Biden has a plan.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Journalists Notice: Say, Biden's 'New' COVID Plan Looks...Awfully Familiar, Doesn't It?

Biden's team keeps saying Trump left them literally no plan on Covid -- but they inherited a vaccination program already meeting their target, kept some of the same people and are pledging much of the same stuff. It's complicated.

Before Biden was sworn in, vaccines already were being delivered at a pace to meet his goal of 100 million doses in his first 100 days as president. The Biden administration has said they’ll order new doses, but will do so by exercising options in contracts negotiated by the previous administration, which thought it premature to do so. They say they’ll use the Defense Production Act, which Trump used repeatedly.

So the "new" plan is the same as the "old" plan?

Journalists Notice: Say, Biden's 'New' COVID Plan Looks...Awfully Familiar, Doesn't It?
Wow, we've got our first looney lib that can't stick to the topic.-Thinker101

Nah, you just sound really mad that the next 4 years will be ruled by Kamala Harris and then she will (maybe) win in 2024 too. The road to Socialism has started. Good luck, sir.
Nope, nothing on topic. I'm leaving now. Enjoy Democrats ruling over the Senate, House, and the Presidency. Soon the Supreme Court will be ours too.

As Pelosi referred to extending the "obama tax cuts" which were really the Bush tax cuts and they followed the existing economic recovery plan with the exception of notable fuckups like Solyndra, cash for clunkers, and my personal fave, putting Jeff Immelt in as jobs czar, they'll likely do a lot of the same stuff Trump was doing, while claiming they're not.

There is, of course, a plan in place constructed by people tasked to do so, and it, of course, makes more sense than dems would have you think.
Wow, we've got our first looney lib that can't stick to the topic.-Thinker101

Nah, you just sound really mad that the next 4 years will be ruled by Kamala Harris and then she will (maybe) win in 2024 too. The road to Socialism has started. Good luck, sir.
There is a base building to impeach Knees Harris based on her support for antifa rioters.
Is Biden's plan to brutually destroy his opponent by over 7 million votes? Oh wait, he already did that. Enjoy 4 years of Democratic rule, homie.
Did you know that slaves are ruled? Only free people get to live their lives without having a slave master watching them. Are you a prog slave?

That's because all of 2020 was a LIE:
  • That Trump had failed Covid with no plan leading to preventable deaths: A LIE.
  • That the 8700 Floyd Riots was about Floyd, the police and race: A LIE.
  • That the election hadn't been massively rigged and stolen: A LIE.
  • And now that Trump was alone solely the cause of and responsible for the revolt at the Capitol: THE BIGGEST LIE OF ALL.

In dealing with the Left, all one needs remember is that EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS A LIE and almost without fail, the reality is usually the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they say.
Nope, nothing on topic. I'm leaving now. Enjoy Democrats ruling over the Senate, House, and the Presidency. Soon the Supreme Court will be ours too.

anyone who wants one party rule hasnt learned nothing ......but then most party people dont seem to be very bright....
Nope, nothing on topic. I'm leaving now. Enjoy Democrats ruling over the Senate, House, and the Presidency. Soon the Supreme Court will be ours too.

the worst thing that could happen to you is getting your way politically ..... socialism dont work to good for the average joe pal ,,,,only gov officials and oligarchs do well under socialism.

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