Article 2 , sec 1 , clause 2 !! Why election was fraud


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.
You’re out of your mind.

trumpkins are still throwing a temper tantrum because your sociopath messiah lost.

That’s what happens when you spend five years purposefully making more than half the country hate you. More then half the country comes back and votes your fat orange ass out of office.

now stfu
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.
I love when they pretend to know anything about the constitution. They are amusing.
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.

The states are in charge of their own election and I believe the states all approved those changes to the elections.
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.
You’re out of your mind.

trumpkins are still throwing a temper tantrum because your sociopath messiah lost.

That’s what happens when you spend five years purposefully making more than half the country hate you. More then half the country comes back and votes your fat orange ass out of office.

now stfu
You’re a vacuous buffoon and don’t know anything
Now you STFU
" Sedition Orchestrated By Institutional Goofballs "

* Tactical Targeted Trump *

Yes, but we as Americans just let them get away with all this.
Those states should decline to send electorates to cast votes for president , but honesty and virtue are not an expected standard .
So according to the Trumptard version of the Constitution, if a legislature makes the rule "Republicans win every election, no matter what the vote count is", then that's the law. It doesn't matter if the governor vetoes it, the State Constitution prohibits it, and every court strikes it down. They still say it's the law.

What's more, they say it's what the founders intended.

That absurdity indicates how absurd their claim is, and how dishonest they are.

Not wanting the Constitution to be book-sized, and not thinking that one political party would go full-fascist-traitor as the Republicans have done, the founders didn't see the need to spell out every last detail of every topic in every line of the document.

That's why, for the past two centuries, the courts have rejected the Trump cult revisionism here. Falling into the "too obvious to need stating" category is the fact that state laws passed by the legislature require a governors signature, are subject to judicial review, and that state legislatures pass legislation to delegate election-law power to state election officials. It's absurd to think that the state legislature needs to called into session to vote on every minute detail of election law.
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !

Totally correct. But the courts refused to hear the cases and in one case they told the Trump team he should have protested these cases months ago before the election and maybe they were right.
They did try but were denied by the USSC
You had state legislatures filing complaints to the state USSC and the USSC refused to step in
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.
You’re out of your mind.

trumpkins are still throwing a temper tantrum because your sociopath messiah lost.

That’s what happens when you spend five years purposefully making more than half the country hate you. More then half the country comes back and votes your fat orange ass out of office.

now stfu
LibBots live a temper tantrum.
So according to the Trumptard version of the Constitution, if a legislature makes the rule "Republicans win every election, no matter what the vote count is", then that's the law. It doesn't matter if the governor vetoes it, the State Constitution prohibits it, and every court strikes it down. They still say it's the law.

What's more, they say it's what the founders intended.

That absurdity indicates how absurd their claim is, and how dishonest they are.

Not wanting the Constitution to be book-sized, and not thinking that one political party would go full-fascist-traitor as the Republicans have done, the founders didn't see the need to spell out every last detail of every topic in every line of the document.

That's why, for the past two centuries, the courts have rejected the Trump cult revisionism here. Falling into the "too obvious to need stating" category is the fact that state laws passed by the legislature require a governors signature, are subject to judicial review, and that state legislatures pass legislation to delegate election-law power to state election officials. It's absurd to think that the state legislature needs to called into session to vote on every minute detail of election law.
USA is a banana Biden boat republic!!
I have just clearly proven that
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.

Your rant is old crap now, since this topic based "stolen election" babbling has been smashed into a million pieces in many threads.

Biden won the election, that is a fact the Trump team needs to accept.

Trump team had many, many legal opportunities to challenge the results, only to fail 100% of the time. It is over, the January 6 Certification vote will not change anything since they are all Certified by the states, 6 of the states that have survived numerous legal challenges to them, therefore their Certification decision is legal and complete, therefore any challenges in the Congress will fail, since the legal road already made clear the states Certification decisions are validated already.

The endless whining about "stolen" elections are stupid and self defeating.
Clearly states that only state legislatures can make election changes !
This was greatly violated about 4 key states by not verifying signatures, accepting late ballots and accepting ballots with zero signatures!!!
All these rules were changed to ensure Biden wins by radical state courts , govs and AGs
The USSC could have stopped this travesty but refused . There is no longer a nation and the election are meaningless.

Your rant is old crap now, since this topic has been smashed into a million pieces.

Biden won the election, that is a fact the Trump team needs to accept.

Trump team had many, many legal opportunities to challenge the results, only to fail 100% of the time. It is over, the January 6 Certification vote will not change anything since they are all Certified by the states, 6 of the states that have survived numerous legal challenges to them, therefore their Certification decision is legal and complete, therefore any challenges in the Congress will fail, since the legal road already made clear the states Certification decisions are validated already.

The endless whining about "stolen" elections are stupid and self defeating.
Biden won by massive fraud
Millions of sham votes
BDS is way more toxic than TDS. We’re only T-22 and already you righties have lost your mind.
BDS is way more toxic than TDS. We’re only T-22 and already you righties have lost your mind.
I would not call me a righty ?
Trump was extremely moderate on everything
I am even pro-women’s choice and accept we need more gun regulations
I am a common sense guy

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