The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
All of Manafort's "Trumped" up charges were leveled at him during the time he worked for The Podestas on behalf of The Obama Regime, when Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden were trying to rig Ukraine's elections to keep a corrupt regime in place to appease Putin.

Now, before you lefties go in full denial mode, do you suddenly forget Joe Biden's admitted Extortion Attempts at getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter and Joe's and Obama's corrupt dealings in Ukraine on behalf of Putin?

Ever hear of a company called Burisma?

Wonder why Comey and Mueller gave The Podesta Crime Family immunity? Why would they need immunity if they did not commit any crimes? They were given immunity to protect The Obama Regime.

They were given immunity so that Paul Manafort could not call the Podestas to testify in his defense. Had they been forced to testify under oath, they would have been subject to Federal Perjury charges if they lied, or if presented with evidence which Manafort would have gained access to through "Discovery" that evidence would have lead all the way back to Obama's dealings with Putin and the Ukraine, and The Podesta Board being made up mostly of "Russian Oligarchs" and engaging in influence peddling with The Obama Administration.

And since when does someone who is accused of a petty political crime have to be imprisoned in solitary confinement? Assange, Guccifer are both in solitary confinement for daring to expose what callous, hateful, scheming, unethical fiends, The Clinton Gang and Obama Regime are. Manafort, a 70 year old man in solitary? For what? Are these people that dangerous? Or do they need separated and isolated so they cannot communicate what they know to others?

In my opinion, Manafort was railroaded, because The Podestas knowingly, after the fact filed incorrect diplomatic credentials for Manafort, making him subject to some petty charges, and got a corrupt politicized FBI hit squad's foot in the door to go on a fishing expedition, and level a bunch of exaggerated charges at Manafort to damage him, send a message, and then their corrupt associates in Ukraine helped them seal the deal so that Manafort would take the hit "independently" from The Podestas. The intent was to try to damage President Trump's credibility by tying so called crimes committed on the behalf of The Obama regime to Trump's campaign team and somehow try to associate that with The Trump Presidency....and false whispers of "Russian Collusion."

Flynn was gone after in the same manner with the same intent. He was an innocent man dragged through the mud by a bunch of sore losers who were afraid their gravy train of graft and greed was going to come to a halt. Afraid that their political crimes would be exposed.

Yes, America now has political prisoners rotting in their jails like Julian Assange, Guccifer, and Paul Manafort, and people like Seth Rich are murdered for what they know. Prosecutions are now more political in DC than at any time in history making me shudder when I compare The Decline of The US and its political corruption to the political rise of The Nazi Party in The Former Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany. They prosecuted their political enemies with the same ferocity until their were no political enemies.

Then there was The Dirty Dossier ordered and paid for by Obama, Clinton, Biden and the DNC and produced by Russian agents with Putin's blessings. Russian Collusion? Maybe Christopher Steele's attempts to kill his Russian Partner Skirpal and his daughter might ring a bell?

Russian Collusion? Only if you want to talk about Biden, Clintons, and Obama and his gang of thieves taking money from anyone who would offer it, including Putin himself.

And I could spend an hour going over how The Obama Administration got kickbacks from arranging the Uranium One deal for Putin, knowing full well, Putin was going to use his Rosatom company to purchase Uranium One after the deal went through so he could ship American Uranium to Iran.

And of course, Obama helped Iran pay for the Uranium and Russian Nuclear Scientists when he illegally shipped $150 Billion in pallets of cash to Iran in the dead of night. The Clinton Foundation got a kick back of a $145 Million from Russia, and Obama got a kick back of $64 Million from a Russian owned publishing company for a book he never wrote. McCain, Eric Holder also got kickbacks.

You lefties aren't too smart are you? Why do you think Mueller steered clear of this entire mess while he tried to falsely prosecute an innocent man he knew was innocent. Not one mention is made of Obama, Clinton's purchasing of Russian Disinformation in the form of The Dirty Dossier in the entire Mueller Report.

Why was this not covered? Was it not an investigation to get to the truth? Or was it simply misdirection to cover up Obama Regime and FBI crimes? No mention of FISA abuse either, or filing false affidavits, FBI lying to Congress, to The President and on and on and on. Do you really think Rosenstein was "joking around" when he said he wanted to illegally wiretap The President?

How about you "useful idiots" do some research once in a while?

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We are fully infiltrated by communists.

Congrats lefties.
It's way worse than just the few things I outlined. We are in a covert war for the soul of America. Joe Biden said as much, though he is nothing but a Butt Puppet for his "Benefactors". May as well be a muppet.

And don't get me started on Benghazi, The Muslim Brotherhood, Assad, Qaddafi, and Obama's and Clinton's corrupt dealings there, or Afghanistan where Biden intentionally armed Islamic Terrorists to the teeth with our weapons and technology. That is not incompetence, that was planned.
It's way worse than just the few things I outlined. We are in a covert war for the soul of America. Joe Biden said as much, though he is nothing but a Butt Puppet for his "Benefactors". May as well be a muppet.

And don't get me started on Benghazi, The Muslim Brotherhood, Assad, Qaddafi, and Obama's and Clinton's corrupt dealings there, or Afghanistan where Biden intentionally armed Islamic Terrorists to the teeth with our weapons and technology. That is not incompetence, that was planned.

I like how the left whine about voter id laws being RACIST....meanwhile, there is open slave trading going on in the streets of LIBYA thanks to HILLARY CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA.

The sheep are mentally ill.
I like how the left whine about voter id laws being RACIST....meanwhile, there is open slave trading going on in the streets of LIBYA thanks to HILLARY CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA.

The sheep are mentally ill.
Oh and interesting how now RUSSIA is now in control of both Libya and Syria, and their oil production. And The Obama Regime arranged that.
Hunter Biden's Laptop, and Hillary Clinton's 30,000 emails deleted she said she didn't have found on Weiner's laptop, her 17 devices smashed with a hammer when she said she only had one, her secret server she and Obama lied about, and the 30 hard drives smashed by Clinton and the DNC's Pakistani Hackers give Five Thumbs up to this Post!
I like how the left whine about voter id laws being RACIST....meanwhile, there is open slave trading going on in the streets of LIBYA thanks to HILLARY CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA.

The sheep are mentally ill.
And Biden's Open Borders Policy is really about Human Slavery, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking. Need to keep the underground brothels stocked with fresh bodies, and need cheap labor in certain industries with illegals working for near slave wages while Americans are out of work.
And Biden's Open Borders Policy is really about Human Slavery, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking. Need to keep the underground brothels stocked with fresh bodies, and need cheap labor in certain industries with illegals working for near slave wages while Americans are out of work.

It seems to me the Dems are just importing a new government dependent voter base.

Without secure borders, we are not a nation.

The Senile in Chief is having a wall built around his summer home....AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE.

It seems to me the Dems are just importing a new government dependent voter base.

Without secure borders, we are not a nation.

The Senile in Chief is having a wall built around his summer home....AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE.

Ever been to DC since Biden took over? Everything is walled off with security barriers. BUT WALLS DON'T WORK. The Capital of Freedom looks like a Concentration Camp.
Ever been to DC since Biden took over? Everything is walled off with security barriers. BUT WALLS DON'T WORK. The Capital of Freedom looks like a Concentration Camp.
As a kid, I lived 30 minutes from downtown. Loved to go to all the museums and memorials.

No, I have not been since July 4th, 2015. Went to see Foo Fighters at RFK. The town was still ok then.
As a kid, I lived 30 minutes from downtown. Loved to go to all the museums and memorials.

No, I have not been since July 4th, 2015. Went to see Foo Fighters at RFK. The town was still ok then.
It's sad. Some things are open. You cannot get anywhere near close to The White House, and other places like SCOTUS. Security Fencing everywhere. And try walking down the street through the Permanent BLM outpost unless you are in a big group.
All of Manafort's "Trumped" up charges were leveled at him during the time he worked for The Podestas on behalf of The Obama Regime, when Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden were trying to rig Ukraine's elections to keep a corrupt regime in place to appease Putin.

Now, before you lefties go in full denial mode, do you suddenly forget Joe Biden's admitted Extortion Attempts at getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter and Joe's and Obama's corrupt dealings in Ukraine on behalf of Putin?

Ever hear of a company called Burisma?

Wonder why Comey and Mueller gave The Podesta Crime Family immunity? Why would they need immunity if they did not commit any crimes? They were given immunity to protect The Obama Regime.

They were given immunity so that Paul Manafort could not call the Podestas to testify in his defense. Had they been forced to testify under oath, they would have been subject to Federal Perjury charges if they lied, or if presented with evidence which Manafort would have gained access to through "Discovery" that evidence would have lead all the way back to Obama's dealings with Putin and the Ukraine, and The Podesta Board being made up mostly of "Russian Oligarchs" and engaging in influence peddling with The Obama Administration.

And since when does someone who is accused of a petty political crime have to be imprisoned in solitary confinement? Assange, Guccifer are both in solitary confinement for daring to expose what callous, hateful, scheming, unethical fiends, The Clinton Gang and Obama Regime are. Manafort, a 70 year old man in solitary? For what? Are these people that dangerous? Or do they need separated and isolated so they cannot communicate what they know to others?

In my opinion, Manafort was railroaded, because The Podestas knowingly, after the fact filed incorrect diplomatic credentials for Manafort, making him subject to some petty charges, and got a corrupt politicized FBI hit squad's foot in the door to go on a fishing expedition, and level a bunch of exaggerated charges at Manafort to damage him, send a message, and then their corrupt associates in Ukraine helped them seal the deal so that Manafort would take the hit "independently" from The Podestas. The intent was to try to damage President Trump's credibility by tying so called crimes committed on the behalf of The Obama regime to Trump's campaign team and somehow try to associate that with The Trump Presidency....and false whispers of "Russian Collusion."

Flynn was gone after in the same manner with the same intent. He was an innocent man dragged through the mud by a bunch of sore losers who were afraid their gravy train of graft and greed was going to come to a halt. Afraid that their political crimes would be exposed.

Yes, America now has political prisoners rotting in their jails like Julian Assange, Guccifer, and Paul Manafort, and people like Seth Rich are murdered for what they know. Prosecutions are now more political in DC than at any time in history making me shudder when I compare The Decline of The US and its political corruption to the political rise of The Nazi Party in The Former Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany. They prosecuted their political enemies with the same ferocity until their were no political enemies.

Then there was The Dirty Dossier ordered and paid for by Obama, Clinton, Biden and the DNC and produced by Russian agents with Putin's blessings. Russian Collusion? Maybe Christopher Steele's attempts to kill his Russian Partner Skirpal and his daughter might ring a bell?

Russian Collusion? Only if you want to talk about Biden, Clintons, and Obama and his gang of thieves taking money from anyone who would offer it, including Putin himself.

And I could spend an hour going over how The Obama Administration got kickbacks from arranging the Uranium One deal for Putin, knowing full well, Putin was going to use his Rosatom company to purchase Uranium One after the deal went through so he could ship American Uranium to Iran.

And of course, Obama helped Iran pay for the Uranium and Russian Nuclear Scientists when he illegally shipped $150 Billion in pallets of cash to Iran in the dead of night. The Clinton Foundation got a kick back of a $145 Million from Russia, and Obama got a kick back of $64 Million from a Russian owned publishing company for a book he never wrote. McCain, Eric Holder also got kickbacks.

You lefties aren't too smart are you? Why do you think Mueller steered clear of this entire mess while he tried to falsely prosecute an innocent man he knew was innocent. Not one mention is made of Obama, Clinton's purchasing of Russian Disinformation in the form of The Dirty Dossier in the entire Mueller Report.

Why was this not covered? Was it not an investigation to get to the truth? Or was it simply misdirection to cover up Obama Regime and FBI crimes? No mention of FISA abuse either, or filing false affidavits, FBI lying to Congress, to The President and on and on and on. Do you really think Rosenstein was "joking around" when he said he wanted to illegally wiretap The President?

How about you "useful idiots" do some research once in a while?

Shokin wouldn't prosecute any corruption. Manifort was just another Trump crook.
And Biden's Open Borders Policy is really about Human Slavery, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking. Need to keep the underground brothels stocked with fresh bodies, and need cheap labor in certain industries with illegals working for near slave wages while Americans are out of work.
Keep lying, Christian.
The premise of this thread turned out to be fairly accurate. Wouldn't you folks agree?

The Clinton-Biden-Obama machine went after Manafort to shut him up and to keep him silent over what he knew about political corruption in Ukraine and Obama-Clinton-Biden's involvement in all of that when he carried out orders by The Obama Regime laundered through The Podesta Group.

In fact, the actions taken by Biden-Obama then lead to the Ukraine-Russia conflict now. They are 100% responsible for destabilizing the Ukraine-Russia relationship which was relatively stable until Obama was elected. Obama-Biden-Clinton did the same exact thing in Egypt, Syria, and Libya.

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