Biden Warns Israel To Stop Bragging About Disabling Iran Nuclear Facility


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019

The Corrupt Pervert Phony President is siding with his pals in Iran and rebuking Israel, the only civilized country in the Middle East. Following in Barack Obama's footsteps, doofus sides with America's enemies.

America is so screwed.

The Corrupt Pervert Phony President is siding with his pals in Iran and rebuking Israel, the only civilized country in the Middle East. Following in Barack Obama's footsteps, doofus sides with America's enemies.

America is so screwed.
I sincerely hope that Israel and her new Sunni allies strike soon and strike HARD. The cheating filth in DC are destroying this nation and Barry (Tan Messiah) Obama hates Israel with a special fervor. Muslim scum that he is...
Israel is predicted to be surrounded and invaded and "taken into captivity" for about 3.5 years. It will be done by a coalition of Muslim states, led by Russia. It will include Persia (Iran), Turkey, and several North African nations, among others. The moves going on in DC today may herald the break between Israel and the U.S. and that will open the door to Israel's enemies coming against her.
The good news is that these events, no matter how horrible they may be, will be temporary. Israel's protector WILL come and deliver her and when He does, NONE of those who hate her will ever again threaten her.
God said He would bless those who bless Israel and that those who cursed her He would curse. I doubt the DC crowd believes but they will be destroyed just the same.
Check it out. Someone's upset because the grownups are in charge again.

Yeah, right the grownups...:rolleyes:

I have yet to see any evidence that Israel even acknowledged responsibility for the explosion, let alone bragged about it. What we have here is anti-Semitic demagoguery of our best ally in the ME. This president is a joke. What I can't figure out is why he and the democrats are taking sides against Israel, and also why the Jews continue to support the democratic party.
Check it out. Someone's upset because the grownups are in charge again.
:) The only way they'll be there after 2024 will be if they consolidate their power with anti-Constitutional moves, facilitated by killing the filibuster and packing SCOTUS. Keep grinning, Chuckles. If you think you and yours will be immune to the chaos that will follow those moves, you're either delusional or a paste-eating fool. 2024... be seeing you SOON.
I sincerely hope that Israel and her new Sunni allies strike soon and strike HARD. The cheating filth in DC are destroying this nation and Barry (Tan Messiah) Obama hates Israel with a special fervor. Muslim scum that he is...
Israel is predicted to be surrounded and invaded and "taken into captivity" for about 3.5 years. It will be done by a coalition of Muslim states, led by Russia. It will include Persia (Iran), Turkey, and several North African nations, among others. The moves going on in DC today may herald the break between Israel and the U.S. and that will open the door to Israel's enemies coming against her.
The good news is that these events, no matter how horrible they may be, will be temporary. Israel's protector WILL come and deliver her and when He does, NONE of those who hate her will ever again threaten her.
God said He would bless those who bless Israel and that those who cursed her He would curse. I doubt the DC crowd believes but they will be destroyed just the same.
Don't worry, that didn't sound completely insane. Really it didn't. Everyone raves like that.
Nominated for dumbass post of the day. Care to offer any logic behind that statement? I see no reason why Israel or ANY other nation should be subordinate to us or anyone else.

We could start with the fact that our support is the only reason they are able to exist. Does that go for Iran too by the way? Do they get to make their nukes because nations shouldn't be subordinate to one another?

The Corrupt Pervert Phony President is siding with his pals in Iran and rebuking Israel, the only civilized country in the Middle East. Following in Barack Obama's footsteps, doofus sides with America's enemies.

America is so screwed.
Typical Breitbart. Funny how they are the only news service to come up with anything remotely like that, even when I changed parameter to within the last 30 days. Within last week, did find where Biden administration had told head of Mossad we are nowhere near any nuclear deal. Found where Israel has said the Biden administration will keep Israel in the loop on and developments or proposals. Saw where Israel says it's war planes can reach Iran (which was news to me, as they never had that kind of range for a round trip before without air refuel before, which we won't sell them for some dumb reason.)
I sincerely hope that Israel and her new Sunni allies strike soon and strike HARD. The cheating filth in DC are destroying this nation and Barry (Tan Messiah) Obama hates Israel with a special fervor. Muslim scum that he is...
Israel is predicted to be surrounded and invaded and "taken into captivity" for about 3.5 years. It will be done by a coalition of Muslim states, led by Russia. It will include Persia (Iran), Turkey, and several North African nations, among others. The moves going on in DC today may herald the break between Israel and the U.S. and that will open the door to Israel's enemies coming against her.
The good news is that these events, no matter how horrible they may be, will be temporary. Israel's protector WILL come and deliver her and when He does, NONE of those who hate her will ever again threaten her.
God said He would bless those who bless Israel and that those who cursed her He would curse. I doubt the DC crowd believes but they will be destroyed just the same.
Don't worry, that didn't sound completely insane. Really it didn't. Everyone raves like that.
Glad to see that even with severe learning disabilities, you still manage a sense of humor. Well done, Rainman
Israel should be subordinate to us.
Would you care to share your reasoning for thinking Israel, a sovereign state and long-time ALLY should answer to the U.S.?

I already did above.
I missed the post. Israel has fought off Muslim invaders intent on literally pushing them into the sea, at least 3 times. Do you have a source that lists the numbers of U.S. troops who fought beside them? In '48 and '67 we practically helped their enemies. It was only in '73 that Nixon came to their aid and that was only due to the cold war power games.
If you are thinking of the 3.8 billion dollars per year in aid, are you aware that the aid is actually corporate welfare to U.S. defense contractors? Oh yeah... by law, 75% of every dollar of that aid MUST be spent on U.S. contractors for weapons.
Israel should be subordinate to us.
Would you care to share your reasoning for thinking Israel, a sovereign state and long-time ALLY should answer to the U.S.?

I already did above.
I missed the post. Israel has fought off Muslim invaders intent on literally pushing them into the sea, at least 3 times. Do you have a source that lists the numbers of U.S. troops who fought beside them? In '48 and '67 we practically helped their enemies. It was only in '73 that Nixon came to their aid and that was only due to the cold war power games.
If you are thinking of the 3.8 billion dollars per year in aid, are you aware that the aid is actually corporate welfare to U.S. defense contractors? Oh yeah... by law, 75% of every dollar of that aid MUST be spent on U.S. contractors for weapons.

If Israel was in any real danger we would help them in a heartbeat. Everybody knows that and it plays a role in politics. We also work closely with their military and they gain a lot from us. I think Israel would be in real danger without our support. I also think they should be subordinate to us within reason. I have no issue with a U.S president criticizing Israel.
Nominated for dumbass post of the day. Care to offer any logic behind that statement? I see no reason why Israel or ANY other nation should be subordinate to us or anyone else.

We could start with the fact that our support is the only reason they are able to exist. Does that go for Iran too by the way? Do they get to make their nukes because nations shouldn't be subordinate to one another?

They’re a sovereign nation. We give them money and force them to use the money we give them on military equipment from U.S. defense companies. Also you’re wrong saying they wouldn’t exist without our money.

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