benghazi is still disturbing, lying to win the election they did


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this isn't just a lack of transparency..

the story and the lies were premeditated, preplanned.. that's about it.

i guess the super scary thing here is that they seem to have gotten away with it.

incidentally.. does anyone know when susan rice visited benghazi in person ??

& ask yourself this.. would the whitehouse narrative have been different if the election wasn't a month away ?
lying to win the election

not exactly on the list of voter concerns, given the economy,jobs, etc held the attention of the country ... unless you were a dumb RW'r.

  • 2
    Health care
  • 3
    National debt
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
    Help the middle class
  • 7
    Government reform
  • 8
    Energy & environment
  • 9
    State of politics
  • 10
    Social security

top 10 ^^^^^

aw damn, no Benghazi.

that's why Republicans lose and will continue to lose ... voter concerns escape the simpletons.
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lying to win the election

not exactly on the list of voter concerns, given the economy,jobs, etc held the attention of the country ... unless you were a dumb RW'r.

that's profound, would it be the same if political roles were exchanged: i.e.

not exactly on the list of Democrat voter concerns
lying to win the election

not exactly on the list of voter concerns, given the economy,jobs, etc held the attention of the country ... unless you were a dumb RW'r.

that's profound, would it be the same if political roles were exchanged: i.e.

not exactly on the list of Democrat voter concerns

I listed the top 10 voter concerns ... bipartisan exit polls.

you stay focused on Benghazi ....
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maybe there's a clue...
well, watergate never amounted to much, so you might be right.

it's just that these people go before the camera, tell complete lies, knowing they are lies, and half the country is fine with it.

we don't want to be russia or cuba or venezuela do we... maybe you do...packing the ballot boxes with acorns ?? dubbed acornturfing

it changed the national security landscape that day/ that week/ month, year... so forth
But Benghazi is no Watergate. Far from it: There was no crime to cover up, and to the extent it existed, the Benghazi “cover-up” consisted of little more than some Sunday show talking points. Compared to Watergate, which involved burglary, bribes, wiretaps and perjury, the Benghazi case looks increasingly, as Michael Hirsh put it in Politico Magazine, like a “pseudo-scandal.”

Conservatives use the Watergate comparison in part because it is the ur-scandal of American politics. (There’s a reason journalists affix –gate to every major political misdeed.) Yet there’s more to it than that. Many on the right brandish the worse-than-Watergate charge because they both underrate Nixon’s crimes and overrate President Obama’s.

“Watergate,” Carl Bernstein helpfully reminded everyone on Sunday, “was a massive criminal conspiracy led by a criminal president of the United States for almost the whole of his administration.” Indeed, over the course of his five and a half years in office, Nixon built a shadow government so he could conduct both the Vietnam War and his re-election campaign with no constraints.

Not all conservatives see it that way, however. When they describe Watergate, the most common phrase isn’t “criminal conspiracy” but “ third-rate burglary,”

Obama s Benghazi Is Not Richard Nixon s Watergate - US News
But Benghazi is no Watergate. Far from it: There was no crime to cover up, and to the extent it existed, the Benghazi “cover-up” consisted of little more than some Sunday show talking points. Compared to Watergate, which involved burglary, bribes, wiretaps and perjury, the Benghazi case looks increasingly, as Michael Hirsh put it in Politico Magazine, like a “pseudo-scandal.”

Conservatives use the Watergate comparison in part because it is the ur-scandal of American politics. (There’s a reason journalists affix –gate to every major political misdeed.) Yet there’s more to it than that. Many on the right brandish the worse-than-Watergate charge because they both underrate Nixon’s crimes and overrate President Obama’s.

“Watergate,” Carl Bernstein helpfully reminded everyone on Sunday, “was a massive criminal conspiracy led by a criminal president of the United States for almost the whole of his administration.” Indeed, over the course of his five and a half years in office, Nixon built a shadow government so he could conduct both the Vietnam War and his re-election campaign with no constraints.

Not all conservatives see it that way, however. When they describe Watergate, the most common phrase isn’t “criminal conspiracy” but “ third-rate burglary,”

Obama s Benghazi Is Not Richard Nixon s Watergate - US News

“was a massive criminal conspiracy led by a criminal president of the United States"

lightning srtikes twice. this was an organised and well executed scheme to intentionally deceive the American voters weeks before the presidential election.

a campaign director said the night of the last presidential debate. "we didn't know until weeks later, that it was a premeditated pre planned attack. video does not lie. she said she meant it, she knew what she was doing, and so did the people who told her to say it.

the crime is in the emails... private or otherwise.
The US secretary of state using a private email account to conduct official state department business? Yeah that's secure, no security concerns there. Libs put your nose right in there and get a good whiff of the rotted festering stench which is liberal incompetence.
The US secretary of state using a private email account to conduct official state department business? Yeah that's secure, no security concerns there. Libs put your nose right in there and get a good whiff of the rotted festering stench which is liberal incompetence.

Like Condi Rice and Colin Powell, or different?
The US secretary of state using a private email account to conduct official state department business? Yeah that's secure, no security concerns there. Libs put your nose right in there and get a good whiff of the rotted festering stench which is liberal incompetence.
that's the rub, for for. well it's the clintons so it must be fine.or any family for that matter.
The US secretary of state using a private email account to conduct official state department business? Yeah that's secure, no security concerns there. Libs put your nose right in there and get a good whiff of the rotted festering stench which is liberal incompetence.

Like Condi Rice and Colin Powell, or different?

same thing they had the server at the house ??
The US secretary of state using a private email account to conduct official state department business? Yeah that's secure, no security concerns there. Libs put your nose right in there and get a good whiff of the rotted festering stench which is liberal incompetence.

Like Condi Rice and Colin Powell, or different?

I think even you and I could agree that its a stupid idea for any SOS to be using a private email service, a SOS email should be monitored and protected 24/7 by government cyber security.
the crime is in the emails... private or otherwise.

So how many Obama officials have been charged with crimes related to Benghazi?

Do you know how many Nixon officials were charged with crimes relating to Watergate before he resigned?

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