Biden and the one party state


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Biden's biggest lie - American Thinker

The biggest lie (among many) told to us by the MSM was that Biden, if elected, was going to unite the country. He would, they insisted, soar from his basement chamber with an arsenal of unifying policies and goodwill born from 50 years of political success. Instead, once he wormed his way into the highest office in the land, he slogged up the basement steps with nothing but a brand-new ballpoint — his implement of non-unification through executive order. Most of us knew that it would be nearly impossible to come together with a party that personified division during the four years of Trump, but the ever-widening crevasse of discord in just a few weeks of leftist control is hard to ignore.

Since the precarious installation of our new leader, cancel culture has ratcheted up and grown even more idiotic and insidious. Careless tales of white supremacy and Trump-supporting insurgency have been tossed out like red meat to the wolf pack media by the "uniter" himself. The force-feeding of school curricula and guidelines created to shame a majority of the population for offensive melanin are in vogue and proliferating.

This "us against them" rhetoric is not waning, but accelerating under the Biden administration, and it is becoming utterly exhausting. I believe that most Americans, not just conservatives, want to live their lives in peace and free from ignorant scolds insistent on making everyone feel guilty and miserable. News flash: I have liberal friends who feel the same way. There is a much smaller faction of troublemakers involved in the division of America than we think. The problem is that the new occupant of the White House is one of them.
This "us against them" rhetoric is not waning, but accelerating under the Biden administration, and it is becoming utterly exhausting.

Well too bad. We already have the House, the Senate and the Presidency....soon we will stack the Supreme Court and nobody will stop the agenda then. Once Kamala takes over in will be too late to stop the radical liberals.
This "us against them" rhetoric is not waning, but accelerating under the Biden administration, and it is becoming utterly exhausting.

Well too bad. We already have the House, the Senate and the Presidency....soon we will stack the Supreme Court and nobody will stop the agenda then. Once Kamala takes over in will be too late to stop the radical liberals.

This "us against them" rhetoric is not waning, but accelerating under the Biden administration, and it is becoming utterly exhausting. I believe that most Americans, not just conservatives, want to live their lives in peace and free from ignorant scolds insistent on making everyone feel guilty and miserable. News flash: I have liberal friends who feel the same way. There is a much smaller faction of troublemakers involved in the division of America than we think. The problem is that the new occupant of the White House is one of them.

Perhaps one other problem is that the media perpetuates the "us against them" rhetoric, playing to their audience, and so does Hollywood, Academia, and Lebron James. Trust in our gov't and those other institutions has to be at an all-time low AND going lower.

" Anyone claiming Biden is going to be a uniter is one of two things: a liar or an imbecile. "

Could be both. Probably is.

To be honest, IMHO the only way out of this shit is a major catastrophe of some sort, like a big war or 1930s depression. Not sure it'll end even then, once the calamity is over. Since we are a nation where we each are entitled to our thoughts and opinions, maybe that's just the way it is. Certainly our history seems to indicate that. But we need leadership that allows disagreements without being disagreeable. Maybe we need the aforementioned catastrophe to create that new leadership.
This "us against them" rhetoric is not waning, but accelerating under the Biden administration, and it is becoming utterly exhausting.

Well too bad. We already have the House, the Senate and the Presidency....soon we will stack the Supreme Court and nobody will stop the agenda then.

Shrug. Could go either way. Right now half the nation is pissed, the other half crazy, or asleep.

There are approximately 3,000,000 military personnel. There are approximately 120,000,000 civilian Americans armed by default.

It's unlikely our rank-and file military personnel would participate in a forced Communist takeover of the United States. Police also would decline the honor, since they and their families live in the very same communities producing the opposing insurgency, and would be reluctant to make themselves and their families targets.

If even ten percent of armed Americans resisted, they would outnumber military personnel four to one. If push came to shove, one could easily expect armed resistance in the 30-40% range.

Despite glowing media reports, phony polls and the incessant fawning over themselves, the Democratic Party is slowly being recognized as far more concerned with foreign interests than those pertaining to Americans. Not to mention all the "woke" nonsense.

Not a prediction or endorsement. Just a thought.

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