A message to Trump supporters


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Funny post. You missed your calling as a stand-up comedian. .. :lol: :lol:
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, they and many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Fake News. 93% of the GOP voted for Trump, up from 90% in 2016. Trump won the election everywhere, except for swing states where there are a mysterious number of "naked" Biden ballots, 10's of thousands with only Biden's name filled in and no votes on any other races, and, they came in big middle of the night dumps. That's why the GOP won the election from state and local, on down, only "losing" at the Presidential level

Michelle launches the Hate:

Michelle Obama congratulates Joe Biden by trashing Trump voters

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Odd way to call for unity
. It appears that "unity" means "fall in line."
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Like the Facts of Russian Collusion?
Facts of the Ukraine phone call.
We know all about your "facts"..
Too many Republicans abandoned him
A big factor, no doubt. But the most important factor was Trump’s sheer incompetence with Covid and his atrocious behavior. Americans across the spectrum of ideologies saw it, recognized it as against our interests, and voted accordingly. Plus trying to eliminate Obamacare, which is extremely popular.
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
70 million of us are going to cause you Commies hell.
Too many Republicans abandoned him
A big factor, no doubt. But the most important factor was Trump’s sheer incompetence with Covid and his atrocious behavior. Americans across the spectrum of ideologies saw it, recognized it as against our interests, and voted accordingly. Plus trying to eliminate Obamacare, which is extremely popular.
When President Trump had this economy roaring in January of this year, there was no way in hell Joe the groper Biden could ever win, so with Biden working with China, had the Kung Flu released, Prog Democrat Governors killing 10s of thousands of elderly and then blame it all on the President.

You have no idea what is in store for you dumbass fucks....
Michelle launches the Hate
You mean like this kind of hate?

Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

The fact you people think this is over is crazy

Even if you discount all theoretically voter fraud

Republicans control all the state legislators and courts required to take it from you, lol

I don't think most people understand how precarious Democrats position is. The system is set up so if you don't control most of the state and federal governments they can ruin your presidential bid.
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

A message to Bill.
You're a hack.
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

Trump attacked John McCain in Arizona and John Lewis in Georgia. Both were beloved heroes in their states.

Cost him Arizona and Georgia
Hello - I know you folks are not very happy right now, but please allow me to coach you on the biggest reason Donald Trump lost this election: Too many Republicans abandoned him.

Donald Trump repeatedly insulted, attacked, and demeaned the Bush, Romney, and McCain families, as well as many in Conservative media such as FOX News (especially the women) these 4 groups represent a large and influential part of the Conservative base, many of whom either switched their votes to Joe Biden, or simply didn't vote for President at all; to make matters worse, many of their families, friends, business partners and others in Conservative circles joined the Lincoln Project and did the same.

I know Trump supporters would rather spin conspiracy theories about voter fraud (all of which have been shot down by the courts for lack of substantial evidence) but the fact is Donald Trump could have won this election, but he didn't because be broke rule #1 in politics: You don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!
You describing an opinion as to why you think Trump lost is speculation, not facts.

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