As sinful as I am, why aren't I

As sinful as I am, why aren't I sick more often?
As sinful as I am, why aren't I hurt more often?

Everyone has it backwards. We think that God shouldn't allow it.
Unfortunately, it is you who has it backwards.

It's pretty clear that none of the gawds has an interest in who lives and who dies or who gets hurt and who doesn't.. Believers in whichever gawds they were given, die or commit "sin" no more or less often/differently that those with different gawds or no gawds at all.

Billions of people make no effort to examine their religious beliefs, they simply have them, make token nods to them, appeal to them in the hope of dying sooner, rather than later to gain spiritual and carnal rewards and cling to them when they die for comfort. Nothing difficult in that. No, it's much harder to face truth coldly. It's far easier to believe in a loving father figure who will reward us (or p u n i s h us) based upon our understanding of a bunch of ancient rules written in the desert somewhere. It's a simple Santa Clause (purposeful mispelling) model that most people, who are not particularly discriminating, can embrace without their tender sensibilities getting violated. It's not pleasant to think there's no "ultimate justice" out there. It sucks to realize that a dead Hitler or Mao or bin Laden, etc., are pretty much beyond suffering for their cruelties. But it's the truth. And we need the truth to function properly and operate in a sometimes dangerous world.

God doesn't have to punish right now. That is what He has Satan and the fallen angels for. God's punishment is different and is reserved for the next dispensation.
God is still kind to the wicked and He sends the rain on the just and unjust.
When we pass off into eternity, punishment will be based on whether you know God in this life based on your decision.
You couldn't possibly change my mind to believe your theology because Chuck knows more Bible than you and my knowledge trumps your knowledge for the immediate future.
Is there a reason why Chuck refers to Chuck in the third person?

Otherwise, It seems Chuck is being presumptive to speak on behalf on the gawds. By what authority does Chuck presume to know with certainty the wants and desires of the gawds?

its in that thing called the Bible- specifically the NT- You know Jesus' teachings and all that stuff.
The bible, written by men, imbued with man's fear, ignorance, and hate – the bane of humankind; used to intimidate, create fear, and justify intolerance.
As sinful as I am, why aren't I sick more often?
As sinful as I am, why aren't I hurt more often?

Everyone has it backwards. We think that God shouldn't allow it.

Are only sinning if a member of a religion which says what you're doing is a sin.
As sinful as I am, why aren't I sick more often?
As sinful as I am, why aren't I hurt more often?

Everyone has it backwards. We think that God shouldn't allow it.
Unfortunately, it is you who has it backwards.

It's pretty clear that none of the gawds has an interest in who lives and who dies or who gets hurt and who doesn't.. Believers in whichever gawds they were given, die or commit "sin" no more or less often/differently that those with different gawds or no gawds at all.

Billions of people make no effort to examine their religious beliefs, they simply have them, make token nods to them, appeal to them in the hope of dying sooner, rather than later to gain spiritual and carnal rewards and cling to them when they die for comfort. Nothing difficult in that. No, it's much harder to face truth coldly. It's far easier to believe in a loving father figure who will reward us (or p u n i s h us) based upon our understanding of a bunch of ancient rules written in the desert somewhere. It's a simple Santa Clause (purposeful mispelling) model that most people, who are not particularly discriminating, can embrace without their tender sensibilities getting violated. It's not pleasant to think there's no "ultimate justice" out there. It sucks to realize that a dead Hitler or Mao or bin Laden, etc., are pretty much beyond suffering for their cruelties. But it's the truth. And we need the truth to function properly and operate in a sometimes dangerous world.

God doesn't have to punish right now. That is what He has Satan and the fallen angels for. God's punishment is different and is reserved for the next dispensation.
God is still kind to the wicked and He sends the rain on the just and unjust.
When we pass off into eternity, punishment will be based on whether you know God in this life based on your decision.
You couldn't possibly change my mind to believe your theology because Chuck knows more Bible than you and my knowledge trumps your knowledge for the immediate future.

Chuck, if you are a born again Christian and are living a sinful life, you need to repent and surrender your life fully to Christ. The pure in heart shall God. The wicked in heart will not. Your bible knowledge cannot save you. Your denomination or church cannot save you. Only a pure and obedient heart surrendered fully to Christ will be accepted by the LORD in that day we stand before Him.

Without holiness, no one will see the LORD. This is not theory. This is to be taken literally.

God is kind and long suffering towards the sinner because He loves them and He sees what is going on inside of their heart. He sees the pain they are carrying, the despair they are in. He knows their sufferings, their disappointments. He sends his laborers to bring them the good news that God cares for them and has provided a way out - through Jesus Christ. The message the Lord sends to those who need him is:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
-Jesus Christ

This is the message the Labourer in the LORD's vineyard brings to those who are being held captive by the enemy and are desperate for an escape. Jesus isn't condemning them or judging them. His desire is to set them free and give them His life in exchange for their own broken lives. This is what it means to be born again. To fully surrender one's life to Jesus Christ and receive Him as Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ doesn't send his laborers to torment the lost suffering sinner, to provoke them to anger, to mock them or ridicule them. Jesus is very tender and lowly of heart. Jesus is not arrogant.

Even the Apostle Paul who was called by Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel knew that he had to discipline himself to walk before the LORD with a pure heart. He said,

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

What Paul meant was - lest he should be disqualified. Thrown out of the race. Lost for all eternity. Many shall come to the LORD in that day and tell the LORD of all they did for him and He will tell them, Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you.

Jesus never called any man to work for Him. He calls men and women to surrender themselves fully to Him so that He may work through them. It's not your work. It's His!

Jesus cannot move through an un-surrendered vessel. Unless we fully surrender to Christ and give Him our hearts entirely - He cannot work through us. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:4

Those who labour to establish their own righteousness labour in vain, Chuck.
I predict war, and rumors of war, and pestilence and famine, and death.

Please send your money to P.O. Box 284, Dogtrot Missouri. In return, I will touch the camera lense, and your sense of smell will be returned to you!

Why did you cherry pick a few, to make them seem mundane? List all of the predictions. Then when you see all of them happening at the same time, look up.

Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door

Let's start with a few that can't be linked to any other time but now:
Increase in knowledge - Until 200 years ago knowledge doubled once a century.
Now it doubles once a year and as technology improves it is expected to double every 12 hours.

People hurrying to and fro. A horse can hurry for about 3 minutes. My great grandmother was born in the horse and buggy era. In just her lifetime she went from seeing a man putting a saddle on a horse to a man walking on the moon.

The gospel preached in every corner of the world. That was only able to be accomplished with the advent of the satellite.

There are just a couple of examples that narrow your 5 down to a specific time frame. Go ahead and list the rest of them and we'll see if there is a time frame where they are all relevant.
But just a note before I go, if I harbor any fear at all it is that you'll find out too late that He really is the way, the truth, and life.........

Ah the old standby, the just you wait christian revenge fantasy

Yep. "You'll get yours"

A universally sustaining benediction for the more excitable of the haters.

If you tell a child to avoid a hot burner, is it out of hate or love?
It's not hate. Why would a Christian hate someone that Christ loved enough to die for? You have hate confused with concern.
There's an old saying in Washington. "Say something 3 times and it becomes the "truth"."
No matter how many times you type "hater", or "fear", it never makes it "truth". I don't hate you. Do you hate me?
That's hardly a valid comparison. If I tell a child not to touch a hot stove and he does so anyway, I wouldn't condemn him eternally. I wouldn't condemn his children and their children by attributing sin to succeeding generations. I wouldn't drown the child because he disappointed me.

The list of things this "loving father" does is horrifying in the extreme. You may think that bashes him, but I didn't write the book that describes him doing such things and I certainly wouldn't worship a serial mass murderer.
I predict war, and rumors of war, and pestilence and famine, and death.

Please send your money to P.O. Box 284, Dogtrot Missouri. In return, I will touch the camera lense, and your sense of smell will be returned to you!

Why did you cherry pick a few, to make them seem mundane? List all of the predictions. Then when you see all of them happening at the same time, look up.

Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door

Let's start with a few that can't be linked to any other time but now:
Increase in knowledge - Until 200 years ago knowledge doubled once a century.
Now it doubles once a year and as technology improves it is expected to double every 12 hours.

People hurrying to and fro. A horse can hurry for about 3 minutes. My great grandmother was born in the horse and buggy era. In just her lifetime she went from seeing a man putting a saddle on a horse to a man walking on the moon.

The gospel preached in every corner of the world. That was only able to be accomplished with the advent of the satellite.

There are just a couple of examples that narrow your 5 down to a specific time frame. Go ahead and list the rest of them and we'll see if there is a time frame where they are all relevant.
Until a few hundred years ago, knowledge and exploration was squashed by the church. The Dark Ages lasted as long as they did because the church ruthlessly suppressed the advancement of exploration regarding the natural world.
I predict war, and rumors of war, and pestilence and famine, and death.

Please send your money to P.O. Box 284, Dogtrot Missouri. In return, I will touch the camera lense, and your sense of smell will be returned to you!

Why did you cherry pick a few, to make them seem mundane? List all of the predictions. Then when you see all of them happening at the same time, look up.

Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door

Let's start with a few that can't be linked to any other time but now:
Increase in knowledge - Until 200 years ago knowledge doubled once a century.
Now it doubles once a year and as technology improves it is expected to double every 12 hours.

People hurrying to and fro. A horse can hurry for about 3 minutes. My great grandmother was born in the horse and buggy era. In just her lifetime she went from seeing a man putting a saddle on a horse to a man walking on the moon.

The gospel preached in every corner of the world. That was only able to be accomplished with the advent of the satellite.

There are just a couple of examples that narrow your 5 down to a specific time frame. Go ahead and list the rest of them and we'll see if there is a time frame where they are all relevant.
Until a few hundred years ago, knowledge and exploration was squashed by the church. The Dark Ages lasted as long as they did because the church ruthlessly suppressed the advancement of exploration regarding the natural world.

Now, be fair, Hollie. the Church did admit that Galileo was 1992.
I predict war, and rumors of war, and pestilence and famine, and death.

Please send your money to P.O. Box 284, Dogtrot Missouri. In return, I will touch the camera lense, and your sense of smell will be returned to you!

Why did you cherry pick a few, to make them seem mundane? List all of the predictions. Then when you see all of them happening at the same time, look up.

Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door

Let's start with a few that can't be linked to any other time but now:
Increase in knowledge - Until 200 years ago knowledge doubled once a century.
Now it doubles once a year and as technology improves it is expected to double every 12 hours.

People hurrying to and fro. A horse can hurry for about 3 minutes. My great grandmother was born in the horse and buggy era. In just her lifetime she went from seeing a man putting a saddle on a horse to a man walking on the moon.

The gospel preached in every corner of the world. That was only able to be accomplished with the advent of the satellite.

There are just a couple of examples that narrow your 5 down to a specific time frame. Go ahead and list the rest of them and we'll see if there is a time frame where they are all relevant.
Until a few hundred years ago, knowledge and exploration was squashed by the church. The Dark Ages lasted as long as they did because the church ruthlessly suppressed the advancement of exploration regarding the natural world.

Now, be fair, Hollie. the Church did admit that Galileo was 1992.
Yeah. I guess it just took a bit to check the math by counting all those rosary beads.
You stay here and hate on Jeebus, while I smile and thank Him for yet another wonderful day. AAhhhhh.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. I have still water, a restored soul, and a table in the presence of my enemies. I have all I need.
Hate on Hollie girl, I have things to do.......
Let go of your hate. You will have a better day. You're free to use your religion to reinforce your hate for those who don't share your prejudices but trying to convince me to share that pathology is, well, creepy.

Take you own advise.
I predict war, and rumors of war, and pestilence and famine, and death.

Please send your money to P.O. Box 284, Dogtrot Missouri. In return, I will touch the camera lense, and your sense of smell will be returned to you!

Why did you cherry pick a few, to make them seem mundane? List all of the predictions. Then when you see all of them happening at the same time, look up.

Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door

Let's start with a few that can't be linked to any other time but now:
Increase in knowledge - Until 200 years ago knowledge doubled once a century.
Now it doubles once a year and as technology improves it is expected to double every 12 hours.

People hurrying to and fro. A horse can hurry for about 3 minutes. My great grandmother was born in the horse and buggy era. In just her lifetime she went from seeing a man putting a saddle on a horse to a man walking on the moon.

The gospel preached in every corner of the world. That was only able to be accomplished with the advent of the satellite.

There are just a couple of examples that narrow your 5 down to a specific time frame. Go ahead and list the rest of them and we'll see if there is a time frame where they are all relevant.
Until a few hundred years ago, knowledge and exploration was squashed by the church. The Dark Ages lasted as long as they did because the church ruthlessly suppressed the advancement of exploration regarding the natural world.

The dark ages came from the fall of the Roman empire and the great apostasy. It was the church, in the form that w was left, that preserved knowledge of the classic age.

In fact it was the Irish monks converted shortly before rome fell that led the reeducation and stabilisation of europe
I predict that a hurricane will hit the SE part of the USA before December, 2015.
There is a difference between established weather patterns and predicting a series of events 3,000 years into the future.

if you fashion yourself a prophet, then you should be able to tell me who is going to win the 8th race at Mountaineer tomorrow. If you can't then you are a guesser, not a prophet.
Let's see if any other weather predictions can be checked off.
Increase in earthquakes in diverse places:

In the 10 year period 1900/09 our planet averaged 28.9 quakes of M6 or larger
In the following ten year period 1910/19 our planet averaged 32
1920/29 averaged 31.7
1930/39 averaged 37.8
1940/49 averaged 46.6
1950/59 averaged 45.1
1960/69 averaged 65.5
1970/79 averaged 103.1
1980/89 averaged 108.5
1990/99 averaged 149.2
2000/09 averaged 161.1
the years 2010 to 2014 are so far averaging 161.

handle, what other predictions should we be looking for?
Israel would be reborn. check.
They would revive the original language. check.

Lots of hurricanes hit the S.E. American coast ever since there was an American coast, but was Israel a Nation during them all? Were the hurricanes in conjunction with the gospel reaching the whole world? Again we can narrow your prediction down to a specific time. Ours.
But just a note before I go, if I harbor any fear at all it is that you'll find out too late that He really is the way, the truth, and life.........

Ah the old standby, the just you wait christian revenge fantasy

Yep. "You'll get yours"

A universally sustaining benediction for the more excitable of the haters.

If you tell a child to avoid a hot burner, is it out of hate or love?
It's not hate. Why would a Christian hate someone that Christ loved enough to die for? You have hate confused with concern.
There's an old saying in Washington. "Say something 3 times and it becomes the "truth"."
No matter how many times you type "hater", or "fear", it never makes it "truth". I don't hate you. Do you hate me?
That's hardly a valid comparison. If I tell a child not to touch a hot stove and he does so anyway, I wouldn't condemn him eternally. I wouldn't condemn his children and their children by attributing sin to succeeding generations. I wouldn't drown the child because he disappointed me.

The list of things this "loving father" does is horrifying in the extreme. You may think that bashes him, but I didn't write the book that describes him doing such things and I certainly wouldn't worship a serial mass murderer.

Neither does your Father condemn you to hell for eternity. He gave you a sure fire way to avoid it. Jesus Christ. While we were disappointing Him.

You should thank Him for what your lack of understanding calls mass murder. Without it there would be no human DNA left on this earth. What he destroyed in human and animal form were nephilim. And even at that he put it off until there were only 8 humans left on earth whose DNA hadn't been corrupted.
I prophesy that evil shall arise from the Middle East, and that fire and destruction will spread from there to engulf the world, resulting in famine and thirst, as well as death from the sky, and from under the sea. I prophesy that buildings will fall. There will be many who claim to be be the returning messiah, but they will be exposed as demons, sent by the devil to deceive the righteous. In the final days, Israel will be locked in a deadly embrace with Satan, in a battle to the death.

Tune in next week for the next chapter.
As sinful as I am, why aren't I sick more often?
As sinful as I am, why aren't I hurt more often?

Everyone has it backwards. We think that God shouldn't allow it.
I thought you were gonna say dead. i don't think I've met one person who understands God
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.

To most of the country, Pat Robertson is the face of Christianity. That happened because the Christians who care more about behaving as Jesus taught than they do about politics allowed it to happen. It's past time that we demand that so called conservative Christians quit bastardizing the name for political purposes.

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