Biden's Lies About His Life are Multifold: Someday he will claim he haveApollo 11 and Gave Neil Armstrong the Idea for "One Small Step Statement...'


May 23, 2014
This moron makes up lies about his life on a daily basis. Hey never drove an 18 wheeler. Next thing we know he will claim he met with Apollo 11 Astronauts and gave Neill Arms his famous "One small man comment..." Why doesn't the media this blithering idiot and liar accountable?
This moron is allowed to tell any lie about his life and get away with it. Media let's it happen. He will probably follow this lie up with. " I gave Guss Grissom a screwdriver I soaked in water until it got rusty in casehe ran into any moon men." Now Presenile is allowed to claim he was a 16 wheel driver? WTF? Anf he gets by with it? They went
This moron makes up lies about his life on a daily basis. Hey never drove an 18 wheeler. Next thing we know he will claim he met with Apollo 11 Astronauts and gave Neill Arms his famous "One small man comment..." Why doesn't the media this blithering idiot and liar accountable?
They haven't caught Biden making enough mistakes to fill a post card. Meanwhile what about the 32,000 ( yes thirty two thousand) lies that Trump told.
They haven't caught Biden making enough mistakes to fill a post card. Meanwhile what about the 32,000 ( yes thirty two thousand) lies that Trump told.
How did Trump lie about his personal life? Never. But this post is about Biden and almost 90% of media claims about Trump were proven bullshit.
They haven't caught Biden making enough mistakes to fill a post card. Meanwhile what about the 32,000 ( yes thirty two thousand) lies that Trump told.
Biden has told enough lies in his 48 year ( he's done nothing else) political career to fill a NYC phone book.
Biden has told enough lies in his 48 year ( he's done nothing else) political career to fill a NYC phone book.
Is that the new standard?
If so, you have to reach 30,000 (or enough to fill the NYC phone book, whichever comes first) to even have standing to demand any accountability, since that's the threshold you have for ignoring lies by Trump.
Stormy Daniels?
Biden and his current wife having affair before his wife died in car accident. Stormy was a whore...DJT fucked her. He went there. I can respect that. Little black "Cockroaches" rubbing his hairy legs? Nope DJT never went there.
Biden isn't the skilled serial liar that Barack Obama was and is.
I cannot believe thatany sensible human being would mention Biden and Obama even calling Pres. Obama a "serial liar", and somehow skip Trump when referring to Presidents and lying.

This, folks, is what a cult looks like. Or just a really stupid motherfucker.

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