Bill Clinton throws Obama under the bus on raising TAXES on the wealthy


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Former President Bill Clinton says now is not the time to hike taxes.

“I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground,” Clinton told Newsmax in an interview Tuesday. “This has been a dead flat economy.”

Clinton, who is hosting the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City this week, said that until the country’s debt is reduced, he doesn’t believe cutting or raising taxes or boosting spending are the solution to bringing the country to a full employment economy.

“If we cut government spending, which I normally would be very inclined to do when the deficit’s this big, with interest rates already near zero, you can’t get the benefits out of it,” Clinton said. “So what I’d like to see them do is come up with a bipartisan approach, starting with the payroll tax cuts because they have the biggest return.”

Bill Clinton: No more taxes now - MJ Lee -

This coming from Bill Clinton who reigned over the fastest growing economy of the 20th century has got to be a HUGE blow to Obama's new campaign strategy of wealth redistribution-class warfare campaign rhetoric or raising taxes on 227,000 Americans out of 311 MILLION Americans that make 1 million or over per year.

Bill Clinton states-NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RAISE ANYONE'S TAXES. And for good reason--the wealthy in this country are responsible for 37% of the spending in this country. If you raise taxes on this crowd--they won't have it to spread around in the private sector.

$BO economic policies.jpg
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Former President Bill Clinton says now is not the time to hike taxes.

“I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground,” Clinton told Newsmax in an interview Tuesday. “This has been a dead flat economy.”

Clinton, who is hosting the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City this week, said that until the country’s debt is reduced, he doesn’t believe cutting or raising taxes or boosting spending are the solution to bringing the country to a full employment economy.

“If we cut government spending, which I normally would be very inclined to do when the deficit’s this big, with interest rates already near zero, you can’t get the benefits out of it,” Clinton said. “So what I’d like to see them do is come up with a bipartisan approach, starting with the payroll tax cuts because they have the biggest return.”

Bill Clinton: No more taxes now - MJ Lee -

This coming from Bill Clinton who reigned over the fastest growing economy of the 20th century has got to be a HUGE blow to Obama's new campaign strategy of wealth redistribution-class warfare campaign rhetoric or raising taxes on 227,000 Americans out of 311 MILLION Americans that make 1 million or over per year.

Bill Clinton states-NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RAISE ANYONE'S TAXES. And for good reason--the wealthy in this country are responsible for 33% of the spending in this country. If you raise taxes on this crowd--they won't have it to spend in the private sector.

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Huh? Clinton said now is not the time for spending cuts, which Obama doesn't want to do. Clinton also said we should focus on payroll tax cuts, which so far Obama has. They seem to only differ on this one cut.

How is that throwing anyone under the bus?

Also ... "the wealthy in this country are responsible for 33% of the spending in this country"

Link please.
An odd remark by Clinton. I'm sure it's what he believes, and it's certainly a plausible policy position, but it does seem to undercut Obama's position. Other Clinton quotes mentioned in the same article are much more supportive. It's not a total gaffe, but I bet Clinton regrets becoming a Republican talking point.
Former President Bill Clinton says now is not the time to hike taxes.

“I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground,” Clinton told Newsmax in an interview Tuesday. “This has been a dead flat economy.”

Clinton, who is hosting the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City this week, said that until the country’s debt is reduced, he doesn’t believe cutting or raising taxes or boosting spending are the solution to bringing the country to a full employment economy.

“If we cut government spending, which I normally would be very inclined to do when the deficit’s this big, with interest rates already near zero, you can’t get the benefits out of it,” Clinton said. “So what I’d like to see them do is come up with a bipartisan approach, starting with the payroll tax cuts because they have the biggest return.”

Bill Clinton: No more taxes now - MJ Lee -

This coming from Bill Clinton who reigned over the fastest growing economy of the 20th century has got to be a HUGE blow to Obama's new campaign strategy of wealth redistribution-class warfare campaign rhetoric or raising taxes on 227,000 Americans out of 311 MILLION Americans that make 1 million or over per year.

Bill Clinton states-NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RAISE ANYONE'S TAXES. And for good reason--the wealthy in this country are responsible for 33% of the spending in this country. If you raise taxes on this crowd--they won't have it to spend in the private sector.

View attachment 15278

Huh? Clinton said now is not the time for spending cuts, which Obama doesn't want to do. Clinton also said we should focus on payroll tax cuts, which so far Obama has. They seem to only differ on this one cut.

How is that throwing anyone under the bus?

Also ... "the wealthy in this country are responsible for 33% of the spending in this country"

Link please.

You'll also note that Clinton STATES--no MORE boost in spending. Basically Clinton is saying leave it alone--and let the private sector fix this.

And here is your link as to how much the Wealthy contribute to the overall economy just by spending their money. It looks like it's actually over 33%

Who cares how the rich spend their money?

Well, perhaps everyone should these days. Consumer spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of U.S. gross domestic product, or the value of all goods and services produced in the nation. And spending by the rich now accounts for the largest share of consumer outlays in at least 20 years.

The top 5% of Americans by income account for 37% of all consumer outlays. Outlays include consumer spending, interest payments on installment debt and transfer payments.
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A. Obama doesn't want tax hikes or spending cuts until after the recovery EITHER. Thanks to Fox and corporate media for screwing THAT up, for contriversy and ratings...
B."The top 5% of Americans by income account for 37% of all consumer outlays. Outlays include consumer spending, interest payments on installment debt and transfer payments."

They also have 80% of the wealth, MORON. "The Hoarding Class"
A. Obama doesn't want tax hikes or spending cuts until after the recovery EITHER. Thanks to Fox and corporate media for screwing THAT up, for contriversy and ratings...
B."The top 5% of Americans by income account for 37% of all consumer outlays. Outlays include consumer spending, interest payments on installment debt and transfer payments."

They also have 80% of the wealth, MORON. "The Hoarding Class"

Cry me a river--you mean those evil rich people didn't give your lazy butt any of THEIR money--


Here it is again--

FACT CHECK from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he wants to make sure millionaires are taxed at higher rates than their secretaries. The data say they already are.
"Warren Buffett's secretary shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett. There is no justification for it," Obama said as he announced his deficit-reduction plan this week. "It is wrong that in the United States of America, a teacher or a nurse or a construction worker who earns $50,000 should pay higher tax rates than somebody pulling in $50 million."

On average, the wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class or the poor, according to private and government data. They pay at a higher rate, and as a group, they contribute a much larger share of the overall taxes collected by the federal government.

The top 10 percent of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. They pay more than 70 percent of federal income taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

FACT CHECK: Are rich taxed less than secretaries? - Yahoo! News
Former President Bill Clinton says now is not the time to hike taxes.

“I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground,” Clinton told Newsmax in an interview Tuesday. “This has been a dead flat economy.”

Clinton, who is hosting the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City this week, said that until the country’s debt is reduced, he doesn’t believe cutting or raising taxes or boosting spending are the solution to bringing the country to a full employment economy.

“If we cut government spending, which I normally would be very inclined to do when the deficit’s this big, with interest rates already near zero, you can’t get the benefits out of it,” Clinton said. “So what I’d like to see them do is come up with a bipartisan approach, starting with the payroll tax cuts because they have the biggest return.”

Bill Clinton: No more taxes now - MJ Lee -

This coming from Bill Clinton who reigned over the fastest growing economy of the 20th century has got to be a HUGE blow to Obama's new campaign strategy of wealth redistribution-class warfare campaign rhetoric or raising taxes on 227,000 Americans out of 311 MILLION Americans that make 1 million or over per year.

Bill Clinton states-NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RAISE ANYONE'S TAXES. And for good reason--the wealthy in this country are responsible for 37% of the spending in this country. If you raise taxes on this crowd--they won't have it to spread around in the private sector.

U.S. Economy Is Increasingly Tied to the Rich - The Wealth Report - WSJ

View attachment 15278

So you'll agree with Clinton two years down the road when he asks for aggressive tax hikes on all Americans, but especially the rich, to make up for lost time?

Somehow I doubt it.
A. Obama doesn't want tax hikes or spending cuts until after the recovery EITHER. Thanks to Fox and corporate media for screwing THAT up, for contriversy and ratings...
B."The top 5% of Americans by income account for 37% of all consumer outlays. Outlays include consumer spending, interest payments on installment debt and transfer payments."

They also have 80% of the wealth, MORON. "The Hoarding Class"

You're BLAMING Fox News Network--for Obama making a total idiot out of himself-for promising things he didn't deliver on????-:lol:

Barack Obama campaigned on the same rhetoric of "I am going to get all of them rich people to pay more in 2008."

It was he that backed off of that with this video on August 5, 2009--this when he had a FULL house--Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid with super democrat majorities in both houses.
Video: Obama Says Raising Taxes During a Recession Not a Good Idea | Verum Serum

The "hoarding class" when I just gave you a link from the WST that states that the wealthy contribute more than 1/3 or 37% of the 2/3's of private sector spending in this country. That's not hoarding that's SPENDING--lol
Former President Bill Clinton says now is not the time to hike taxes.

“I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground,” Clinton told Newsmax in an interview Tuesday. “This has been a dead flat economy.”

Clinton, who is hosting the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City this week, said that until the country’s debt is reduced, he doesn’t believe cutting or raising taxes or boosting spending are the solution to bringing the country to a full employment economy.

“If we cut government spending, which I normally would be very inclined to do when the deficit’s this big, with interest rates already near zero, you can’t get the benefits out of it,” Clinton said. “So what I’d like to see them do is come up with a bipartisan approach, starting with the payroll tax cuts because they have the biggest return.”

Bill Clinton: No more taxes now - MJ Lee -

This coming from Bill Clinton who reigned over the fastest growing economy of the 20th century has got to be a HUGE blow to Obama's new campaign strategy of wealth redistribution-class warfare campaign rhetoric or raising taxes on 227,000 Americans out of 311 MILLION Americans that make 1 million or over per year.

Bill Clinton states-NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO RAISE ANYONE'S TAXES. And for good reason--the wealthy in this country are responsible for 37% of the spending in this country. If you raise taxes on this crowd--they won't have it to spread around in the private sector.

U.S. Economy Is Increasingly Tied to the Rich - The Wealth Report - WSJ

View attachment 15278

So you'll agree with Clinton two years down the road when he asks for aggressive tax hikes on all Americans, but especially the rich, to make up for lost time?

Somehow I doubt it.

Clinton is not even close to being the moron Barack Obama is. Even Clinton is on record for stating that by lowering the Capital Gains tax rate--it brought in more tax revenue than keeping the rate high.

Oh God--did I just tell you that Clinton believes in "trickle down economics" when it comes to the capital gains tax rate----:lol::lol: Lower tax rates brings in more tax revenue--:cuckoo:
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Obama was ALWAYS talking of raising taxes on the Rich AFTER the recovery. You are BRAINWASHED. If the rich have 80% of the wealth and income, and do 34% of the spending, who is hoarding, MORON? And good night, sleep well. IDIOT!! tyvm
Obama was ALWAYS talking of raising taxes on the Rich AFTER the recovery. You are BRAINWASHED. If the rich have 80% of the wealth and income, and do 34% of the spending, who is hoarding, MORON? And good night, sleep well. IDIOT!! tyvm

BULL-crap he hit the ground RUNNING in 2008 threatening to raise taxes IMMEDIATELY on the over 250K crowd--which is a tax increase on SMALL BUSINESSE'S in this country aka sub S corporations. He has continually threatened them with higher taxes and in return they have tucked in like a turtle and are waiting for the THREAT to leave. He is out there today doing it again.

Here is STEVE WYNN'S comment--a CEO--and a DEMOCRAT and one who voted for BARACK OBAMA.

“I’m saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime. A lot of people don’t want to say that. They’ll say, ‘Oh God, don’t be attacking Obama.’ Well, this is Obama’s deal, and it’s Obama that’s responsible for this fear in America.”

“The guy [Obama] keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe ‘we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest or hold too much money.’ We haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists.”

“Business is being hammered. The business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the president of the United States. Until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs.”

Steve Wynn's Anti-Obama Rant - Is He Right? | BNET


One Big Ass Mistake America
“I personally don’t believe we ought to be raising taxes or cutting spending, either one, until we get this economy off the ground,” Clinton told Newsmax in an interview Tuesday. “This has been a dead flat economy.”

I think he's absolutely right.

Now is ALSO not the time to cut back social services.
An odd remark by Clinton. I'm sure it's what he believes, and it's certainly a plausible policy position, but it does seem to undercut Obama's position. Other Clinton quotes mentioned in the same article are much more supportive. It's not a total gaffe, but I bet Clinton regrets becoming a Republican talking point.

He's also said we should go back to his tax rates. absent from this article. :eusa_eh:
So Clinton essentially comes out for doing nothing to reduce the deficit AND weakening the revenue stream to Social Security and Medicare,

and the Right applauds this?

Why, exactly?
An odd remark by Clinton. I'm sure it's what he believes, and it's certainly a plausible policy position, but it does seem to undercut Obama's position. Other Clinton quotes mentioned in the same article are much more supportive. It's not a total gaffe, but I bet Clinton regrets becoming a Republican talking point.

Who are you kidding? Clinton hates Obama, he knows this is Obama's rally-cry for the election. He intentionally threw Obama under the bus, and it's not the first time.

It's also not out of the question that Hillary runs. She would spank Obama in a primary.
Clinton on his worst day was better as POTUS than Barry will ever be.

Clinton was smart enough to do a 180 when the Reps took over in 96. He worked with his Rep Congress and got shit done.

I don't care for Clinton personally but he is a savvy, smart politician and he's got way more in the smarts department that Barry will ever have.

He's right. Raising taxes in this economy is absolutely the stupidist thing anyone could do.

Wonder if Barry will catch a fucking clue?? Won't hold my breath.

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