
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Biden scoffed at investigating the crime of making false charges for political based reasons and abuse of power creating that need to investigate the investigators, which had to be a serious offense if they got fired over it.
His gaffe was saying it was an investigation into Russias meddling into our election, which it should have been, but wasn't, it was a get Trump tactic to smere and remove him and get back the house in the midterms, which is why it stretched till after the elections.
That in itself if revealing the real story behind the sham investigation. If it was about Russia meddling, then Mueller would have investigated both sides of the Isle and Obama himself who met Kislyak 22 times at the WH and used the ambassador to set up Sessions while the Feds used him to set up and spy on the Tower through setting up Flynn. Yet Mueller never questioned Kislyak through correspondance that we know of, so how can this be about Russia? Especially since the FBI itself colluded with Russians and other country agents trying to entrap low level campaign consultants & to spy on the Various Republican campaigns (this we know, because George Papadopoulos was still working for Ben Carson when the FBI entrapment scheme first approached him, and when he told them he was leaving and considering helping Trump staff campaigners thats when the FBI resorted to conspiring with Russians.)
THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF that is what the investigation was supposed to be about so says Biden, but when we find out the Collusion is on the Dem side and some Fed investigators, suddely he finds it to be a joke. Which means Biden either admits the initial investigation was one big sham joke or he's covering for Obama, who could not endorse Biden for fear he'll hurt him when the real story hits the fan.
Or perhaps Obama distanced himself from Biden's Ukrainian corruption and abuse of power. I wonder what Biden will do in a cell full of bald inmates with not a head of hair to sniff?
*CNN's last episode: Biden and his
friend Obama along with Loretta Lynch sitting in a cell talking about shirt top buttons, recalling having that conversation before.
*fade out- the Series about nothing is over*
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Biden scoffed at investigating the crime of making false charges for political based reasons and abuse of power creating that need to investigate the investigators, which had to be a serious offense if they got fired over it.
His gaffe was saying it was an investigation into Russias meddling into our election, which it should have been, but wasn't, it was a get Trump tactic to smere and remove him and get back the house in the midterms, which is why it stretched till after the elections.
That in itself if revealing the real story behind the sham investigation. If it was about Russia meddling, then Mueller would have investigated both sides of the Isle and Obama himself who met Kislyak 22 times at the WH and used the ambassador to set up Sessions while the Feds used him to set up and spy on the Tower through setting up Flynn. Yet Mueller never questioned Kislyak through correspondance that we know of, so how can this be about Russia? Especially since the FBI itself colluded with Russians and other country agents trying to entrap low level campaign consultants & to spy on the Various Republican campaigns (this we know, because George Papadopoulos was still working for Ben Carson when the FBI entrapment scheme first approached him, and when he told them he was leaving and considering helping Trump staff campaigners thats when the FBI resorted to conspiring with Russians.)
THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF that is what the investigation was supposed to be about so says Biden, but when we find out the Collusion is on the Dem side and some Fed investigators, suddely he finds it to be a joke. Which means Biden either admits the initial investigation was one big sham joke or he's covering for Obama, who could not endorse Biden for fear he'll hurt him when the real story hits the fan.
Or perhaps Obama distanced himself from Biden's Ukrainian corruption and abuse of power. I wonder what Biden will do in a cell full of bald inmates with not a head of hair to sniff?
*CNN's last episode: Biden and his
friend Obama along with Loretta Lynch sitting in a cell talking about shirt top buttons, recalling having that conversation before.
*fade out- the Series about nothing is over*
This post is one giant clusterfuck. Thanks for the laugh.
We'll hear from every poll on the internet and every leftist propaganda outlet from now until election day that President Trump is going to LOSE, just like we heard the LAST TIME.

Ignore it. How many times do we have to see it to know it's BULL SHIT?
We'll hear from every poll on the internet and every leftist propaganda outlet from now until election day that President Trump is going to LOSE, just like we heard the LAST TIME.

Ignore it. How many times do we have to see it to know it's BULL SHIT?

Typical poll questions:

1.) By what Margin will Biden Beat Trump?
2.) Since Trump has virtually lost already will you vote for Pope Francis or Joe Biden?
3.) As members of the Never Trump club is your Choice Trump or Biden?

We'll hear from every poll on the internet and every leftist propaganda outlet from now until election day that President Trump is going to LOSE, just like we heard the LAST TIME.

Ignore it. How many times do we have to see it to know it's BULL SHIT?

Typical poll questions:

1.) By what Margin will Biden Beat Trump?
2.) Since Trump has virtually lost already will you vote for Pope Francis or Joe Biden?
3.) As members of the Never Trump club is your Choice Trump or Biden?

And that's IF you ever get called.

If you don't live in a leftist toilet city, you won't. As far as the leftists are concerned, if you don't live in a toilet city, you don't matter. Why do you think the democrats want to do away with the electoral college?
Wow those polls look just like the polls that ushered in President Hillary Clinton. How Amazing that the more Democrat the poll the higher the score for Biden. It's almost like Global Warming Data. Well shit it's probably the same people collecting the Data!

Poor Trump....he never had a chance against Hillary.


Jeez...yet another post about 2016 from a Trumpbot. It's like the guy who is a lousy player always talking about that great play he made years ago.

And those polls were incredibly accurate - they said Clinton would win the popular vote..and they were dead right.
HaShev is so retarded, he blames the internet for his double post! :p
Polls? People still trust them?
Everyone knows the Pollsters are riddled with people who fake their quota to get paid or credited for work they ditched doing.
Wow those polls look just like the polls that ushered in President Hillary Clinton. How Amazing that the more Democrat the poll the higher the score for Biden. It's almost like Global Warming Data. Well shit it's probably the same people collecting the Data!

Poor Trump....he never had a chance against Hillary.


Jeez...yet another post about 2016 from a Trumpbot. It's like the guy who is a lousy player always talking about that great play he made years ago.

And those polls were incredibly accurate - they said Clinton would win the popular vote..and they were dead right.

Nope that's not what they said.... They said that Clinton would win the election and they had the states colored in to that effect just like now. The talking heads were all popping corks right up till 1 AM when the news broke that Hillary actually starting physically beating up her campaign staff.

In Joe's case he'll probably hire a 13 year old hooker.

Don't Taze Meh Bro is somewhat reasonable in these matters. What is his conclusion in regards to your idiotic posts HaShev? Talk to meh beeatch.
Wow those polls look just like the polls that ushered in President Hillary Clinton. How Amazing that the more Democrat the poll the higher the score for Biden. It's almost like Global Warming Data. Well shit it's probably the same people collecting the Data!

Poor Trump....he never had a chance against Hillary.


Jeez...yet another post about 2016 from a Trumpbot. It's like the guy who is a lousy player always talking about that great play he made years ago.

And those polls were incredibly accurate - they said Clinton would win the popular vote..and they were dead right.

Nope that's not what they said.... They said that Clinton would win the election and they had the states colored in to that effect just like now. The talking heads were all popping corks right up till 1 AM when the news broke that Hillary actually starting physically beating up her campaign staff.

In Joe's case he'll probably hire a 13 year old hooker.


Wrong...I am talking about polling the electorate. You are talking about something else entirely...and it means nothing to me. EC predictions are silly.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Besides, I do not care about the EC...as far as I am concerned, Hillary Clinton (that bitch) is the POTUS...not Trump.
And if Trump had won the PV and lost the EC...I would say that Trump (that virtual lowlife) was the POTUS and not Clinton.

The Electoral College is a joke and I do not respect it or recognize it.

I only follow laws that I agree with unless it is not worth the effort not to do so. Only wimps/the weak blindly follow laws they morally disagree with.

We are done here as I sense your mind is completely closed on this issue - thus you are a waste of time to 'chat' with on this.

Good day.
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Furthermore with Polls;
if the news service or company hiring you is leaning one way, you tend to want to appease their political leanings to get hired back.
It's called humoring your client.
HaShev is so retarded, he blames the internet for his double post! :p
Ask the forum moderator to check the IP difference, if you claim to be smarter then Biden.
Wow those polls look just like the polls that ushered in President Hillary Clinton. How Amazing that the more Democrat the poll the higher the score for Biden. It's almost like Global Warming Data. Well shit it's probably the same people collecting the Data!

Poor Trump....he never had a chance against Hillary.


Jeez...yet another post about 2016 from a Trumpbot. It's like the guy who is a lousy player always talking about that great play he made years ago.

And those polls were incredibly accurate - they said Clinton would win the popular vote..and they were dead right.

Nope that's not what they said.... They said that Clinton would win the election and they had the states colored in to that effect just like now. The talking heads were all popping corks right up till 1 AM when the news broke that Hillary actually starting physically beating up her campaign staff.

In Joe's case he'll probably hire a 13 year old hooker.


Wrong...I am talking about polling the electorate. You are talking about something else entirely...and it means nothing to me. EC predictions are silly.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Besides, I do not care about the EC...as far as I am concerned, Hillary Clinton (that bitch) is the POTUS...not Trump.
And if Trump had won the PV and lost the EC...I would say that Trump was the POTUS and not Clinton.

The Electoral College is a joke and I do not respect it or recognize it.

We are done here as I sense your mind is completely closed on this issue - thus you are a waste of time to 'chat' with on this.

Good day.

Nah....I just bitch slapped you and you, like Hillary, can't deal with it.... that simple.
As far as your concerned the world is over in 12 years...and Hillary is the President....and the Earth is flat.


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