Best Animated Movies?

You can try this for a stoner movie:

Part 1:

Toy Story is definitely up there. I still haven't watched TS3, it's supposed to be sooo goood.

So (note to self), make time to watch The Incredibles, and Toy Story 3. :)
Toy Story is definitely up there. I still haven't watched TS3, it's supposed to be sooo goood.

So (note to self), make time to watch The Incredibles, and Toy Story 3. :)

I definitely think Toy Story 3 was the best for adults, but not necessarily for the kids.
I'm about 33% through right now, and thoroughly enjoying it! I'll update when I finish.
Gone are the days, where you watch most movies in one sitting... :)
what kinda kids do yall hang with?

we are in the peppa pig stage with frozen ...some other movie....tatted guy and little girl...i wont watch anything that has not been watched and approved...after watching 'song of the sea' great movie ....great reviews...scared the hell outta the kid
Toy Story is definitely up there. I still haven't watched TS3, it's supposed to be sooo goood.

So (note to self), make time to watch The Incredibles, and Toy Story 3. :)

I definitely think Toy Story 3 was the best for adults, but not necessarily for the kids.
OK... I finally finished it last night... Wow....That was really good!

I personally put that up there with "up". That was awesome! And it relates to me with my child going away to college. That was a tear jerker at the end! Great movie!!!

And you're definitely right, that's a kid movie meant for adults.

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