Zone1 Be Fruitful and multiply, it was probably a good idea and God was trying to tell us something....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Population loss in Russia and China are going to hurt those countries....big time..........God did tell us to be fruitful and multiply, seems he had a point....

The ZPG movement was always misguided, based upon a notion of the economy as a zero-sum game. If the economy is zero-sum, each additional mouth to feed takes food from somebody else.

If this were the case, of course a burgeoning population would be a huge problem. But as with all Malthusian predictions, it is based upon a fundamentally flawed view of human creativity. Each human being, liberated from artificial constraints, contributes to the common weal instead of subtracting from it.

The aging of China’s population will present enormous problems for the country, slowing its economic growth and burdening its creaking social safety net.
The ratio between the younger and older proportions of the population matters a lot. In general younger and older workers serve different roles in the economy, and of course older people outside working age require support from a large working-age population in order to maintain the social insurance system.


As a result, for the first time in Russian history, the annual number of deaths has exceeded the number of births (see Figure 1). Compounding these challenges, the population is aging rapidly—a trend that will accelerate over the next two decades—and immigration continues to increase, posing thorny political and social problems for a nation historically accustomed to a net outflow of people.

The "Graying" of the Russian Population

The decline in fertility is contributing to a rapid aging of the Russian population. Between 1959 and 1990, the number of persons aged 60 and over doubled. As a result, at the beginning of the 1990s, the proportion of the population aged 60 or over reached 16 percent. This figure will reach 20 percent by 2015. By that year, nearly one of out of every three people over 60 will be 75 or older.

Progress is possible without population growth. In fact, China is demonstrating that it could be the only way forward in the 21st. century.

They've made adjustments to capitalism that has brought success of elevating hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty.

As always, I maintain 'that' and 'leadership' are the keys.
The West has a serious "Love Connection" problem.

That's a novel idea on which way to lead this topic. So we've introduces two ideas that are basically different and now we need to wait to see if the OP had any intention of starting a rational discussion?
Except a decline in fertility also applies to a huge number of other countries -- nearly all European countries for a start .

It might be more relevant and productive to look at likely causes for this -- but on a researched basis .

The contributions of poor and manipulated air , food , drink and medications to begin with .

Attempted sociological analyses as per OP look like pseudo science and part problem solutions to me .

Useful perhaps but missing the likely main points .
What nonsense ... a population reduction HELPS China ...
No, it's not nonsense. The OP tries to make a point on China's and Russia's aging population, but he's ill equpped to do so when living in a country that basically tries to ignore it's social responsibility toward the aged. (age-ed)

China accepts this responsibility head-on and has shown great success in doing so, while America starts with two strikes.

IMO though, it's good enough that the OP has attempted to start a necessary discussion! I hope he can stand behind the poiint he's trying to make.
Progress is possible without population growth. In fact, China is demonstrating that it could be the only way forward in the 21st. century.

They've made adjustments to capitalism that has brought success of elevating hundreds of millions of their people up out of poverty.

As always, I maintain 'that' and 'leadership' are the keys.

They are collapsing….
No, it's not nonsense. The OP tries to make a point on China's and Russia's aging population, but he's ill equpped to do so when living in a country that basically tries to ignore it's social responsibility toward the aged. (age-ed)

China accepts this responsibility head-on and has shown great success in doing so, while America starts with two strikes.

IMO though, it's good enough that the OP has attempted to start a necessary discussion! I hope he can stand behind the poiint he's trying to make.

China engineered a virus that targets old people…..and Canada is ramping up euthanasia……
This guy explains why China is in big trouble….Russia too. The entire interview with Rogan goes into population decline in both countries and how that is going to effect them economically

No, it's not nonsense. The OP tries to make a point on China's and Russia's aging population, but he's ill equpped to do so when living in a country that basically tries to ignore it's social responsibility toward the aged. (age-ed)

China accepts this responsibility head-on and has shown great success in doing so, while America starts with two strikes.

IMO though, it's good enough that the OP has attempted to start a necessary discussion! I hope he can stand behind the poiint he's trying to make.

I was not aware China was having success dealing with their aging population ... traditionally, the children care for the aging parents, but with "one child only" policies in the past, there's not enough children to care ... worse, it's usually the son's responsibility, if the one child is a daughter, she won't have the earning potential ... it's a thorny problem and I'm glad they fixed it ... China's net fertility rate is comparable to Western Europe and Anglo-America ...

The United States has Social Security ... way ahead of the rest of the world ... 401k plans, IRAs ... the list goes on for American opportunity ... just having the safest banks in the world is great for retirees ... whatever China's doing, it's no where close to what we have here ... my mom had her SS account, my Dad's SS account, State pension, deferred wages; working for $2300/mo to retired making $4500/mo ... can't do that in China ...
China engineered a virus that targets old people…..and Canada is ramping up euthanasia……
In fact, China is experienced less deaths to Covid, per capita, than is America.

The big lie was exposed last night by Maddow:

Americans are dying of Covid at 500 a day, or 15,000 a month. The latter wasn't stated.

Chinese are dying at the rate of 60,000 a month, which is less per capita than America. To be equal it would have to be at least 5X the number in China. And so Rachel's propaganda effort against humanity for the sake of US foreign policy, crumbles into dust!

You can say, thanks Donald!

And now I'll ask you to get back on topic with me.
I was not aware China was having success dealing with their aging population ... traditionally, the children care for the aging parents, but with "one child only" policies in the past, there's not enough children to care ... worse, it's usually the son's responsibility, if the one child is a daughter, she won't have the earning potential ... it's a thorny problem and I'm glad they fixed it ... China's net fertility rate is comparable to Western Europe and Anglo-America ...

The United States has Social Security ... way ahead of the rest of the world ... 401k plans, IRAs ... the list goes on for American opportunity ... just having the safest banks in the world is great for retirees ... whatever China's doing, it's no where close to what we have here ... my mom had her SS account, my Dad's SS account, State pension, deferred wages; working for $2300/mo to retired making $4500/mo ... can't do that in China ...
Basically pablum you're willing to swallow, with no interest on acknowledging America's poor.

And a bit too far off topic for me to follow.
In fact, China is experienced less deaths to Covid, per capita, than is America.

The big lie was exposed last night by Maddow:

Americans are dying of Covid at 500 a day, or 15,000 a month. The latter wasn't stated.

Chinese are dying at the rate of 60,000 a month, which is less per capita than America. To be equal it would have to be at least 5X the number in China. And so Rachel's propaganda effort against humanity for the sake of US foreign policy, crumbles into dust!

You can say, thanks Donald!

And now I'll ask you to get back on topic with me.

And that is funny.....that you actually trust what the communists tell you....
They are collapsing….
It was mostly Chinese scientists who were working on the "gain of function" experiments, heavily funded by the US and EU. It was an accident and if it wasn't then blame the US government as well, not just China. You conveniently shift all of the blame to China.
China isn't going to collapse economically because it is now automating a lot of its production. Eventually, in the not-too-distant future, China will adopt a non-profit system of production, eliminating the need for markets, and money. We're about thirty, or forty years away from fully automating mining, manufacturing, and practically every facet of production and distribution which includes, transportation, warehousing, and delivery. Even the accounting and planning will be done mostly by artificial intelligence and very powerful supercomputers. The Chinese economy isn't going to collapse, it's just going to evolve and adapt.
It was mostly Chinese scientists who were working on the "gain of function" experiments, heavily funded by the US and EU. It was an accident and if it wasn't then blame the US government as well, not just China. You conveniently shift all of the blame to China.

China did the research......I also blame the democrats who supported that fauci

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