Balding White Guy Fails to Blow Up NAACP in Colorado

The story you guys are concocting makes no sense. So a guy tried to set off a bomb outside a building that had a NAACP office in it along with many other offices, because he knew NAACP activists were inside?

Very good point. Was waiting to see if someone would actually do their homework.

The story you guys are concocting makes no sense. So a guy tried to set off a bomb outside a building that had a NAACP office in it along with many other offices, because he knew NAACP activists were inside?

Maybe the reason that doesnt make sense is because no one said it
I hope whomever is behind this foul deed is apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Remember righties, thanks to your slavish adoration of the police surveillance state, the eye of big brother is everywhere. It can see people on message boards who run interference for terrorist bombers. The homegrown right is a bigger terrorist threat than muslims, so the government will be looking.

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