Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness


Who? The REAL conservative who keeps beating Trumpette butt. :D

I don't care about Sasse's political fate, and he said years ago that he didn't want to be a politican for life just to be a politician. I thought in 16 Trump would be a one termer because he's such an asshole. But he would have won if covid hadn't happened. Of course he'd have won even with covid if he hadn't been a total asshole. LOL

It may take 4-6 years, but there's no way the QAnonTrump people can consistently win elections to really have majorites in both congressional houses and win the potus.

Since I can't vote for Ben, his political fate 6 years from now is of little concern also. And yes, Donald's complete botch of a response to the COVIDS doomed him.
Had he shown as much concern as he indicated to Bob Woodward last February - He'd have probably won in a semi-landslide.
But yes, for the time being, the GOP is the party of Q, The party of Marge Green, The Party of Boebert, and yes ... the Party of Trump!
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:
And another solid Republican becomes an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult.

The shrinkage continues.
View attachment 453468

Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.
You do know that Sasse is a conservative Republican right?
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse Primaried Out. Hit the road weasel, you're done.
He just won. He's in til '26! :auiqs.jpg:

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

There's a handful of Republicans who haven't handed their balls to Trump. He's not only right, but he's got some real stones! In his pants! Not in Trump's short-fingered vulgarian hands.

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Ben, Republican leaders have opted to embrace the madness. It looks like the RINOs will be creating that third political party.


Ben Sasse is a typical super pussified, nutless old school Republican who refuses to play the right game to win. He's stuck 25 years back, insulated on an island in Nebraska and afraid to acknowledge that the ways of Loon York and Mexifornia are closing in fast on his utopian island.
He and pussies like him are why the Left has gained so much ground over the last two decades.

Hahaha, he refused to play the right game to win?! Which game is that? The one that Trump played which turned a Republican super majority into a democratic super majority in only 4 years?!

You can thank China, the Scamdemic / Democrat Virus for that.
Trump had little to do with it.
Your Party of Filth can't win without anomalies and tens of millions of trespassing wetbacks...if you weren't shameless as fuck you'd be ashamed of yourself and you know it.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:
And another solid Republican becomes an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult.

The shrinkage continues.
View attachment 453468

Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.
You do know that Sasse is a conservative Republican right?
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse Primaried Out. Hit the road weasel, you're done.
He just won. He's in til '26! :auiqs.jpg:

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

There's a handful of Republicans who haven't handed their balls to Trump. He's not only right, but he's got some real stones! In his pants! Not in Trump's short-fingered vulgarian hands.

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Ben, Republican leaders have opted to embrace the madness. It looks like the RINOs will be creating that third political party.


Ben Sasse is a typical super pussified, nutless old school Republican who refuses to play the right game to win. He's stuck 25 years back, insulated on an island in Nebraska and afraid to acknowledge that the ways of Loon York and Mexifornia are closing in fast on his utopian island.
He and pussies like him are why the Left has gained so much ground over the last two decades.

Hahaha, he refused to play the right game to win?! Which game is that? The one that Trump played which turned a Republican super majority into a democratic super majority in only 4 years?!

You can thank China, the Scamdemic / Democrat Virus for that.
Trump had little to do with it.
Your Party of Filth can't win without anomalies and tens of millions of trespassing wetbacks...if you weren't shameless as fuck you'd be ashamed of yourself and you know it.

A skilled leader would have excelled in popularity and support during a pandemic. You're right, the Virus wasn't Trumps fault but his mishandling of it was. Wartime presidents don't often get voted out as they can use the conflict as a rally to unit the country and garner support. Trump took the opposite approach. Lied to the public, pretended that things were peachy when they weren't, deflected responsibility, and then flat out ignored it. Thats why he lost. Mind you he lost the House before the pandemic and then the Senate and Executive followed. Trumpism was rejected... Bigly
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

You know what they say about assholes and opinions right?

They say PROG's stink the most.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.

Yes - He ABSOLUTELY has and has done for the past 5 years.

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

You know what they say about assholes and opinions right?

They say PROG's stink the most.

What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.

Yes - He ABSOLUTELY has and has done for the past 5 years.

What did he claim God told him to say?
Nobody said Ben was a "solid Republican" considering just how far the party has fallen under Trump.

That's exactly what your fellow Nazi Mac the hack said.

Ben is however a solid CONSERVATIVE with an 87% lifetime rating from Heritage.
And he voted with Trump over 90% of the time.

Sasse is a Squishy Fish RINO. Another Mitt Romney.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

You know what they say about assholes and opinions right?

They say PROG's stink the most.


What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.

Yes - He ABSOLUTELY has and has done for the past 5 years.

He's been claimed by others to be "chosen" by God. Like Nixon he thought he was greater than the constitution.
What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.

Yes - He ABSOLUTELY has and has done for the past 5 years.

What did he claim God told him to say?

In THAT situation, they told him to clear out legal, peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Park to clear the way for a photo-op and hold a Bible upside down. And yep - Evangelicals bought in to that Big LIE and now, nearly half a MILLION are DEAD. Sad :confused:

What does the Bible say about Donald Trump?

"False prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction."

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

"Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray."

“What profit is an idol when its maker has shaped it, a metal image, a teacher of lies?"
TRUMP! is not a prophet and hasn't claimed to be one. A false prophet has to claim to speak for God, he didn't.

Yes - He ABSOLUTELY has and has done for the past 5 years.

What did he claim God told him to say?

In THAT situation, they told him to clear out legal, peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Park to clear the way for a photo-op and hold a Bible upside down. And yep - Evangelicals bought in to that Big LIE and now, nearly half a MILLION are DEAD. Sad :confused:

He was just selling himself as God's choice to a bunch of LOSERS
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:
And another solid Republican becomes an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult.

The shrinkage continues.
View attachment 453468

Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.
You do know that Sasse is a conservative Republican right?
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse Primaried Out. Hit the road weasel, you're done.
He just won. He's in til '26! :auiqs.jpg:

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

There's a handful of Republicans who haven't handed their balls to Trump. He's not only right, but he's got some real stones! In his pants! Not in Trump's short-fingered vulgarian hands.

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Ben, Republican leaders have opted to embrace the madness. It looks like the RINOs will be creating that third political party.


Ben Sasse is a typical super pussified, nutless old school Republican who refuses to play the right game to win. He's stuck 25 years back, insulated on an island in Nebraska and afraid to acknowledge that the ways of Loon York and Mexifornia are closing in fast on his utopian island.
He and pussies like him are why the Left has gained so much ground over the last two decades.

Hahaha, he refused to play the right game to win?! Which game is that? The one that Trump played which turned a Republican super majority into a democratic super majority in only 4 years?!

You can thank China, the Scamdemic / Democrat Virus for that.
Trump had little to do with it.
Your Party of Filth can't win without anomalies and tens of millions of trespassing wetbacks...if you weren't shameless as fuck you'd be ashamed of yourself and you know it.

A skilled leader would have excelled in popularity and support during a pandemic. You're right, the Virus wasn't Trumps fault but his mishandling of it was. Wartime presidents don't often get voted out as they can use the conflict as a rally to unit the country and garner support. Trump took the opposite approach. Lied to the public, pretended that things were peachy when they weren't, deflected responsibility, and then flat out ignored it. Thats why he lost. Mind you he lost the House before the pandemic and then the Senate and Executive followed. Trumpism was rejected... Bigly

Donald took "no responsibility at all" for literally ANYTHING. The buck stopped somewhere else. You know, Democrat States, Democrat Governors, and well .. Baby-eating, Devil-worshipping lib-rul pedophiles. #Q
Donald took "no responsibility at all" for literally ANYTHING. The buck stopped somewhere else. You know, Democrat States, Democrat Governors, and well .. Baby-eating, Devil-worshipping pedophiles. #Q


Xi's man, Quid Pro has vowed that no child will be separated from their Coyote before they reach market.

The long dry spell that democrats have endured since Q exposed Pedophile Island is over. The child sex markets are back, and Joe is ensuring fresh meat.
A skilled leader would have excelled in popularity and support during a pandemic.
Cool theory....
”Skilled leaders” like those with 47 years in government and no measurable accomplishments?
Think you honestly believe Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots and media were going to let Trump escape the Scamdemic?
Last edited:
Donald took "no responsibility at all" for literally ANYTHING. The buck stopped somewhere else. You know, Democrat States, Democrat Governors, and well .. Baby-eating, Devil-worshipping pedophiles. #Q


Xi's man, Quid Pro has vowed that no child will be separated from their Coyote before they reach market.

The long dry spell that democrats have endured since Q exposed Pedophile Island is over. The child sex markets are back, and Joe is ensuring fresh meat.
QAnon has spoken. LOL
Donald took "no responsibility at all" for literally ANYTHING. The buck stopped somewhere else. You know, Democrat States, Democrat Governors, and well .. Baby-eating, Devil-worshipping pedophiles. #Q


Xi's man, Quid Pro has vowed that no child will be separated from their Coyote before they reach market.

The long dry spell that democrats have endured since Q exposed Pedophile Island is over. The child sex markets are back, and Joe is ensuring fresh meat.
QAnon has spoken. LOL

Actually, Xi's man has spoken.

The pipeline of children is once again flowing.

democrats have endured a long, dry spell.

Beijing Biden is ending it.
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

It's like the Empire is beginning to strike back. (-:
And another solid Republican becomes an evil Hitler commie in the eyes of the cult.

The shrinkage continues.
View attachment 453468

Trump obsession continues, must have posters of him all over your bedroom walls.
You do know that Sasse is a conservative Republican right?
The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

I have an important message for Ben Sasse Primaried Out. Hit the road weasel, you're done.
He just won. He's in til '26! :auiqs.jpg:

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

There's a handful of Republicans who haven't handed their balls to Trump. He's not only right, but he's got some real stones! In his pants! Not in Trump's short-fingered vulgarian hands.

The Nebraska GOP can censure him - But at their own peril.
And he is SO right ... Many Trump supporters have abandoned their religion for politics.

Personality cults aren't conservative
Conspiracy theories aren't conservative
Lying that an election has been stolen is not conservative
Acting like politics is a religion isn't conservative
Politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude
We're going to have to choose between conservatism and madness

Ben, Republican leaders have opted to embrace the madness. It looks like the RINOs will be creating that third political party.


Ben Sasse is a typical super pussified, nutless old school Republican who refuses to play the right game to win. He's stuck 25 years back, insulated on an island in Nebraska and afraid to acknowledge that the ways of Loon York and Mexifornia are closing in fast on his utopian island.
He and pussies like him are why the Left has gained so much ground over the last two decades.

Hahaha, he refused to play the right game to win?! Which game is that? The one that Trump played which turned a Republican super majority into a democratic super majority in only 4 years?!

You can thank China, the Scamdemic / Democrat Virus for that.
Trump had little to do with it.
Your Party of Filth can't win without anomalies and tens of millions of trespassing wetbacks...if you weren't shameless as fuck you'd be ashamed of yourself and you know it.

A skilled leader would have excelled in popularity and support during a pandemic. You're right, the Virus wasn't Trumps fault but his mishandling of it was. Wartime presidents don't often get voted out as they can use the conflict as a rally to unit the country and garner support. Trump took the opposite approach. Lied to the public, pretended that things were peachy when they weren't, deflected responsibility, and then flat out ignored it. Thats why he lost. Mind you he lost the House before the pandemic and then the Senate and Executive followed. Trumpism was rejected... Bigly

Donald took "no responsibility at all" for literally ANYTHING. The buck stopped somewhere else. You know, Democrat States, Democrat Governors, and well .. Baby-eating, Devil-worshipping lib-rul pedophiles. #Q

Yes it was one of the most embarrassing displays of leadership that ive ever seen from a president

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