Biden says ANTIFA is an idea not an organization...

...when I first saw a liberal deny the reality of ANTIFA it reminded me of what the Communists used to do to disfavored people. They would be arrested, shot in a basement or sent to Siberia, and then all photographs of that person would be deleted.

If the Democrats win the election, will ANTIFA people be shot by firing squad?
I have not seen that this "antifa" actually is an organization.
Your party controls Antifa, dear. Stop lying.

What is "antifa"? Who runs it? Give me names. BTW: who are "proud boys"? Give me names. You speak of my "party." What "party" is
this? I want answers. I have no "party." I am simply against trump and his "party," which seems to stand for racism, sexism, bigotry by religion, bigotry by sexual orientation, and by ethnic origin.
This is a stupid, stupid game you Democrats are playing, telling people ANTIFA doesn't exist. You people can go fuck yourselves, OK? Everyone is sick up to their necks with your lies and violence. You will find that out again on election day.

Who is this "you people" and "everyone who is "sick up to their necks with your lies and violence"? Who did what to you?
ANTIFA is just an idea, so we don't need to worry. White supremacy is just an idea the last time I checked, but it is the greatest threat to peace in the US. Weird.

The FBI director said white nationalist are a threat to the USA. I'd rather live next door to an anti fascist than a white nationalist.

I don't want to live next to either one, but your guy would evidently have weekly cookouts with Antifa.
Biden is correct. Antifa stands for anti-fascist. It ain't rocket science...

View attachment 394876
HE said Antifa was a they are against nothing

now we all know that's a lie.........and Antifa is not against fascists, they are fascists
fascists are extreme nationalists.
fascist oppose liberalism. oppose marxism, oppose anarchism.
fascist oppose democracy.

Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete and regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[9] Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.[9]

Well Fascists and commies look alot alike......same tactics, same outcome, all bad......and ANTIFA uses fascist/commie tactics to a T
...when I first saw a liberal deny the reality of ANTIFA it reminded me of what the Communists used to do to disfavored people. They would be arrested, shot in a basement or sent to Siberia, and then all photographs of that person would be deleted.

If the Democrats win the election, will ANTIFA people be shot by firing squad?
I have not seen that this "antifa" actually is an organization.
Your party controls Antifa, dear. Stop lying.

What is "antifa"? Who runs it? Give me names. BTW: who are "proud boys"? Give me names. You speak of my "party." What "party" isView attachment 394936 this? I want answers. I have no "party." I am simply against trump and his "party," which seems to stand for racism, sexism, bigotry by religion, bigotry by sexual orientation, and by ethnic origin.
This is a stupid, stupid game you Democrats are playing, telling people ANTIFA doesn't exist. You people can go fuck yourselves, OK? Everyone is sick up to their necks with your lies and violence. You will find that out again on election day.

Who is this "you people" and "everyone who is "sick up to their necks with your lies and violence"? Who did what to you?
People who back ANTIFA/BLM along with their violence, riots, blocking traffic over complete bullshit
The garbage that this man utters is unbelievable! :cuckoo:

Biden is correct. Antifa stands for anti-fascist. It ain't rocket science...

View attachment 394876
Fake News. The violent insurrectionists are BLM/Antifa.


The magazine Jacobin is an intellectual magazine of the democrat socialist left — not the liberal left, but the democrat socialist left. It was founded in 2010 by Bhaskar Sunkara, a radical college student born and raised in suburban New York. From a 2016 Vox profile of him:

Jacobin has in the past five years become the leading intellectual voice of the American left, the most vibrant and relevant socialist publication in a very long time. And in 2016 it’s bigger than ever, thanks to Bernie Sanders, who’s making his millions of supporters curious about what democratic socialism actually means. That’s an opportunity that Jacobin is seizing to great effect, even if Sanders isn’t far enough left for their taste.

The Sanders campaign “could begin to legitimate the word ‘socialist,’ and spark a conversation around it, even if Sanders’s welfare-state socialism doesn’t go far enough,” Sunkara wrote earlier this year.


Jacobin, which turned 5 this year, is perhaps the most relevant and important publication of the American political left today. Unlike more academic journals, it is always timely, globally oriented, and topically eclectic.



More eclecticism here:


Folks like this think the falling of the Berlin Wall was a real bummer. But as the Biden Riots remind us, Sunkara isn’t the only American leftist with a mindset towards revolution these day. Zack Ford is the press secretary at Alliance for Justice, which as Discover the Networks notes, “Systematically opposes Republican judicial nominees as ‘right-wing extremists,’ ‘ultraconservatives,’ or racists and sexists,” and “helped derail President Reagan’s nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court. Immediately after Bork’s nomination, AFJ sent messages to the editorial offices of every newspaper in the United States, urging the Senate to reject:”


Democrats and the Politics of Projection: “if you want to understand who the Democrats are and what they are doing, all you need to do is look at what they are accusing Trump and his colleagues of being and of doing.”
...when I first saw a liberal deny the reality of ANTIFA it reminded me of what the Communists used to do to disfavored people. They would be arrested, shot in a basement or sent to Siberia, and then all photographs of that person would be deleted.

If the Democrats win the election, will ANTIFA people be shot by firing squad?
Name one member.
...when I first saw a liberal deny the reality of ANTIFA it reminded me of what the Communists used to do to disfavored people. They would be arrested, shot in a basement or sent to Siberia, and then all photographs of that person would be deleted.

If the Democrats win the election, will ANTIFA people be shot by firing squad?
Name one member.
That's a stupid demand and you know it.

The fact that Democrats are denying the existence of ANTIFA makes me realize the Democrats are even worse people than I thought.
MOSTLY PEACEFUL: Antifa Activist Yanks Woman Holding American Flag To The Ground By Her Hair.

But Biden Says Antifa Is Just An Idea

antifa activist yanks woman

How does the former vice president explain how a woman holding an American flag was dragged to the ground by her hair by an “idea?”

This kind of behavior is unacceptable. Biden needs to come out and condemn Antifa right now.

The woman holding the flag was a woman of color, yanked to the ground by a White Antifa Racist.

It’s a sad time for our nation when just holding the American flag, the symbol of a country that stands for liberty and justice, is enough to cause radical, unhinged wannabe terrorists to assault you in the street for exercising your First Amendment rights.

Liberals need to put a stop to this by condemning Antifa. But, they won't because, secretly, they support what these folks are doing, using them to sow chaos in hopes of that working in their favor in the election.

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