YouGov Poll: 1 in 5 Americans believe Vaccines have Microchips


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2021

As you guessed it, 29% of Trump supporters believe this because they saw some facebook video. Before Trump and covid, people used to just assume we were a nation of idiots, but now we've removed all doubt. How much higher would be that number be if you asked ppl other dumb antivax questions? We might hit 40% of americans who believe in some crazy antivax conspiracy theory. The level of unintelligence in this country has reached a level even our enemies never dreamed possible.

As you guessed it, 29% of Trump supporters believe this because they saw some facebook video. Before Trump and covid, people used to just assume we were a nation of idiots, but now we've removed all doubt. How much higher would be that number be if you asked ppl other dumb antivax questions? We might hit 40% of americans who believe in some crazy antivax conspiracy theory. The level of unintelligence in this country has reached a level even our enemies never dreamed possible.

Recent developments make the probability of microchips in the "vaccine" a lot more certain.

After all, leading officials are now planning new shutdowns and masking, in spite of the vax.

If the vax isn't effective, microchips would certainly be a reason for the push.
Recent developments make the probability of microchips in the "vaccine" a lot more certain.

After all, leading officials are now planning new shutdowns and masking, in spite of the vax.

If the vax isn't effective, microchips would certainly be a reason for the push.
People already carry around a bundle of microchips that report your movements and contacts to the government. People would sooner dig a microchip out of their arm with a fork than give up their phone.
Of course the vaccine containers have an RFID microchip. That's how they keep track of the vaccine inventory and protect against theft of the product.
I was talking to my brother a few months ago. His daughter married a nice Slovak boy and moved to Michigan and the kid works for Pfizer in the microchip division. Did NOT deny the nature of his work at PFE when his father in law questioned him about it.

I know the media is keeping information about this on the QT, but those who are informed know otherwise.
Has anyone explained what what they think these miracles of miniaturization are supposed to be doing?
The US is the laughing stock of the world

It started with……..I can’t believe you guys actually elected Trump

What's even more astounding is that 74 million people voted to re-elect him.

But what is most astounding to me is that people keep voting for the failed policies of the Republican Party and believing that these people are doing a good job of managing the economy. There's only so many times that you can crash the economy on the national credit card and come back from that.

Every time Conservatives in Canada complain about Trudeau's leadership, I remind them that we're swimming in vaccine, and the guy he ran against, Andrew Scheer, has been charged with defrauding his own Party of $1 million to support his lavish lifestyle. Thank the Good Lord this guy wasn't Prime Minister through the pandemic.
I was talking to my brother a few months ago. His daughter married a nice Slovak boy and moved to Michigan and the kid works for Pfizer in the microchip division. Did NOT deny the nature of his work at PFE when his father in law questioned him about it.

I know the media is keeping information about this on the QT, but those who are informed know otherwise.

The old "a friend of a friend told me" so it must be true.

It's like "The government is trying to control us" idiocy. To do what? For what reason? What's the end game to all of this "government control".
The old "a friend of a friend told me" so it must be true.

It's like "The government is trying to control us" idiocy. To do what? For what reason? What's the end game to all of this "government control".

The end game is what its always been, world conquest and a global socialist state that controls all of the people.

What Sleepy Joe wants to set up is a Faucian Dystopia based upon fear of this virus, fear of Trump, fear of the Deplorables, fear of freedom itself. And tracking the people through microchips is a useful tool.
The US is the laughing stock of the world

It started with……..I can’t believe you guys actually elected Trump
It started with……..I can’t believe you guys let xiden. and the scum demonRATS steal the election
People already carry around a bundle of microchips that report your movements and contacts to the government. People would sooner dig a microchip out of their arm with a fork than give up their phone.
It does not work that way in a long term propaganda agenda. A century ago more people had faith in a religious sense. That controlled their lives at a higher percentage in how they lived. And those days were not the best. From that people did good things if they could. Faith and good things. However during the last century faith has been corrupted and reduced. But the pushing of doing good things has masked it. Today we have people doing anything they want personally no matter how destructive to themselves and others in irresponsible ways, doing good things for others and being championed for it. So people will sell out others easily when the power wants to blame groups. Christians will reap the whirlwind when this happens unless they stand up. And other groups will follow them to the abyss.
you cannot trust the governent
It started with……..I can’t believe you guys let xiden. and the scum demonRATS steal the election
The AMAZING Biden is respected around the world
Trump was openly mocked … were those who voted for him

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