Back in the 1960's there was rioting and looting but we had put a man into space..Today, there is rioting and looting and we put 2 men into space.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
What is it with the liberals, that they only know how to destroy things, while the rest of the US surpasses their own expectations and do wonderful things in the name of civilization. We see in the cities like we did back then young dumbass kids and a few very stupid adults going around burning stores and homes all in the name of Anarchy. Then at a certain moment you hear 3, 2, 1, blastoff and the United States and private businesses send men into space to get ready for the next event of a moon landing and possibly Mars. Oh well, stupid is as stupid does, they vote Demoncrap....
Back then we had Neil Armstrong.
Today we have Kneel Chauvin
See the source image
Back then we had Neil Armstrong.
Today we have Kneel Chauvin
See the source image
But what about all the other blacks murdered by blacks in Baltimore and Chicago? Dont those black lives matter, or just the criminals who get killed by a white cop? Do you love criminals?

Two-man space flights began in 1964 followed by three-man Apollo flights beginning in 1968

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