As sinful as I am, why aren't I

As sinful as I am, why aren't I sick more often?
As sinful as I am, why aren't I hurt more often?

Everyone has it backwards. We think that God shouldn't allow it.
Unfortunately, it is you who has it backwards.

It's pretty clear that none of the gawds has an interest in who lives and who dies or who gets hurt and who doesn't.. Believers in whichever gawds they were given, die or commit "sin" no more or less often/differently that those with different gawds or no gawds at all.

Billions of people make no effort to examine their religious beliefs, they simply have them, make token nods to them, appeal to them in the hope of dying sooner, rather than later to gain spiritual and carnal rewards and cling to them when they die for comfort. Nothing difficult in that. No, it's much harder to face truth coldly. It's far easier to believe in a loving father figure who will reward us (or p u n i s h us) based upon our understanding of a bunch of ancient rules written in the desert somewhere. It's a simple Santa Clause (purposeful mispelling) model that most people, who are not particularly discriminating, can embrace without their tender sensibilities getting violated. It's not pleasant to think there's no "ultimate justice" out there. It sucks to realize that a dead Hitler or Mao or bin Laden, etc., are pretty much beyond suffering for their cruelties. But it's the truth. And we need the truth to function properly and operate in a sometimes dangerous world.

God doesn't have to punish right now. That is what He has Satan and the fallen angels for. God's punishment is different and is reserved for the next dispensation.
God is still kind to the wicked and He sends the rain on the just and unjust.
When we pass off into eternity, punishment will be based on whether you know God in this life based on your decision.
You couldn't possibly change my mind to believe your theology because Chuck knows more Bible than you and my knowledge trumps your knowledge for the immediate future.
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.
As sinful as I am, why aren't I sick more often?
As sinful as I am, why aren't I hurt more often?

Everyone has it backwards. We think that God shouldn't allow it.
Unfortunately, it is you who has it backwards.

It's pretty clear that none of the gawds has an interest in who lives and who dies or who gets hurt and who doesn't.. Believers in whichever gawds they were given, die or commit "sin" no more or less often/differently that those with different gawds or no gawds at all.

Billions of people make no effort to examine their religious beliefs, they simply have them, make token nods to them, appeal to them in the hope of dying sooner, rather than later to gain spiritual and carnal rewards and cling to them when they die for comfort. Nothing difficult in that. No, it's much harder to face truth coldly. It's far easier to believe in a loving father figure who will reward us (or p u n i s h us) based upon our understanding of a bunch of ancient rules written in the desert somewhere. It's a simple Santa Clause (purposeful mispelling) model that most people, who are not particularly discriminating, can embrace without their tender sensibilities getting violated. It's not pleasant to think there's no "ultimate justice" out there. It sucks to realize that a dead Hitler or Mao or bin Laden, etc., are pretty much beyond suffering for their cruelties. But it's the truth. And we need the truth to function properly and operate in a sometimes dangerous world.

God doesn't have to punish right now. That is what He has Satan and the fallen angels for. God's punishment is different and is reserved for the next dispensation.
God is still kind to the wicked and He sends the rain on the just and unjust.
When we pass off into eternity, punishment will be based on whether you know God in this life based on your decision.
You couldn't possibly change my mind to believe your theology because Chuck knows more Bible than you and my knowledge trumps your knowledge for the immediate future.
Is there a reason why Chuck refers to Chuck in the third person?

Otherwise, It seems Chuck is being presumptive to speak on behalf on the gawds. By what authority does Chuck presume to know with certainty the wants and desires of the gawds?
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.
Just going out on a limb here, but I suspect Pat would paraphrase your comments above regarding his impression of all you false Christians.
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.
Just going out on a limb here, but I suspect Pat would paraphrase your comments above regarding his impression of all you false Christians.

Or we will get the impression that you would lie for false science.
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Roberton does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.

You brought up Pat Robertson, not I. And I also don't watch him, and never sent him money. I used Satan to represent you, not Pat. :)
Hollie, you are confused. He protects those that belong to him, not your father Satan.
Come to the light, Hollie. All the hatred you harbor for Him and his own will be washed away.
Umm, sorry. But you're in a very dark place that I'm having no part of.

Misery loves company? I have no need to live in trembling fear of angry, deities. But, could you maybe get me a plastic jeebus that I can put on my dashboard? You know, just in case.
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.
Just going out on a limb here, but I suspect Pat would paraphrase your comments above regarding his impression of all you false Christians.

Or we will get the impression that you would lie for false science.
Are you confused regarding what post you're responding to? That made no sense.
What a disgusting quote, Hollie. It would be the equivalent of someone shoving you out of the path of a speeding car, then you going over to that dying person, bleeding out on the road, and riddling the person that saved you with bullets.

I am quite sure that you have sinned enough already to warrant the cross. Only an ingrate would try to keep Christ on that cross for as long as he possibly could.

This is earth. The rain falls. What you have is a Father that loves you enough to die for your sins, making you eligible for an eternal life with no sickness, no pain.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.
Just going out on a limb here, but I suspect Pat would paraphrase your comments above regarding his impression of all you false Christians.

Or we will get the impression that you would lie for false science.
Are you confused regarding what post you're responding to? That made no sense.

What you are doing is smearing people who don't follow Pat Robertson and misrepresenting people who don't have anything to do with CBN.
That is dishonesty so if dishonesty is part of your life then it is possible that you live like that and why I don't have a reason to be here. I just came back to say goodbye to some people and to see if they wanted to stay in touch. If you don't want to be honest then what are you doing with us? I have no reason to throw my pearls before swine.
Poor I hate Jeebus Hollie, Don't need plastic. Have absolutely no fear, and my God is a loving God. He came here to die in my place, so I could live in His place for eternity. What has your Satan done for you lately?
Lately, Satan hasn't drowned most of humanity.

Who hates jeebus? It seems folks like you exploit your fears and prejudices by using ancient tales and fables to promote your insecurities. You use your jeebus like a bloody truncheon.
Pat Robertson isn't dead yet. Stop promoting yourself for his job.

I don't think any of us would want to trade places with Pat Robertson. For someone who wants to be scientifically accurate, you surely pick to use the strawman arguments because Pat Robertson does not represent people like myself who don't want to watch him. I've never given him any money. I've never promoted Pat Robertson and Pat Robertson would never make it on my list of sound Bible teachers. To use Robertson to represent me is dishonesty on your part.
Just going out on a limb here, but I suspect Pat would paraphrase your comments above regarding his impression of all you false Christians.

Or we will get the impression that you would lie for false science.
Are you confused regarding what post you're responding to? That made no sense.

What you are doing is smearing people who don't follow Pat Robertson and misrepresenting people who don't have anything to do with CBN.
That is dishonesty so if dishonesty is part of your life then it is possible that you live like that and why I don't have a reason to be here. I just came back to say goodbye to some people and to see if they wanted to stay in touch. If you don't want to be honest then what are you doing with us? I have no reason to throw my pearls before swine.
I'm underwhelmed by the melodrama.

I just think it's important to point out that you are as convinced as Pat that you, and you alone are the bearer of the coveted "true Christian" moniker. That dynamic even extends to the numerous subdivisions that Christianity has splintered in to. I have no reason to accept that you hold some special, unique understanding of Christianity that no one else has; that you, and you alone, have some a conduit to the "true understanding" of the gawds.

I compared you to Robertson only because you both are arrogant enough to believe that your version of Christianity is the "true" version.
You stay here and hate on Jeebus, while I smile and thank Him for yet another wonderful day. AAhhhhh.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. I have still water, a restored soul, and a table in the presence of my enemies. I have all I need.
Hate on Hollie girl, I have things to do.......
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You stay here and hate on Jeebus, while I smile and thank Him for yet another wonderful day. AAhhhhh.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. I have still water, a restored soul, and a table in the presence of my enemies. I have all I need.
Hate on Hollie girl, I have things to do.......
Let go of your hate. You will have a better day. You're free to use your religion to reinforce your hate for those who don't share your prejudices but trying to convince me to share that pathology is, well, creepy.
How sad that people debase themselves and their children , being taught from childhood they are bad (sinful), child abuse

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