Cory Booker Needs To Be Held Accountable for His Pro-Palestinian, Anti-Israel Actions


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Sometimes extreme events have profound effects on politicians, and sometimes they don't. In the next few days, we will see which of these will be the case for Senator Cory Booker (D0NJ).

Booker, who was just forced to flee the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel this past weekend, was seen in 2018 holding up an anti-Israel sign in support of pro-Palestine activists.
The image resurfaced on social media after news of Booker’s (D-NJ) harrowing experience.

The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights posted the original image on X, showing the Democrat senator attending the Netroots Nation conference.

Booker can be seen smiling with anti-Israel activists while holding up a sign that reads: “From Palestine to Mexico. All the Walls Have Got to Go.”


So far all that has come from Booker is a short statement posted on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, in which Booker recounted having to take refuge in a bomb shelter, before being flown out on Sunday.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, whom The Washington Post and Newsweek have called “the most famous Rabbi in America,” eviscerated Cory Booker for running away from the terrorist attacks in Israel.

“Cory Booker voted to give Iran $150b. Then he ran today away from Israel,” wrote Shmuley, who claimed that the two were once close friends. “@corybooker please stop bragging about how you endured rockets in Israel.”

“You voted to give the Iranian terrorist monsters, who are largely responsible through Hamas for this attack that murdered 700 Israelis, $150 billion to murder innocents, in order to preserve your political standing,”
he continued in a scathing commentary on X.

The rabbi is referencing an element of the Iran nuclear agreement negotiated by former President Barack Obama which, much like the $6 billion recently released by President Joe Biden, fact-checkers have defended as simply the unfreezing of assets.

Shmuley proceeded to assert the only hope for Booker’s “relationship with (the) Jewish Community” is to “come to the well of the Senate floor this week and condemn your own vote to give billions to Iran and by extension Hamas.”

“Otherwise, we are not interested in these posts,”
he concluded. “Words are cheap, Cory.”

After 29 Americans were killed (another are 15 missing & unaccounted for), and 1300 Israelis were killed, including 260 at a music festival, Booker needs to stand up and be accountable for his actions (as well as those of Joe Biden et al Democrats who facilitated this massacre of October 7th (a day that will liv in infamy). That goes for all the other nitwits who keep on bashing Israel and it's wall (which Hamas destroyed during the attacks), and while lending support to Hamas and the Palestinians.

One can only hope that Booker learned a lesson from the death and devastation he was forced to flee. Maybe walls work. Maybe disarming citizens, which he supports, is a bad idea, when there are people with ill intent designed to inflict terror on the populace out there.

Where will he stand when terror cells from the Middle East make their way across the U.S. border and activate? (if they're to here already as a result of Biden's re-establishment of Obama's "Catch & Release policy at the Mexican border (allowing millions of UNVETTED migrants into the country).

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The strength of freedom of expression is that it keeps our minds (well, at least some of us) connected to the big picture.

In order to make the best decisions going forward, we need to know and understand an issue from all angles. Whether we like what we hear, or not.

And that's why freedom of expression is so important. Hiding from half the story is counterproductive.

Just like it's wrong to deplatform/silence conservative voices on college campuses. Same reason.
The strength of freedom of expression is that it keeps our minds (well, at least some of us) connected to the big picture.

In order to make the best decisions going forward, we need to know and understand an issue from all angles. Whether we like what we hear, or not.

And that's why freedom of expression is so important. Hiding from half the story is counterproductive.

Just like it's wrong to deplatform/silence conservative voices on college campuses. Same reason.
Is this supposed to have something to do with the OP ? If so WHAT ?

And what does "Hiding from half the story" mean ?

PS - "all angles" includes the content of the OP.
There's nothing mysterious about my post. It applies directly to this story. Figure it out. Good luck.
If there wasn't anything mysterious, I wouldn't have asked the question. You just are to cowardly to stand up straight and tall, and answer it.
Come back when you come with the guts, MR DODGE.
New Jersey voters will get their chance to hold Booker accountable in the 2026 mid-term election if he's a candidate.
We'll see if they have improved from their airheadedness of having elected him in the first place. This isn't the first time this clown has made a fool out of himself.
The strength of freedom of expression is that it keeps our minds (well, at least some of us) connected to the big picture.

In order to make the best decisions going forward, we need to know and understand an issue from all angles. Whether we like what we hear, or not.

And that's why freedom of expression is so important. Hiding from half the story is counterproductive.

Just like it's wrong to deplatform/silence conservative voices on college campuses. Same reason.
Yes, thankfully Booker was and is free to express his pro-Hamas beliefs. We as voters should believe him
We'll see if they have improved from their airheadedness of having elected him in the first place. This isn't the first time this clown has made a fool out of himself.

It's up to New Jersey, perhaps they'll remember that relying on a wall for security sure has its limitation. They may also believe that the only way for a one state solution for the area to be successful is one where nobody is reduced to being a 2nd class resident.
The strength of freedom of expression is that it keeps our minds (well, at least some of us) connected to the big picture.

In order to make the best decisions going forward, we need to know and understand an issue from all angles. Whether we like what we hear, or not.

And that's why freedom of expression is so important. Hiding from half the story is counterproductive.

Just like it's wrong to deplatform/silence conservative voices on college campuses. Same reason.
The Iranian regime chants death to America and Israel everyday, so no, it's not that hard to figure out.

Thanks for playing.
It's up to New Jersey, perhaps they'll remember that relying on a wall for security sure has its limitation. They may also believe that the only way for a one state solution for the area to be successful is one where nobody is reduced to being a 2nd class resident.
If people don't want to be reduced to being a 2nd class resident, then they should stop being violent, Thay includes not killing 1300 people.

Being a 1st class resident comes with a price > TRUST.
Hmmm, he was doing rounds in various media shows when he got back from Israel and he was talking up a storm as Pro Israel....and against Hamas....!!!??
If people don't want to be reduced to being a 2nd class resident, then they should stop being violent, Thay includes not killing 1300 people.

Being a 1st class resident comes with a price > TRUST.

Yeah, and according to that logic all those who bear arms in America are responsible for the country's gun violence.
Yeah, and according to that logic all those who bear arms in America are responsible for the country's gun violence.
1. Maybe now Palestinian/Hamas supporters have come to see what fools they are. I did say "maybe". :rolleyes:

2. If Liberals/Democrats Still Can't See the Need for an ARMED Population, They're Beyond Help

3. Those who OPPOSE bearing arms are responsible for the country's gun violence, as well as the idiot/strange thinking in post # 17.

4. 92 % of mass shootings have been in gun free-zones.

The carrying of guns by law-abiding citizens PREVENTS crime and STOPS it.

The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 was passed as part of a suite of legislation that Democrats (including Joe Biden) sponsored, known as the Crime Bill. As the chair of the Judiciary Committee at the time, then Senator Biden alone sponsored the crime bill.


That moronic legislation was sponsored by Joe Biden, and signed into law in 1990, and has turned public schools into soft targets for deranged murderers. As is typical with liberal policies, the intent sounds terrific, but the implementation doesn’t work in the real world. A Los Angeles Times timeline of mass killings from 1984 to 2017 reveals a vast majority of school shootings followed enactment of the Gun-Free School Zones Act.

The choice was as clear in 1990 as it is today, either we protect our kids by providing armed resource officers or well-trained and armed teachers on school grounds, or we leave them as sitting ducks for the next shooter who knows full well that return fire isn’t going to stop them before they’ve taken several lives.

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