Biden ahead by 11 points: Quinnipiac Poll

Seems you are hoping for a collapsed economy, RW.
That's pretty wicked of you hoping for millions to be in dire straits financially. pathetic

quite the contrary, if we were a decent people, we'd have gotten rid of Trump when he let all those people in PR die, or when he put kids in cages, or when he got caught conspiring with Russia. We aren't a decent people. We don't vote for change unless a corrupt president's incompetence effects us directly. Sometimes not even then.
I'll start blaming Trump for shit the minute a leftist gives me a coherent explanation of what I should blame him for and why. "He didn't take it seriously enough at first", "He did everything wrong!", and "Thousands of people are dead, so OBVIOUSLY he screwed up" are so vague that they're basically a flashing neon sign to indicate that the left has nothing.

We gave you very specific things he did wrong, and is STILL doing wrong.
Cheer up’s only 11 points

It will be much worse in November once the economy has fully crashed
Seems you are hoping for a collapsed economy, RW.
That's pretty wicked of you hoping for millions to be in dire straits financially. pathetic
We have a collapsed economy and our President will have to run on it.
Seems you are hoping for a collapsed economy, RW.
That's pretty wicked of you hoping for millions to be in dire straits financially. pathetic

quite the contrary, if we were a decent people, we'd have gotten rid of Trump when he let all those people in PR die, or when he put kids in cages, or when he got caught conspiring with Russia. We aren't a decent people. We don't vote for change unless a corrupt president's incompetence effects us directly. Sometimes not even then.
Boy, you're just full of yarns, aren't you? You should just stick with one for now, and run with that one, Joseph. :rolleyes-41:
Cheer up’s only 11 points

It will be much worse in November once the economy has fully crashed
Seems you are hoping for a collapsed economy, RW.
That's pretty wicked of you hoping for millions to be in dire straits financially. pathetic
We have a collapsed economy and our President will have to run on it.
Admitting that you don't care about others is revealing a serious character flaw you have.
One good thing is that the US is starting to open up, which means more people going
back to work. This will make you sad, but thought you should know.
Cheer up’s only 11 points

It will be much worse in November once the economy has fully crashed
Seems you are hoping for a collapsed economy, RW.
That's pretty wicked of you hoping for millions to be in dire straits financially. pathetic
We have a collapsed economy and our President will have to run on it.
Admitting that you don't care about others is revealing a serious character flaw you have.
One good thing is that the US is starting to open up, which means more people going
back to work. This will make you sad, but thought you should know.
Unless you haven’t checked recently, this is a Political Message Board.

Commenting on issues related to the coming election is what we do
Unless you haven’t checked recently, this is a Political Message Board.
Commenting on issues related to the coming election is what we do
I can't wait until you libs cry in your beer after Biden gets swiftboated. I will enjoy reading your "comments" then.
Trump has done this to himself.
Captain Clorox screwed himself when he got involved with the COVID Task Force.
He announces he's taking a drug that could give him cardiac arrest and is not recommended by any public health official for Coronavirus.
He's ramping up an attack on one of the most popular living politicians, Barack Obama.
His mismanagement of the pandemic has the U.S. with almost 1/3 of all COVID cases GLOBALLY even though the U.S. has just 4.5% of the world's population.
He has NO ONE to blame but himself.
This bullshit lie again. Cases is entirely dependent on testing and world wide there is no uniform way to report cases or even deaths. Add to that the FACT that many nations like Russia, China and Iran to name a few are outright lying about actual cases. The hard fact is we are in the middle of the first world nations in how we are dealing with COVID.

Directly from Google per million deaths. The fact that you have to directly bastardize the actual data to make a point is getting old.

Sint Maarten92,54864,90418,029
San Marino19,6446,3281,230
United Kingdom3,826-550
United States4,807917285
Isle of Man3,8103,241273
Sint Maarten92,54864,90418,029
San Marino19,6446,3281,230
United Kingdom3,826-550

United States
Isle of Man3,8103,241273


So I Googled it, just like you did.
And here's what I got.
Sorry, Sparky. Your chart must be from February, not May 20th.


United States



United Kingdom




No, you actually have to track the data by population. Thant little button on the top - that is how you normalize the data across different populations. Try again.
Still have not figured out how to use statistics or google yet Blane? Not really surprised.
We don't elect Presidents via the popular vote.

Slick was elected twice without winning the popular vote.

He got more votes than his opponents. That was the point.

Now, I'd like to see a system like France has, where if no one wins a MAJORITY, you have a runoff between the top two vote getters. But this insanity where we give extra voting power to smaller states just because some slave rapist said so 200 years ago, is just nuts.
Boy, you're just full of yarns, aren't you? You should just stick with one for now, and run with that one, Joseph.

Again, you guys said everything Trump did was okay because the economy was good.

Now the economy SUCKS. Worst economy I've seen in my lifetime, and I'm old.
It's what happens a pandemic. The economy was doing pretty good with good numbers,
and Trump will bring it back. As long as he doesn't listen to people like you who want it
shut down until after the election. You libs just want to bitch no matter which way the
wind blows.
Unless you haven’t checked recently, this is a Political Message Board.
Commenting on issues related to the coming election is what we do
I can't wait until you libs cry in your beer after Biden gets swiftboated. I will enjoy reading your "comments" then.
By Swiftboating I imagine you are talking about fake stories being fabricated.
It is already starting
Boy, you're just full of yarns, aren't you? You should just stick with one for now, and run with that one, Joseph.

Again, you guys said everything Trump did was okay because the economy was good.

Now the economy SUCKS. Worst economy I've seen in my lifetime, and I'm old.
It's what happens a pandemic. The economy was doing pretty good with good numbers,
and Trump will bring it back. As long as he doesn't listen to people like you who want it
shut down until after the election. You libs just want to bitch no matter which way the
wind blows.
The economy has over 20 percent unemployment. Many of those jobs won’t come back.
GDP is in DEEP negative range and will take years to recover.

Trump will not be in positive territory by November
Boy, you're just full of yarns, aren't you? You should just stick with one for now, and run with that one, Joseph.

Again, you guys said everything Trump did was okay because the economy was good.

Now the economy SUCKS. Worst economy I've seen in my lifetime, and I'm old.
It's what happens a pandemic. The economy was doing pretty good with good numbers,
and Trump will bring it back. As long as he doesn't listen to people like you who want it
shut down until after the election. You libs just want to bitch no matter which way the
wind blows.
The economy has over 20 percent unemployment. Many of those jobs won’t come back.
GDP is in DEEP negative range and will take years to recover.

Trump will not be in positive territory by November
The economy has just reopened, by Nov. we will be well on our way back from the lows.
Trump will have created millions of jobs by that time.
Boy, you're just full of yarns, aren't you? You should just stick with one for now, and run with that one, Joseph.

Again, you guys said everything Trump did was okay because the economy was good.

Now the economy SUCKS. Worst economy I've seen in my lifetime, and I'm old.
It's what happens a pandemic. The economy was doing pretty good with good numbers,
and Trump will bring it back. As long as he doesn't listen to people like you who want it
shut down until after the election. You libs just want to bitch no matter which way the
wind blows.
The economy has over 20 percent unemployment. Many of those jobs won’t come back.
GDP is in DEEP negative range and will take years to recover.

Trump will not be in positive territory by November
The economy has just reopened, by Nov. we will be well on our way back from the lows.
Trump will have created millions of jobs by that time.

You are listening to Trump
The economy will not return like a rocket.

Many businesses will fold. Most will return at less than full capacity. Many people are in debt and do not have money to spend.