baby dies in cop shoot out, blm mad


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

Why dont they blAme the thugfather who shooting at the cops with baby stuck in the middle? hmmm A murdered and carrer domestic abuser. If he carred for that baby he would have left the baby home/. Instead of ingaging in a shoout out with cops and using that infant as a tool in it. Put the blame were it belongs.

Why dont they blAme the thugfather who shooting at the cops with baby stuck in the middle? hmmm A murdered and carrer domestic abuser. If he carred for that baby he would have left the baby home/. Instead of ingaging in a shoout out with cops and using that infant as a tool in it. Put the blame were it belongs.
Well, as in Virginia by the Governor Black Face, you could say this was a post birth abortion....
I am not celebrating the death of a baby. It just reminds me of the case in Maryland a few years back where the woman used her child as a shield and she brandished a weapon and the police killed her (not the baby) anyway and the #SayHerName people were all up on police brutality about that too. The unfortunate teachable moment they missed in that event was that the reason the woman was nutty as a fruit cake apparently had to do with lead poisoning after living in public housing all her life so they missed a chance to have a constructive conversation on the matter.
I am not celebrating the death of a baby. It just reminds me of the case in Maryland a few years back where the woman used her child as a shield and she brandished a weapon and the police killed her (not the baby) anyway and the #SayHerName people were all up on police brutality about that too. The unfortunate teachable moment they missed in that event was that the reason the woman was nutty as a fruit cake apparently had to do with lead poisoning after living in public housing all her life so they missed a chance to have a constructive conversation on the matter.
well this dude was wanted on a double murder charge and didnt want to go to jail.
They should be mad at that pile of dogshit that brought a baby into a gun fight to begin with.

But honestly I don't give a shit what they think. Everytime they speak they make me dislike them even more. And fact of the matter is they will never stop being mad at something, they will always find something to be pissed about.

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