm against entitlement programs. I want to abolish welfare, public schools and just about every public program. I work my ass off during the week and donate time and money on the weekend to charity. I would just rather not have someone come take money out of my back pocket while I'm in the process of delivering the seniors their meals.

Fuck you... How many times do I have to say this? I have been working since I was 14 and never asked a goddamned thing from anyone... so you can repeat your bullshit all you want. Once again... I think it's a case of some 20-something without a job, living either off of mommy and daddy.. or the government dime that is all butt hurt and looking for someone to blame.

I know... it's another two weeks till your next check... hang in there kid.

I'm a working man and you're a lazy begging asshat sock.

I find it mind-boggling you can even put together a coherent sentence...

U should b spelling like diss on U gobment free celly cuz u know itz eazy.. Yeah U got free internetZ w3bz stuff...

You're a working man? I doubt it.... but if you are... like I said, a 20-something that's been sucking mommy's tit and got his first paycheck and saw that they took taxes off of it and it makes you mad... because you shouldn't have to pay taxes...

But I still have my money on the disaffected welfare guy who wants someone to blame and likes to masturbate to FOX News.

You can ebonize anything you want... take a look at my avatar... see the guy in the yellow? That's me.


A clown such as your self would view such vigilance as such.

See that guy in the avatar? yeah that's me.

You have attempted to turn the argument against me, then attempted racism - you're 2/3 for the typical progressive argument.

You haven't blown your lid completely yet and when you do it will be 3/3...
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The funny part is many of the "black theology" movements are allegedly "Christian."

Those asshats also believe Jesus was black and that the black race has systematically been oppressed - they'll also tell you that they were the first people on earth hence Jesus was obviously black hence the founders of humanity.

The ignorance is outstanding - then they wonder why they beg for bread??

They believe being born alone entitles an individual....

They confuse sympathy with welfare.

They don't comprehend the word humble..... Greedy motherfuckers is what they are.

Jesus was blacker than he was white. Unless you think Jesus was European.

Certain Unalienable rights... those are entitlements too.

No... we just know that Charity ain't going to do it.. because there are people like you out there.

We don't comprehend the word humble? OK... take a look at all the posts on this site.. where's the hatred coming from? Yeah.. thought so.

Don't know how Jesus being black or white is important.

You are correct about inalienable rights. By definition they are things you are entitled to. The difference between those entitlements and the entitlements that some people advocate is that the inalienable rights you speak of do not have to be taken from someone else in order to provide them to another person.

I'm against entitlement programs. I want to abolish welfare, public schools and just about every public program. I work my ass off during the week and donate time and money on the weekend to charity. I would just rather not have someone come take money out of my back pocket while I'm in the process of delivering the seniors their meals.


It doesn't matter to me whether Jesus was black of white. Take a look at Mr. Dick's post that I quoted.

No one is taking any inalienable rights from one to give to another, are they? Are not the super wealthy still able to do anything and everything they can if they are taxed a little more? Won't they be able to live in exactly the same manner as before that 4% was levied?

But I will tell you this... If a Corporation is a Person, what gives them the right to outsource and push working people into a lower and lower standard of living? What gives them the right to infringe on the working and Middle Class' inalienable rights?

Dude, I don't mean to be disrespectful... but don't give me the charity thing... I work a full time, stress filled job(which I love very much) and still give to my church's sponsorship of a Central American Boy, Donate time to Habitat for Humanity and teach CPR for the Red Cross and am a part time Special Olympics Coach.... and I still believe that the Bush Tax cuts should be repealed... hell repeal them even on me. The country is dying, debt is accumulating and people are in need of jobs and help.

I'm telling you as I sit here breathing, you have adequate jobs for people and the economy recovers immediately. If people have money, they will be able to pay their bills, they will be able to buy goods, which makes Businesses money, which provides more jobs...etc.

It isn't an either/or scenario... it's both. Labor and business is a symbiotic relationship in a Capitalistic, consumer driven society. But that's not how it's been, has it? Lately, it's been in vogue for Business(especially big Corps and banking) to make as much money as quick as possible at any cost. So, they laid off, they outsourced to slave labor countries, and they bought legislation(from both parties) to make it all legal. But legal and moral/ethical are two different things, aren't they?

Now it's all crashing down upon them and they don't want to take the blame, in fact... they are doubling down... crying for more tax cuts, more favorable legislation and holding workers(or potential workers) hostage. Meanwhile, back on Main Street... small businesses are suffering because people don't have the money to buy their wares... so the go to Walmart and still can't make ends meet.

The whole Conservative "Trickle Down" ideology has failed, and I will be honest with you... It didn't fail because it was a bad idea, it failed because Big Money found out that "trickling down" was actually optional.

You know... Certain Conservatives love to call us "libruls" Communists... but you know, I don't condone Communism... I don't even believe in Communism. I am definitely a Capitalist kind of guy.... however, I also understand that when it comes to BASIC HUMAN NEEDS...everybody should have equal access to, regardless of income...Housing, food, basic utilities and since the costs have gotten so out of hand... health care.

Big business and Wall Street on the other hand... are Communist sympathizers and are supporting a Communist country(China..and coming soon to a theater near you... North Korea) and expanding their power and strength. The reason? Money. What would be the penalty for an American Citizen to aid a Communist country in the 50's and 60's? I mean remember, Corporations are people... so why aren't they being charged with treason?

Hateful Hannity plays the “race card” when he associate entitlement programs like Society Security, Medicare, the Medicare prescription drug program, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, government commodities, welfare food stamps, section 8 housing, entitlements with Obama’s belief in “black theology.” don’t this idiot cretin moron know that entitlements were not put in place by Obama and is not a black thing and more whites use these programs than blacks. These programs were put in place for white people and not black people. Just like more white people over use prescription drugs than black and doctor will prescribe stuff like Vicodin for “white pain” more often than for “black pain.”
Entitlement programs is not a black thing and no one but a racist would make a stupid statement like that.

Black theology refers to a variety of Black theologies which have as their base the liberation of the marginalized, especially the injustice done towards Blacks in American and South African contexts. Black theology mixes liberation theology and the work of Paulo Freire with the civil rights and Black Power movements.
Black theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you remember that Hannity, Rush and most "conservative" talk hosts are entertainers and republican propagandists, then you will learn to ignore most of what they say. While I strongly believe in freedom of speech, I am only on the backs of the above mentioned when they intentionally feed the uninformed with half truths and lies to instigate resentment, as was in the Arizona case involving Congresswoman Giffords.
I'm a working man and you're a lazy begging asshat sock.

I find it mind-boggling you can even put together a coherent sentence...

U should b spelling like diss on U gobment free celly cuz u know itz eazy.. Yeah U got free internetZ w3bz stuff...

You're a working man? I doubt it.... but if you are... like I said, a 20-something that's been sucking mommy's tit and got his first paycheck and saw that they took taxes off of it and it makes you mad... because you shouldn't have to pay taxes...

But I still have my money on the disaffected welfare guy who wants someone to blame and likes to masturbate to FOX News.

You can ebonize anything you want... take a look at my avatar... see the guy in the yellow? That's me.


A clown such as your self would view such vigilance as such.

See that guy in the avatar? yeah that's me.

You have attempted to turn the argument against me, then attempted racism - you're 2/3 for the typical progressive argument.

You haven't blown your lid completely yet and when you do it will be 3/3...

Yeah.. ebonize... note what I bolded.... you made the assumption that I was black.. or perhaps thought I'd be offended that you made the assumption... I don't give a shit about race, so it didn't affect me at all.

I didn't turn nothing against you... I just turned the tables on you and spewed back the same hateful bullshit that you threw at me.... and this is where it started

"Oh yea, I forgot you're incapable of that aforementioned concept therefore you need to be fed like a fucking infant but want the same rights as an adult... "

Now, I've been on this board since April, and actually this is mild compared to most of the bullshit posts that you radical righties throw out. But when anyone questions your side in a similar manner, you get oh so offended. It's the typical behavior of the High School bully. Immature, hostile and hiding their own insecurities.
The AZ shooter was a left-wing nut, like you.

You are dumber than shit and all the shit you say about Rush, etc won't erase that fact until you die.


Hateful Hannity plays the “race card” when he associate entitlement programs like Society Security, Medicare, the Medicare prescription drug program, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, government commodities, welfare food stamps, section 8 housing, entitlements with Obama’s belief in “black theology.” don’t this idiot cretin moron know that entitlements were not put in place by Obama and is not a black thing and more whites use these programs than blacks. These programs were put in place for white people and not black people. Just like more white people over use prescription drugs than black and doctor will prescribe stuff like Vicodin for “white pain” more often than for “black pain.”
Entitlement programs is not a black thing and no one but a racist would make a stupid statement like that.

Black theology refers to a variety of Black theologies which have as their base the liberation of the marginalized, especially the injustice done towards Blacks in American and South African contexts. Black theology mixes liberation theology and the work of Paulo Freire with the civil rights and Black Power movements.
Black theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you remember that Hannity, Rush and most "conservative" talk hosts are entertainers and republican propagandists, then you will learn to ignore most of what they say. While I strongly believe in freedom of speech, I am only on the backs of the above mentioned when they intentionally feed the uninformed with half truths and lies to instigate resentment, as was in the Arizona case involving Congresswoman Giffords.
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It doesn't matter to me whether Jesus was black of white. Take a look at Mr. Dick's post that I quoted.
I was just making the statement kind of in general.
No one is taking any inalienable rights from one to give to another, are they? Are not the super wealthy still able to do anything and everything they can if they are taxed a little more? Won't they be able to live in exactly the same manner as before that 4% was levied?

But I will tell you this... If a Corporation is a Person, what gives them the right to outsource and push working people into a lower and lower standard of living? What gives them the right to infringe on the working and Middle Class' inalienable rights?

My point was that Inalienable rights are things that you don't have to take something from someone to provide. I do not believe a house is an inalienable right. I don't believe healthcare is an inalienable right and I don't believe that food is an inalienable right, nor is healthcare. If food, for example, is an inalienable right then a farmer and a butcher have an inherent debt to anyone who is hungry. If a house is an inalienable right then home builders and land owners owe housing to the homeless.

More to the point, an inalienable right is something that cannot be withdrawn, diverted, surrendered or transferred. In order for something to be inalienable, you must have it to begin with.

The "inalienable rights" in the DoI are rights that are given to us by our creator. They are not provided by the government or by our fellow man. Further, the DoI does not carry the force of law in this country.

Dude, I don't mean to be disrespectful... but don't give me the charity thing... I work a full time, stress filled job(which I love very much) and still give to my church's sponsorship of a Central American Boy, Donate time to Habitat for Humanity and teach CPR for the Red Cross and am a part time Special Olympics Coach.... and I still believe that the Bush Tax cuts should be repealed... hell repeal them even on me. The country is dying, debt is accumulating and people are in need of jobs and help.
I'm not going to compete with you for volunteer work that was never my intention. And I would tell you that what you do is commendable and I wish there were more people out there in the world like you. With that said, I have no desire for people to be forced to be like you.

I'm telling you as I sit here breathing, you have adequate jobs for people and the economy recovers immediately. If people have money, they will be able to pay their bills, they will be able to buy goods, which makes Businesses money, which provides more jobs...etc.
Make no mistake. My disdain for "redistributive taxation" is not because I want companies to have money. I don't want rich people to have more money or poor people to have money that is not the end game for me. My concern is the preservation of private property.

Locke maintains that property belongs to everyone, that it is not yours or mine. The origination of private property begins when you inject your labor to improve on the property. That you are the sole owner of your labor. You do not own your neighbor's labor and you don't own my labor and I don't own yours. It is when you apply your labor to something that it gets mixed in with the property and they become inseparable. By proxy you own the labor mixed in with the property and essentially own the property too.

The problem comes in when you declare that one man must labor solely to benefit another individual. How do you arrive at that origination of debt?

The question, if I own water and you are thirsty... do I owe you water? comes to mind.

The natural response is "well if you have enough". What exactly is enough? Who gets to determine if I have enough. If you determine that I have enough what lengths can you go to to confiscate my water?

At this point, in this line of thinking if you have determined that I do indeed owe you water then you have decided that I incur a debt simply because you have a need. If that is the case and the government is the medium by which you choose to facilitate the payment of my debt then you have given the government the ability to declare anything that I own to be someone else s so long as the government can declare a need.
It isn't an either/or scenario... it's both. Labor and business is a symbiotic relationship in a Capitalistic, consumer driven society. But that's not how it's been, has it? Lately, it's been in vogue for Business(especially big Corps and banking) to make as much money as quick as possible at any cost. So, they laid off, they outsourced to slave labor countries, and they bought legislation(from both parties) to make it all legal. But legal and moral/ethical are two different things, aren't they?

Now it's all crashing down upon them and they don't want to take the blame, in fact... they are doubling down... crying for more tax cuts, more favorable legislation and holding workers(or potential workers) hostage. Meanwhile, back on Main Street... small businesses are suffering because people don't have the money to buy their wares... so the go to Walmart and still can't make ends meet.

The whole Conservative "Trickle Down" ideology has failed, and I will be honest with you... It didn't fail because it was a bad idea, it failed because Big Money found out that "trickling down" was actually optional.

You know... Certain Conservatives love to call us "libruls" Communists... but you know, I don't condone Communism... I don't even believe in Communism. I am definitely a Capitalist kind of guy.... however, I also understand that when it comes to BASIC HUMAN NEEDS...everybody should have equal access to, regardless of income...Housing, food, basic utilities and since the costs have gotten so out of hand... health care.

Big business and Wall Street on the other hand... are Communist sympathizers and are supporting a Communist country(China..and coming soon to a theater near you... North Korea) and expanding their power and strength. The reason? Money. What would be the penalty for an American Citizen to aid a Communist country in the 50's and 60's? I mean remember, Corporations are people... so why aren't they being charged with treason?

I will call you a little 'c' communist. (I'm a little 'r' republican). Not part of the communist party, not associated with it, but you believe (unless I am completely misreading this) believe in the rights and responsibility of society. I don't think the solution is more government involvement, I believe it is less government involvement and more charity.
Hannity supports Israel!!!OBAMA has turned against them!!:cuckoo:

The Obamarrhoidal twits are completely clueless ....... it's as though they just beamed down from Pluto where having a brain that's made out of fried catshit is de rigueur.

I stated that decades ago, after I began voting Rep following the first term for Clinton.
Yeah... mighty Christian of you there, Slick...In blue

Christian ???

Christian doesn't have anything to do with the issue in question.

Just as Christian would not have anything to do with the number of grasshoppers on Bangladesh.

Oh... I'm sorry... I thought the issue was black theology. I'll tell you what... I never listened to Wright...other than the clip that could very well have been taken out of context... but I will tell you ONE thing.... You ain't a Christian..and if you are, you ain't doing it right.

Fact of Life: One thing about a Shitplate, it will always be a Shitplate.
Christians donate directly to charity that help those down on their luck - you want the government to steal and provide for you.

The government isn't a fucking charity....

Christians don't worship the rich.

Do you see how fucking stupid you are?

You say stupid shit like that then demand the rich give you bread???

You don't have bread because you spend more time asking for it than you do learning a tool that could feed you...

Oh yea, I forgot you're incapable of that aforementioned concept therefore you need to be fed like a fucking infant but want the same rights as an adult...

It's really amazing how demented this fool is.

The funny part is many of the "black theology" movements are allegedly "Christian."

Those asshats also believe Jesus was black and that the black race has systematically been oppressed - they'll also tell you that they were the first people on earth hence Jesus was obviously black hence the founders of humanity.

The ignorance is outstanding - then they wonder why they beg for bread??

They believe being born alone entitles an individual....

They confuse sympathy with welfare.

They don't comprehend the word humble..... Greedy motherfuckers is what they are.

Jesus was blacker than he was white. Unless you think Jesus was European.

Certain Unalienable rights... those are entitlements too.

No... we just know that Charity ain't going to do it.. because there are people like you out there.

We don't comprehend the word humble? OK... take a look at all the posts on this site.. where's the hatred coming from? Yeah.. thought so.

That statement is breathtaking...

Are you a retard or a lazy 8th grader?


More like a DEMENTED 8th grader.
Christian ???

Christian doesn't have anything to do with the issue in question.

Just as Christian would not have anything to do with the number of grasshoppers on Bangladesh.

Oh... I'm sorry... I thought the issue was black theology. I'll tell you what... I never listened to Wright...other than the clip that could very well have been taken out of context... but I will tell you ONE thing.... You ain't a Christian..and if you are, you ain't doing it right.

Fact of Life: One thing about a Shitplate, it will always be a Shitplate.

Oh... look, another little lost boy who knows how to carry on a conversation with his expansive vocabulary. Run along little boy...the grownups are talking, go play your Xbox and wait for your next welfare check... maybe you could run down to mommy's house for cookies and milk, that'll be nice, won't it?
Do you see how fucking stupid you are?

You say stupid shit like that then demand the rich give you bread???

You don't have bread because you spend more time asking for it than you do learning a tool that could feed you...

Oh yea, I forgot you're incapable of that aforementioned concept therefore you need to be fed like a fucking infant but want the same rights as an adult...

Fuck you... How many times do I have to say this? I have been working since I was 14 and never asked a goddamned thing from anyone... so you can repeat your bullshit all you want. Once again... I think it's a case of some 20-something without a job, living either off of mommy and daddy.. or the government dime that is all butt hurt and looking for someone to blame.

I know... it's another two weeks till your next check... hang in there kid.
that makes you what??15:razz:

Nope. This certified congenital idiot is still a demented 8th grader ......... positively a genius for his mental shortcomings.
Do you see how fucking stupid you are?

You say stupid shit like that then demand the rich give you bread???

You don't have bread because you spend more time asking for it than you do learning a tool that could feed you...

Oh yea, I forgot you're incapable of that aforementioned concept therefore you need to be fed like a fucking infant but want the same rights as an adult...

Fuck you... How many times do I have to say this? I have been working since I was 14 and never asked a goddamned thing from anyone... so you can repeat your bullshit all you want. Once again... I think it's a case of some 20-something without a job, living either off of mommy and daddy.. or the government dime that is all butt hurt and looking for someone to blame.

I know... it's another two weeks till your next check... hang in there kid.

I'm a working man and you're a lazy begging asshat sock.

I find it mind-boggling you can even put together a coherent sentence...

U should b spelling like diss on U gobment free celly cuz u know itz eazy.. Yeah U got free internetZ w3bz stuff...

WOWZA !!!!

This idjit should be in a strait jacket !!!
Christians donate directly to charity that help those down on their luck - you want the government to steal and provide for you.

The government isn't a fucking charity....

Christians don't worship the rich.

Another non sequitur !!!

Christians don't eat chairs ....... didja know that ?

Oh.. but you do worship the rich. You think they should be able to do whatever they want to... even cripple this country for their profit margins. That's all you talk about is how the rich are our saviors and the poor are just scumbags who don't work hard enough. It's in every fucking post you guys make.

I'll tell you what... put it in your Last Will and Testament that you want to be buried in Nomex Underwear.

Hateful Hannity plays the “race card” when he associate entitlement programs like Society Security, Medicare, the Medicare prescription drug program, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, government commodities, welfare food stamps, section 8 housing, entitlements with Obama’s belief in “black theology.” don’t this idiot cretin moron know that entitlements were not put in place by Obama and is not a black thing and more whites use these programs than blacks. These programs were put in place for white people and not black people. Just like more white people over use prescription drugs than black and doctor will prescribe stuff like Vicodin for “white pain” more often than for “black pain.”
Entitlement programs is not a black thing and no one but a racist would make a stupid statement like that.

Black theology refers to a variety of Black theologies which have as their base the liberation of the marginalized, especially the injustice done towards Blacks in American and South African contexts. Black theology mixes liberation theology and the work of Paulo Freire with the civil rights and Black Power movements.
Black theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are a delusional fucked up clueless crunt.

Hannity never stated those absurdities that you in your demented mind are attributing to him.

As to Black Liberation Theology.......The Black Racist Whackjob Wright preached Black Liberation Theology in his Cathedral of Hate ..... and acknowledged that he preached the essence of Black Liberation Theology, as he himself stated, by being a good buddy of the creator of Black Liberation Theology James H. Cone. And, knowing first hand, the thoughts of said creator of Black Liberation Theology.

And, the essence of Black Liberation Theology is hatred of the American Whitey couched in Marxism because America "victimized" the American negro, in spite of the fact that when one compares America to "Africa The Beautiful", one discovers that the whole Sub Saharan Continent did not have a written language until recent Historical Times ...... and that was English or French. And, "Africa the Beautiful" turns out to be a Cultural Disaster !!! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PATHETIC !!!

Plus, the fact this wonderful "Africa the Beautiful" still has SLAVERY and people subsist largely on "pebbles & grass".

The IQ of the inhabitants, at below 70, of this Dark (read IGNORANT) sub Continent is the LOWEST in the World except for the semi-cannibals of Borneo and the African Aborigines, who until recently, didn't have a number greater than TWO......It was ONE, TWO ....... then MANY !!!

Meanwhile the victimized, oppressed negroes in America are dying early from Diabetes because they stuff themselves with "soul food" ........ and, are tooling around in Cadillac cars !!!

Also: the Corrupt Congressional Black Caucus (which, with its almost MONOLITHIC 13% of America's TOTAL VOTE) controls the DEMS who as a Party could not exist without these Corrupt Black Racists getting pretty much anything they want.......yet these "victimized" pampered negroes with an unbelievable number of "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS, have the Nation's highest CRIME RATE because the majority of them are basically uneducated beasts, destroying our Educational System with their animal-like behaviour.

Politically, these Negro "Victims" are Police Chiefs in many of our Largest Cities, Mayors, and now we even have a MONUMENTAL RACIST MARXIST FRAUD, Sambo Obambo, as Prez !!!

So STFU, you clueless, ignorant Racist crunt !!!

I just couldn't get past your first sentence. I have no idea if I agree with the argument you are making because of the filth you started out with. Bad form man.


Tough shit, Mike.
Fuck you... How many times do I have to say this? I have been working since I was 14 and never asked a goddamned thing from anyone... so you can repeat your bullshit all you want. Once again... I think it's a case of some 20-something without a job, living either off of mommy and daddy.. or the government dime that is all butt hurt and looking for someone to blame.

I know... it's another two weeks till your next check... hang in there kid.

I'm a working man and you're a lazy begging asshat sock.

I find it mind-boggling you can even put together a coherent sentence...

U should b spelling like diss on U gobment free celly cuz u know itz eazy.. Yeah U got free internetZ w3bz stuff...

You're a working man? I doubt it.... but if you are... like I said, a 20-something that's been sucking mommy's tit and got his first paycheck and saw that they took taxes off of it and it makes you mad... because you shouldn't have to pay taxes...

But I still have my money on the disaffected welfare guy who wants someone to blame and likes to masturbate to FOX News.

You can ebonize anything you want... take a look at my avatar... see the guy in the yellow? That's me.


You are not only an incredible idiot.

You are also a fat piece of shit.

The funny part is many of the "black theology" movements are allegedly "Christian."

Those asshats also believe Jesus was black and that the black race has systematically been oppressed - they'll also tell you that they were the first people on earth hence Jesus was obviously black hence the founders of humanity.

The ignorance is outstanding - then they wonder why they beg for bread??

They believe being born alone entitles an individual....

They confuse sympathy with welfare.

They don't comprehend the word humble..... Greedy motherfuckers is what they are.

Jesus was blacker than he was white. Unless you think Jesus was European.

Certain Unalienable rights... those are entitlements too.

No... we just know that Charity ain't going to do it.. because there are people like you out there.

We don't comprehend the word humble? OK... take a look at all the posts on this site.. where's the hatred coming from? Yeah.. thought so.

Don't know how Jesus being black or white is important.

You are correct about inalienable rights. By definition they are things you are entitled to. The difference between those entitlements and the entitlements that some people advocate is that the inalienable rights you speak of do not have to be taken from someone else in order to provide them to another person.

I'm against entitlement programs. I want to abolish welfare, public schools and just about every public program. I work my ass off during the week and donate time and money on the weekend to charity. I would just rather not have someone come take money out of my back pocket while I'm in the process of delivering the seniors their meals.


Mike, you're an OK guy.
I'd rather be a fat piece of shit than still sucking on mommy's titty. have your first beer yet? How about sex, ever been laid beyond the scope of your own palm?

Good luck with the welfare, champ... I'm trying to help you keep your bennies.

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