Barr Update - ‘Group of People’ Attempted To ‘Topple’ Trump Admin


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

During an interview last week, Attorney General William Barr gave an update on the criminal investigation into the origin of the Obama-era FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, saying that a “willful if small group of people” were involved in an attempt to “topple” the Trump administration.

Barr made the remarks in an interview with Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel in which he noted that he was “in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not really care about the consequences.”
so RUSSIA was bullshit the left soaked up and many trolls still cling to. will be interesting to see who is named as i'm sure we can figure out strozk, page and some others.

but it also says papadopolous and flynn were certainly setup in this attempt. at least in my eyes it does.

flat out - we need to clean house and stop the gov from being used as a weapon like was done under obama's administration.

NOW - for barr NOT saying this before the election? good. from comey's screw up we saw the DOJ is NOT supposed to comment *if* it will change things. comey did it anyway cause that's what he does. barr followed process and policy and while it may have helped biden, that isn't the point. the point is as a government we don't do that and comey was wrong to do it, barr was right to hold back.

according to our own laws.

should get fun from here. now i'm sure the trolls will be along to do what trolls do and derail the convo, blast me or the source, scream ORANGE MAN BAD n shit cause that's all they know.

will those who hate trump EVER admit this was bullshit? honesty can hurt some people; that's for sure.
and whoever "these people" are - they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives. you do not circumvent our government because you don't like who won. the road ahead of that path none of us want to be on i would hope.
and whoever "these people" are - they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives. you do not circumvent our government because you don't like who won. the road ahead of that path none of us want to be on i would hope.
It's called an election. "These people" are the 81M that voted for Biden.
and whoever "these people" are - they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives. you do not circumvent our government because you don't like who won. the road ahead of that path none of us want to be on i would hope.
It's called an election. "These people" are the 81M that voted for Biden.
right on queue - here come the trolls to fuck with anything they don't like.

the focus is people were out to topple trump 4+ years ago. not biden.

stay on the thread topic.
Well, there's the No Shit Sherlock moment of the past 4 years....
the dems investigation they demanded they had a legit reason for took 3 years.
looking into it took 1 year and in that 1 year it will soon be proven the dems were wrong and all the RUSSIA hype was bullshit.

but again, so many on the left will never admit it. barr is a stooge, trump is bad and who cares, deserved it...something to justify the bullshit the left took this country through because they didn't like the outcome of an election in 2016.

During an interview last week, Attorney General William Barr gave an update on the criminal investigation into the origin of the Obama-era FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, saying that a “willful if small group of people” were involved in an attempt to “topple” the Trump administration.

Barr made the remarks in an interview with Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel in which he noted that he was “in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not really care about the consequences.”
so RUSSIA was bullshit the left soaked up and many trolls still cling to. will be interesting to see who is named as i'm sure we can figure out strozk, page and some others.

but it also says papadopolous and flynn were certainly setup in this attempt. at least in my eyes it does.

flat out - we need to clean house and stop the gov from being used as a weapon like was done under obama's administration.

NOW - for barr NOT saying this before the election? good. from comey's screw up we saw the DOJ is NOT supposed to comment *if* it will change things. comey did it anyway cause that's what he does. barr followed process and policy and while it may have helped biden, that isn't the point. the point is as a government we don't do that and comey was wrong to do it, barr was right to hold back.

according to our own laws.

should get fun from here. now i'm sure the trolls will be along to do what trolls do and derail the convo, blast me or the source, scream ORANGE MAN BAD n shit cause that's all they know.

will those who hate trump EVER admit this was bullshit? honesty can hurt some people; that's for sure.

If ANYTHING in your post is true, why hasn't Barr produced any evidence to support his allegations. Why has the Grand Jury he impanelled a year ago refused to lay charges, despite numerous attempts by Barr and Durham.

Bill Barr has yet to produce a single SHRED of evidence of any of these wild claims, but he has consistently lied, misrepresented, and mislead the American people. He's gone around the world looking for evidence, and spent more than two years investigating, and has yet to file a single charge against anyone, or produce evidence to back up his claims.

The ONLY person charged was found by the Inspector General - the FBI drone who changed the FISA application for Carter Page.

So please, bitch, stop with the lies and liars in the Trump Administration. Nothing that any of them say is in the least bit believable.

During an interview last week, Attorney General William Barr gave an update on the criminal investigation into the origin of the Obama-era FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, saying that a “willful if small group of people” were involved in an attempt to “topple” the Trump administration.

Barr made the remarks in an interview with Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel in which he noted that he was “in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not really care about the consequences.”
so RUSSIA was bullshit the left soaked up and many trolls still cling to. will be interesting to see who is named as i'm sure we can figure out strozk, page and some others.

but it also says papadopolous and flynn were certainly setup in this attempt. at least in my eyes it does.

flat out - we need to clean house and stop the gov from being used as a weapon like was done under obama's administration.

NOW - for barr NOT saying this before the election? good. from comey's screw up we saw the DOJ is NOT supposed to comment *if* it will change things. comey did it anyway cause that's what he does. barr followed process and policy and while it may have helped biden, that isn't the point. the point is as a government we don't do that and comey was wrong to do it, barr was right to hold back.

according to our own laws.

should get fun from here. now i'm sure the trolls will be along to do what trolls do and derail the convo, blast me or the source, scream ORANGE MAN BAD n shit cause that's all they know.

will those who hate trump EVER admit this was bullshit? honesty can hurt some people; that's for sure.

If ANYTHING in your post is true, why hasn't Barr produced any evidence to support his allegations. Why has the Grand Jury he impanelled a year ago refused to lay charges, despite numerous attempts by Barr and Durham.

Bill Barr has yet to produce a single SHRED of evidence of any of these wild claims, but he has consistently lied, misrepresented, and mislead the American people. He's gone around the world looking for evidence, and spent more than two years investigating, and has yet to file a single charge against anyone, or produce evidence to back up his claims.

The ONLY person charged was found by the Inspector General - the FBI drone who changed the FISA application for Carter Page.

So please, bitch, stop with the lies and liars in the Trump Administration. Nothing that any of them say is in the least bit believable.
did i attack you in this thread at all? no i don't think so. so stop the attacks on me, m'kay?

the left has yet to provide a shred of evidence trump colluded with RUSSIA so i really don't want to hear you usual dime store routine and dance. we will see what barr has to say and that is the topic of the thread.
and whoever "these people" are - they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives. you do not circumvent our government because you don't like who won. the road ahead of that path none of us want to be on i would hope.
It's called an election. "These people" are the 81M that voted for Biden.
3rd post troll winner!!
Cmon ..Billie the Bagman?

Saying what?

Name names douchebag. Something this supposedly serious requires full exposure.


Just garbage
i'm sorry "a source familiar with the situation" is usually more than enough for the left it suits their purposes.

dual standard proven. now please stay on the topic and stop the attacks.
and whoever "these people" are - they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives. you do not circumvent our government because you don't like who won. the road ahead of that path none of us want to be on i would hope.
It's called an election. "These people" are the 81M that voted for Biden.
3rd post troll winner!!
they hate this one - they will be strong and relentless in their attacks.

their entire reason to exist for the last 4 years is likely proven to be the lie they were told it was to start. that's certainly going to leave a mark. next up we will likely hear the left was lied to and refuse to take responsibility for their actions cause of said lie.

it's like a hallmark of many people all around these days.
Well, there's the No Shit Sherlock moment of the past 4 years....
the dems investigation they demanded they had a legit reason for took 3 years.
looking into it took 1 year and in that 1 year it will soon be proven the dems were wrong and all the RUSSIA hype was bullshit.

but again, so many on the left will never admit it. barr is a stooge, trump is bad and who cares, deserved it...something to justify the bullshit the left took this country through because they didn't like the outcome of an election in 2016.

The REPUBLICAN investigation of Russian Inteference produced over 100 separate charges, and 9 convictions/guilty pleas from suspects. Charges against Flynn and Papageorgio happened within the first 6 months of the investigation, and the Grand Jury laid charges throughout the investigation. All of the jury trials produced convictions with the jurors saying the evidence was "overwhelming".

Barr's investion has produced no charges, and no evidence. The Grand Jury enpanelled by Barr and Durham has consistently refused to charge anyone, despite repeated efforts by Barr and Durham. They kept Andrew McCabe on the hook for over a year and tried three times to charge him. The Grand Jury refused.

You nailed it. Barr is a stooge. His actions as AG demonstrate that to a fare thee well. Trump is the worst President in US history, by every measure. He has presided over the most corrupt and inept administration in history, and I'm willing to bet real money that once the Biden Administration comes in and starts looking at the books, they will find the extent of the fiscal malfeasance by this Administration to be enormous.

What is beyond me is how you can continue to defend this corrupt and criminal administration, or deny Russian interference and its role in the 2016 election.
Well, there's the No Shit Sherlock moment of the past 4 years....
the dems investigation they demanded they had a legit reason for took 3 years.
looking into it took 1 year and in that 1 year it will soon be proven the dems were wrong and all the RUSSIA hype was bullshit.

but again, so many on the left will never admit it. barr is a stooge, trump is bad and who cares, deserved it...something to justify the bullshit the left took this country through because they didn't like the outcome of an election in 2016.

The whole thing was a diversion. And I said it from the start.

Directed at a foreign boogey man with no need for proof of fact to keep the shit train running. The perfect smokescreen.

This went way beyond typical political opposition into far deeper water that was not in the best interests of the country.

The dems knew if Trump succeeded they were fucked as a party. Some of the more honest ones, such as Barney Frank on his way out the door, said so on the record when Trump was elected.

This was never about Trump- it was about their relevance and political survival, as Trump posed an existential threat, not to the country but to them. And in their pursuit of their own survival, they did everything they could to flush 4 years straight down the crapper.

Total joke.
and whoever "these people" are - they should all be in prison for the rest of their lives. you do not circumvent our government because you don't like who won. the road ahead of that path none of us want to be on i would hope.
It's called an election. "These people" are the 81M that voted for Biden.
3rd post troll winner!!
they hate this one - they will be strong and relentless in their attacks.

their entire reason to exist for the last 4 years is likely proven to be the lie they were told it was to start. that's certainly going to leave a mark. next up we will likely hear the left was lied to and refuse to take responsibility for their actions cause of said lie.

it's like a hallmark of many people all around these days.

We don't need to be strong or relentless in our attacks. Trump will be gone in 31 days, and the states are already preparing to charge him with various and assorted crimes. Trump will spend the rest of his life fighting tax fraud, bank fraud, and insurance fraud charges, with or without his pardons.

Once he pardons family and associates, this is an admission of guilt, and they will be required to testify against Trump in court, and face perjury charges if they lie.

No President has ever pardoned family and staffers for crimes which they haven't even been charged with. It's very telling about the criminality of the Trump Administration that Dumb Donald thinks he needs to do this.

BTW, Nixon didn't pardon any of his Watergate co-conspirators. That way they couldn't be forced to testify against him later. Trump isn't smart enough to know this.
and? how many meetings has biden had with chinese people we can start making up conversations and intent behind?

also - if you wanna go here -
who was the lawyer?
was she not banned from coming to the US?
who let her?

would seem to lend credence to this was a setup, huh? not to you however. you are always right according to you.
Well, there's the No Shit Sherlock moment of the past 4 years....
the dems investigation they demanded they had a legit reason for took 3 years.
looking into it took 1 year and in that 1 year it will soon be proven the dems were wrong and all the RUSSIA hype was bullshit.

but again, so many on the left will never admit it. barr is a stooge, trump is bad and who cares, deserved it...something to justify the bullshit the left took this country through because they didn't like the outcome of an election in 2016.

The REPUBLICAN investigation of Russian Inteference produced over 100 separate charges, and 9 convictions/guilty pleas from suspects. Charges against Flynn and Papageorgio happened within the first 6 months of the investigation, and the Grand Jury laid charges throughout the investigation. All of the jury trials produced convictions with the jurors saying the evidence was "overwhelming".

Barr's investion has produced no charges, and no evidence. The Grand Jury enpanelled by Barr and Durham has consistently refused to charge anyone, despite repeated efforts by Barr and Durham. They kept Andrew McCabe on the hook for over a year and tried three times to charge him. The Grand Jury refused.

You nailed it. Barr is a stooge. His actions as AG demonstrate that to a fare thee well. Trump is the worst President in US history, by every measure. He has presided over the most corrupt and inept administration in history, and I'm willing to bet real money that once the Biden Administration comes in and starts looking at the books, they will find the extent of the fiscal malfeasance by this Administration to be enormous.

What is beyond me is how you can continue to defend this corrupt and criminal administration, or deny Russian interference and its role in the 2016 election.
yet none of those convictions had a thing to do with RUSSIA.

and like i said - you will put up any excuse you have to in order to hold onto your hate. what we are finding is the left did in fact attack him and you overlook that so you can be "emotionally correct" - which is a lot of our cultures problem these days as it is.

and i never said the russians didn't troll us. they did. i said their ads were more divisive than pro trump.
It's called an election. "These people" are the 81M that voted for Biden.
The thread is discussing the Durham investigation into the last time leftists tried to remove Trump from office.
Has nothing to do with the election and this plot to remove Trump from office and deny his rightful second
term. Stop being such a moron.
I always viewed the Democrats playing up Russia as means of dragging Trump through the mud in similar fashion that Hillary was on Benghazi and cosidered it shameful that the serious concerns of these matters were placed secondary to politics.

Folks from both sides need to act on situations in same fashion they'd see justice if the shoe was on the other foot. This would eliminate most of the hypocrisy. I like Barr's comment from the article:

“A lot of Republicans think that’s playing by Robert’s Rules — you are being soft on the other side.
And I understand that frustration,” Barr said. “It’s painful that the system is used against Republicans
and there is an AG not willing to do the same thing against Democrats. But that is the only way we
find our way back.”​
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