Balding White Guy Fails to Blow Up NAACP in Colorado

Looks like the racists are back to their old tricks as a white guy in the expected age group attempts to blow up a NAACP office but failed to ignite the gas can left next to the bomb. Probably bitter over a wife that left him for a Black guy or upset about AA. Hopefully they catch this home grown domestic terrorist and shoot him while he is resisting arrest.

FBI investigating explosion outside NAACP office in Colorado -

"Henry D. Allen Jr., the branch's president, also raised the specter of a targeted attack, telling KCNC, "Apparently, we're doing something correct. Apparently, we have gotten someone's attention that we are working toward civil rights for all. That is making some people uncomfortable.""
Sounds like another aggrieved white guy mad about losing his white entitlement
Of course, "a white, balding man" could easily be Hispanic or Jewish right?
No. Thats why they said white and not Hispanic or Jewish idiot.
Nope, remember the media stated that Hispanic George Zimmerman was white.

When you say media are you calling police reports "media" because you do know thats who said GZ was a white hispanic right?
Do you think blowing something up means something didnt blow up?

Okay, you've huffed enough spray paint today.

Nothing blew up moron, the bomb either failed to explode, or was never designed to explode.

Oh ok

The chapter’s offices, as well as Mr. G’s Hair Design Studios barber shop located inside the building, sustained minor damage from the explosion. No deaths or injuries have been reported.
Looks like the racists are back to their old tricks as a white guy in the expected age group attempts to blow up a NAACP office but failed to ignite the gas can left next to the bomb. Probably bitter over a wife that left him for a Black guy or upset about AA. Hopefully they catch this home grown domestic terrorist and shoot him while he is resisting arrest.

FBI investigating explosion outside NAACP office in Colorado -

"Henry D. Allen Jr., the branch's president, also raised the specter of a targeted attack, telling KCNC, "Apparently, we're doing something correct. Apparently, we have gotten someone's attention that we are working toward civil rights for all. That is making some people uncomfortable.""
Sounds like another aggrieved white guy mad about losing his white entitlement
Of course, "a white, balding man" could easily be Hispanic or Jewish right?
No. Thats why they said white and not Hispanic or Jewish idiot.
Nope, remember the media stated that Hispanic George Zimmerman was white.

When you say media are you calling police reports "media" because you do know thats who said GZ was a white hispanic right?

Show me.

Oh ok

The chapter’s offices, as well as Mr. G’s Hair Design Studios barber shop located inside the building, sustained minor damage from the explosion. No deaths or injuries have been reported.

{A makeshift bomb, or improvised explosive device, detonated Tuesday morning but failed to ignite a gasoline can placed alongside it. No one was injured, but the incident left some shaken in Colorado Springs.}

Seriously, put the paint can down.

Oh ok

The chapter’s offices, as well as Mr. G’s Hair Design Studios barber shop located inside the building, sustained minor damage from the explosion. No deaths or injuries have been reported.

{A makeshift bomb, or improvised explosive device, detonated Tuesday morning but failed to ignite a gasoline can placed alongside it. No one was injured, but the incident left some shaken in Colorado Springs.}

Seriously, put the paint can down.

etonated Tuesday morning but failed to ignite a gasoline can placed alongside it.

Oh ok, you're right nothing happened. No bomb went off because you underlined half a sentence.
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The damage. Looks like a couple of firecrackers were set off.

And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.

Are you outraged, Statist?

Nope. I expect this horsehit from rabid Righties in USMB.

Are you outraged, Unhinged2008?
Threads like this really bring the uneducated ignorant white trash out of the woodwork, in mass
And because one single black conservative radio personality took it upon himself to say that, you think it's somehow appropriate? Really?

Damn, what in the fuck has happened to even the Righties here in USMB whom I at least thought had some sensibilities about them?

Wow, just wow.
The NAACP is mostly a political entity and if you actually took an honest look at you will acknowledge the fact they occasionally use the "race card" for their purposes. In those instances he got it right.
Oh and now I'm a righty because you disagree with my unbiased, objective assessment......... Got it.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
The difference is that right wing bigots come in the form of mostly marginal and marginalized groups like the KKK. The left officially affiliates with their very prominent bigot groups, i.e., the NAACP and all of the left's victim advocate organizations. And they have the megaphone of a biased media to advance their bigotry. Balance would be giving David Duke a news analysis program on a major network cable affiliate the way they prop up Sharpton. I don't think that idea would fly and I hope it doesn't get the chance.
Definitely agree with your last statement but if this board is any indicator of typical right wing sampling it not just the KKK, and radical Militia and Christian groups, and it is, then they adhere to the biased right wing media advocate voices like Rush. Maintaining division whether along racial, social, educational and/or economic platforms is the lifeblood of fringe politics and while the far left makes the most out of it the very vocal far right reactionaries don't help matters much either.
I think the true hardcore RWs here are few but LOUD and that makes them appear more numerous. Otherwise there is a healthy dose of anti-left-wing backlash that should not be confused with right-wing-nut.
What's more dangerous is the insidious nature of the conditioning of left wing ideology with the aid of media and the mob effect that has had. If it weren't for that reality there would be no need for a Limbaugh, etc.
Anything that doesn't toe the left wing, robotic, zombie agenda defaults to hardcore, right-wing, evangelical, abortion-clinic-bombing, white supremacist, racist, homophobe, islamaphobe for those close-minded left wing bigots.
Objectivity has no place in the democrat mindset.
Yet the rightwing practices the stereotypical biased tactics....... Go figure........
The difference is that right wing bigots come in the form of mostly marginal and marginalized groups like the KKK. The left officially affiliates with their very prominent bigot groups, i.e., the NAACP and all of the left's victim advocate organizations. And they have the megaphone of a biased media to advance their bigotry. Balance would be giving David Duke a news analysis program on a major network cable affiliate the way they prop up Sharpton. I don't think that idea would fly and I hope it doesn't get the chance.
Definitely agree with your last statement but if this board is any indicator of typical right wing sampling it not just the KKK, and radical Militia and Christian groups, and it is, then they adhere to the biased right wing media advocate voices like Rush. Maintaining division whether along racial, social, educational and/or economic platforms is the lifeblood of fringe politics and while the far left makes the most out of it the very vocal far right reactionaries don't help matters much either.

The right is voicing outrage at the race hustling coming from black liberals and rightly so. It's un-American nasty shit. Just tell Obama and his stooges to stop it. Rush isn't the problem.
Tell the right to go blow a donkey. Voicing opposition against racism is not unamerican.
But using racism and racial segregation as the means is racist and hypocritical. The NAACP are exactly what they allege to and once upon a time did oppose. They have instead now become the beacon of racial segregation. They are the antithesis of the MLK mantra.
Racist on racist crime must end

The horror of it all. A white man may have struck a blow against black racism.

This could well turn out like the beltway sniper case where the authorities looked for a white guy for weeks.

Likely this was a self inflicted attack for publicity. Just like so many of the black church burnings.

And both of these posting show what unbelievable fuckwads so many on the Right are. And it also shows why so many of us laugh as yahoos like the both of you, for saying such unbelievably stupid stuff.
"Racist on racist crime" is quite accurate to say. Naacp by definition is a racist organization like the Democrat implemented KKK.

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